29 July 2021

More than ever

On the days
When it will
No longer rain..

The wind will be
Too haughty to
Soothe my pain..

The paths to
Chose would
Be pitch forked..

Louder than 
My mouth..

The silence
Noisier and 
Bitterly cold..

I'll remember you. 

From dark dusted
Corners of 
My mind to

Cob-web and
Crown-nest laden
Heart of mine.

I'll remember you.

Like the fleeting
Fragrance of 

Like the sober
Morning of
January first.

The winters
Of December

Rains in

I'll remember you..

To hurt myself.
Remind myself.
Forget myself.

To write you 
On a paper.
Burn it to ashes.

To douse these
Usual mindless
Clashes to 

Finally realise,
How much I miss you.
More than ever.

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