03 April 2022

Gratitude to Self

Hey, listen.
Take a moment.
Cut yourself some
Close your eyes.
Inhale, and
Hold your breath
For a while.

Let the crackling
Of your thoughts
Take some time
Till they glare again.
Hot gush of blood,
Hold on for a bit
Till it'll rush back
To head. 

Can you compose
Yourself to hear
Tick of the clock?
Lay back a little
To feel the sweat
Off your brows.

How about the
Birds that chirp
In the distance.
Might they want
Your attention?

And the rustle
Of leaves.
Swish of wind.
Flaunted blue of 
The sky and
The smell of
Jasmine that wafts

Does she come
To your mind.
Does he still ride
Your thoughts?

Let's remember
Someone who has
Gone away before
You could thank.
Or the one you
Couldn't forgive

Can you feed that
Dog if you see it 
The next time?
Play with the cat
If it hops in on
Your lap.

Give it a thought.

And now,
For once.
Pass yourself 
In your mind.
Remember your
Face, smile and
All the good things
That have happened
While you're around.

And before you
Open your eyes.
Give yourself a
Silent hug.
Forgive yourself,
And also thank.