30 July 2021


Stars born.
Then doze off.
Even the 
Galaxies die.

Demons are
Gods are 

Predators to
Blue whale to
A Sting-ray-

Only time
Is immortal.
Rest all are
Its victims.

Doesn't matter
At what end of
The gun you're.

In the end-

You too will be
A good hunt
For a
Better hunter.

Got a Quill instead

I'm no bird that
Can soar high,
With flap of

I'm no animal
To survive the
Wild and breath

I'm no mantis 
To disguise my
Prayer and
Find my game.

And I'm no microbe
To to grow my
Appendage at

I'm just a human 
With aspirations.
Myriad dreams 
To fullfill.

They said, I can't fly. 
To prove them wrong,
Stretched my hands.

A wish for wings
To go wrong..
God offered me a
Quill instead of
A fancy frill.

29 July 2021

Proper Romance

Let's kiss till
Our lips bleed.
Fuck till hearts

Rub off this
Between friction
Our skin.

Let's hold on
To one another
Till we're lost
In a dream. 

Love is but a
Leap from
Somber to 

Lust is our 
To polish our

Smile is for
Meek, we'll
Laugh till we've

Wild is our 
Thing but 
This is not a
Random fling.

Beyond the 
Ideals of true love
And confines of
Bare lust..

This is a 
Proper romance. 
A bollywood


Gone is tide,
Blown is wind.
A second that
Has passed,
Has sunk down
In an abyss.

Fallen is leaf,
Dead is a sheep.
A river to go
A mother is
Afraid for her kids.

Bygones are
Mown grass
In the lawn.
A sailor has no
Business with
A person,
He once was. 

Sunsets in the
West are surely
Our point of rejoice.
But the horizon 
Of the east is
What we desire. 

Hope is a thing
That drives life.
Past is a rust
To move on from.
A new day is ahead
At the break of dawn,
Let me meet you

As a new man.
In a new form.

More than ever

On the days
When it will
No longer rain..

The wind will be
Too haughty to
Soothe my pain..

The paths to
Chose would
Be pitch forked..

Louder than 
My mouth..

The silence
Noisier and 
Bitterly cold..

I'll remember you. 

From dark dusted
Corners of 
My mind to

Cob-web and
Crown-nest laden
Heart of mine.

I'll remember you.

Like the fleeting
Fragrance of 

Like the sober
Morning of
January first.

The winters
Of December

Rains in

I'll remember you..

To hurt myself.
Remind myself.
Forget myself.

To write you 
On a paper.
Burn it to ashes.

To douse these
Usual mindless
Clashes to 

Finally realise,
How much I miss you.
More than ever.

28 July 2021


Dreams beyond
Window panes,
Are stuck in 
Narrow lanes.
Some at edges
Of brain.
Others at social

Staring eyes,
Complaining cries.
The rain that
Falls here is meant
In a stinky drain
Of prejudice.

The broth in the
Cooker is 
Purposefully spoilt. 
Light outside
The room is meant
Only to the flies.

A bird that 
Learnt to fly is
Just a good hunt
For over a night.
The one that sang
Looks beautiful
Only in a cage,
Saree is a disguise.

Dreams are rare
Ceramics for
Visitors' display.
Teen Girls in 
Colors are reserved
For slave trades.

Either you die
As a wife or
Live long enough
To be aborted.
Between two 
The girl that lives
Here is a curse.
If she's manly enough
To dream, 
It can get worse. 

Broke, Single in 30s

Two roads diverged
In the wood.
The one you took
Didn't offer much anyway. 

You tripped down
From over a stone,
And your front 
Teeth are gone.

As a teen,
You had gotten
Your share of grey,
In 30s you're bald.

Crush said, you ugly.
Even your mom
Must love you out
Of compulsion.

Your dad is your
Reflection. Judges you.
The same way,
You would have.

You're single and
Prisoner of your hand.
First half is gone,
But should you be sad?

Remove your shades
And look at life-

If fate didn't make
You laugh.
You really didn't
Get the joke man.

Lies of Love

A moon-ful of
Paradise in a
Full-blown daylight. 
He assured me
White Lilies on an
Abandoned island. 

Stars would grow
Wings one day
He said.
Riding the winds
That spread colors,
Fairies would
Come to ward off
Blues of winter.

Fireflies in the 
Month of December,
Bike rides by the
Coast, over break
Of monsoons.

Oh! Stop it.

Serving starlight
In ceramic saucers,
To force hope
In deserted islands.
Is bad mannerism.

Planting dreams
In somebody's
Mind is an act
Of terrorism.

26 July 2021

Show Stealer

Earth is bothered. 
Looks up in
Thirsty rhymes.

Clouds have 
Conquered the sky.
The sunshine
Has been smothered.

Sun puts up a 
Worthy fight.
A thunderbolt strikes.

Raidrops like 
Small nails,
Gush down with rage.
Cut and pierce, 
Yet, they douse 
The unquench.

Fresh light is out, 
The clouds are
Done with.
Sun has regained
The sky.

With green sheen,
Earth is poised
With a fresh gleam.
Ready again!
For her affair
With the moon. 

On a stage set by
Sun put up his act.
But the moon 
Stole the show. 

Radioactive Cascade

Termite infestation
In my heart.
Crawling everywhere,
These dusty burrows
Tell me that they're
A piece of art.

Leaches feeding
On my soul.
Purge of my mind,
The Holi I'm part of
Is a bloody war.

Blood has turned
My veins might
Cry a revolt..
A nuclear fission
In wake,
My mind might

The decay I'm 
Undergoing better
Be radioactive.

Thorium and 
Radium cascades 
Are fine.
Even radon and
Polonium can be
A bearable delight.

Till the isotope,
I'm gonna be is a
Another piece of
Even a nuclear
Armageddon is
A tequila shot.

22 July 2021

People pass. Not their flight.

Crouched behind
A veil, the eyelid
Is a tiny boat.
Running wild and
Conquering highs,
Sea-sized animal 
Is a sight.

Under dim-light,
A pen in little
Girls' hands,
Has challenged
A blood thirsty
Sword's might.

A kid's fist that
Turned tight,
To take a stand,
Has outlived
Many lives.

From roofs to
The backyards..
Kitchens to graveyards.
The battles mom's
Pallu has seen,
Has outweighed,
Both world wars. 

Drenched in sweat,
Guts twisted,
Fathers that slashed
The skies to usher
Sunlight are the
Bravest knights.

Birds might forget
To fly, their wings
Might eventually
See a blight.
But never redundant
Is their flight.

People pass but
Dreams transcend.
Eyes are just an
What matters is
Their sight. 

17 July 2021

Freedom Paradox 2

Husbands slashed
Open the sky.
Cutting onions,
Housewives cried.

To come out of it's 
Flying spree..
Outside the village,
A kite cut itself free..

As a kid stood in protest
To eat his meal.
An old man declared 
He'll not sleep.

Why can't men be
Angels? Just asking,
A single father,
Breaths in guilt.

Freedom isn't free
Said the known.
Knowing nothing
A fool took a 
Casual breath.

Absolute freedom
Is lonely. Too much 
Bondage, a slavery.
Between lies our
A wiseman
Before he wasted
His life on wine.

A joke someone
Cracked,  anyway
Landed on Mars.
And those who laughed
Didn't survive. 

13 July 2021

All Over Again!

Distant memory,
Of a faded face.
Left to be forgotten
In an abandoned

Each trace that
Was etched is
Done with.
Every scar is
Masked and
Left to be choked.

All half baked
Stories thrown 
To the embers.
Unwritten songs
Fed to the 
Cold wolves.

Each memory
Rubbed off with
Lemon and salt.
Washed clean in
The sea that was

But salt water is
A good preservative
They say.
Maybe that's why
She's all over,

12 July 2021

Whores of Desire

In a cramped part of
Town, down the
Unfriendly road.
Charm is high..
Red lights' tone.

Apathy lingers,
In mismatched gowns.
Under hooded 
Everyone here is
Just a collective 

Bare bodies,
Often untouched.
Their loneliness
Still unquenched.
People tread adrift.

Hotels, motels
To petty brothels..
Drought everywhere.

Half baked souls
In full-grown bodies.
Restless minds of
Thirsty genitals..

In search of
Between thighs,
All are whores of
Their own desires.

Lost Love

Churning flashbacks,
Restlessness in heart.
Should the longing have
Taken birth in me alone..
Oh! mighty God.

Why did you depart?
My love, my heart.
Should you have 
Gone away abruptly?
It's such a quagmire.

Death awaits every
Moment in the
Graveyard of my mind.
Should you have 
Buried our love alive?

It's just your play,
Should you have
Cried such a havoc?
Done with living,
God! Enough of
This life.

Corporate Life

Blood knows 
No enemies.
Thirst remembers
No friends.

The money you've
Lent is as good as
An address-less
Letter you've sent.

The time you've
Spent with her,
Will turn bitter.
Sleep is on sale,
For the restless
Nights ahead. 

Dead are favourites
Of the devil.
The one surviving
Are just tax paying
Cogs of a wheel.

Remind me later,
If you find free air 
To breathe.
What's the point
Of living without
A bit of greed?

In the corridors
Of your office.
An unseen enemy 
Has let you win.

For all the 
Uncommitted sins,
You now douse
Cigarettes butts 
On your skin.

Uncertainty Principle

We're the bike
That broke down
On the highway.
Sweat off the 
Brows in mid-day.

The sulphated
Tears while
Chopping onions.
Heated arguments
Over political 

Capsized paper
Boats down the
Victims of 
Pouring rain.

A mystery on 
Run on a wide
Awake day.
Unwanted luminance
In late night's

To the souls 
Made for each other
We're just devils,
That douse hope
And dance to the
Blue flame.

Of a love story
That hanged itself
With a rope.
Took a bad leap
Off an untrusted

We're just usual 
Scenes of a
Twisted script.
Overacting tropes
Of an un-hurled

Don't trust us..

We're the haze
Beyond the 
Morning mist.
Fate beyond 
Calculated grip.

We're agents of
Heisenberg's bravoes.
We're mirages that 
Are just to be 
Passed by.
The obvious that you 
Shouldn't be 
Bothered with.

If you look back..
We'll hunt you.
We’ll haunt you.
Get to you in
Your sleep to eat
Your dreams.

11 July 2021


I'm a flower.
Bee is my

Shoot is
My father.
I'm fruit's

Bud is my

My grandchildren
Feed the worldly

You call them
I call them 

Aid of a Kiss

She looks at me
With lots of
I look back with
Ton of puzzles.

Like fire and ice.
Red against blue.
Each gaze,
Reinforces a
Raging embargo.

Till it becomes,
Driven by desire.

The rage of eyes
Is doused by
The aid of lips,
We kiss.

We kiss and
All the questions
Are answered.
Mysteries are

There we stood
Tall. Fully high..
With happy sighs.
Like mountains
That just conquered
The heights.

Until, she looked 
Back again.

By then,
The world had
Turned smaller.
We had jumped
Off to space to
Peg a tent.

Life on Toenails

Mornings bring
Battlefields and
Make me take

I shoot birds 
Of hope with

Burn budding
Stories with
Half smoked

I've ruined my
Room's walls
With the stains
Of my blood.

Have hit the
Rock bottom
With a pretty
Good thud.

Blue skies are
Just empty wells.
I've chosen death
As my winter wear.

Sorry, you seem
To have something
Else to say..
I wasn't listening..

I've a day to pass,
A war to win.
And prepare myself
For a apocalypse
By night. 

A turmoil in head.
Shipwreck in ribcage.
Tremors to run-down 
My legs..Life stands 
On toenails.

09 July 2021

Freedom Paradox

Can there be 
Freedom without
A sight without
Shade of the

Life without
Fear of death?
Or a desire 
Devoid of 
Incessant threat?

Isn't poetry a
Bondage of
Music confined
In pauses of

A white page
Is of million
Plain paint,
Of myriad

Standing still,
How withheld
Is a tree?
Cut-lose kite can
Ever be free?

Liquor isn't the
Only tool,
Eyes are 
Intoxicating too.

Birds can be 
Prisons too 
Can be
Someone's envy.

07 July 2021

Wouldn't I Be Wanna

When it's cloudy,
Wind, steady..
Drizzles a bit to the
Background of a 
Long lost song..

Why wouldn't I
Be wanna slashed
By your smile. 

Why wouldn't I be
Wanna caged in
Your arms. 

Like a cut lose desire,

Why wouldn't I be
Wanna, at the behest
Of your enchanting