28 February 2024


I'm not a cynic or out of bound 
Positive person in any way.
Romanticist for sure but many a
Times a sense of existentialism
Keeps getting at me to make
Think I'm a nihilist.

I'm that person who doesn't
Want the roses to die.
But not the one who believes
That its beauty can indefinitely last.

I'm a realist that way but I
Also have this urge to glorify
Elegance of that rose and
Believably explain its
Aesthetic impact.

But then again I'm afraid of
The thorns too- so there's always
A sense of restraint from
Any form of attachment.

And sometimes the fear of
Thorns stretches so much that
They take the shape of a ghost
To haunt me at night.

Amused by the freshly arrived
Spring and equally haunted
By the autumn that would
Shower dry leaves-

I tread carefully between
The narrow lanes of two faces
Of a coin. I know it's head
Or tail any given day.

But I overthink about the thin
Rim of the coin that might decide
To beat the two definite odds.
I'm definitely a skeptic that way-

But am I?

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