09 March 2024

To A Friend Who Killed Himself

But he was just here yesterday,
Debating about inflation
Farm bills and rural distress.
He had a beer and danced
Like hell to "Dhan te na"
From Kaminey.

Suddenly he was sad for a bit
Concerning his mother.
And was excited again to
Talk about the new deal
He cracked for a big ass

And in the morning when
It was said he hanged
Himself to death,
Quoting no reason or clue
As to why he did it.

It was shocking, surprising
And mind-boggling.
Disappointing above all.
How could he go without
Saying anything?

When I see his mother-
Her pale eyes brimming
With tears- writing apologies
To empty cradles thinking
It's her mistake-

I try harder to stick my
Ears into the void he has left,
To listen to the possible echoes
Of his unsaid goodbyes-
All the unasked questions
Go unanswered and

The condolences like caged
Birds flutter to mock my
Emptiness that keeps coming
Without a formal invite.

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