25 March 2019

Speak Up

Speak up, you moron.
Your words-

Let them poke,
Leave a stroke.
Hang upside
Down.. till some
Egos choke.

Let them touch,
Let them caress.
Let them leave a scar,
Rejoice a memory..

Let them,
Fall in an argument.
To put up a fight.
Duel with tongues,
To see some
Bleeding gums.

Let broken teeth
Be their abode
For a while.
Dirty mouths give them
A taste of the world
That's flawed.

Stop whining
All the time.
Lift those walls,
Grow some balls,
Be a man!

Let the words
Crawling in your
Veins burst open
To write a revolution.

The insights hitting
Roof of your brain
Start another phase
Of evolution.

Throw down
Your walls.
Hold on your ground.
Speak up
To hurt tonight.

Speak up...
To love.

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