28 October 2023

Making Tea

First, you put half a cup of water
And leave it on the flame.
While you add two spoons of
Tea powder. Maybe a half more.

Then the same amount of sugar,
A bit less maybe.
Then you watch, till the bubbles
Show up with signs of boiling.

Now comes the milk, almost
The equal quantity of water.
Don't pour more thinking it'll
Taste better. This is not coffee.

As you pour milk and it mixes
With the decoction, you should
Observe the way it mixes like
Some mystical painting.

And as the color turns from
Black to pale and from creamy
To brown- the waft of aroma,
That elates your head-

You know the quality of it
Before even tasting.

And when you strain it in a cup,
The tip of your tongue already
Dancing over the moist fumes.
The first sip sends your soul-

Into the space. You'll have to
Pull it back after sipping one more.
And one more and more till
Your astral self makes peace

With your actual one.

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