01 October 2020

A Warm Goodbye

We're not on 
Good terms.
I know.
The longing
Is gone.
Glittery fantasies
Are worn off.

There's just
Haughty sarcastic
Taunts and
Lot of blame.

The castle
We had built,
Is grounded.
Brick by brick.
We have 
Managed to
Find a place
In its ruins. 

But can I ask
You something?
Beg for a 

Can we love
Properly for
Another week?
Can we relive
Some moments,
Just for the 
Sake of it.

Let's giggle
And cry.
Take the 
Mountains to
Breath and sigh. 

Allow me to
Smell you.
Play with your
Hair and
Just for a night,
Let's become
Vulnerable and
Drown in each 

Take me to
Your favourite
I'll believe in
God for a day
And pray.

Let the fresh
Smell of coffee
Pass past our
And an elated 
State make us


Let's not fade
Away like
Let the parting
Not stink with

Let's undo
This properly.

On a weekend,
Let's sit around.
Layer by layer.
Let's wear this off.
When we've
Enough memories
To fuel 
A campfire.

Rather than
Letting our
Bare souls,
Forget each other
Out of cold

My love..
Let's hate.
Let's fight.
Let's get dirty..
And kiss a
Good bye..
On a
Warm note.

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