13 April 2022


Eat veg,
Don't speak English.
Don't ask questions 
And beware of what
You wear on head.

Because an extra
Ounce of protein
To your bones and
Infection of logic
In your brain..

Can make your
Vote foolproof
Against the lure
Of notes and
Threats of bigots. 

Secularism is a sin.
Liberal is gandu.
Right is to eat
And shed the left,
As wiping your ass 
Is not so holy. FYI. 

Food prices and 
Inflation are for
The elite.
Harassing lovers
In parks is how 
You create jobs.

So bow your head,
Beat your wife.
Threaten the neighbour.
And take the side of 
The colour that's on 
The top of our flag.

Beware of the one
That's in the middle,
As it represents peace.
And remember to
Fight the one that's 
It's a patriotic deed.