We live in poems and die.
We dance sometimes and
Sometimes cry.
There are drums and guitars
In the corner. Knives and
Nooses on the other.
Divine worship and the
Invocation of Satan that
Goes hand in hand..
We're no one's favorite.
Hate can live long enough
Here. Love can readily die.
Romanticism is our kidnaper
And we got Stockholm
Syndrome diagnosed.
Poetry is a spectrum to
Choke on in search of
Meaning of life.
The wormholes placed in
Our words to enter one world
And exit through the other..
The full exploration of
The universe on our platter
May seem sweet.
But it's Salty and Sour.
And toxic at times.
Why so you may ask.
And our reply would
Always be a 'Why Not?'
22 January 2025
20 January 2025
Give me a heart that can
Bear longing and mind that
Can handle parting.
Give me legs that can endure
This tread and shoulder
That can carry intentions
That are decent.
And when the skies of
Separation cry a light so bright.
Seas of betrayal heave waves
Beyond fathomable heights.
Give me eyes that can't
Go blind and hands that
Can swim through the
Turbulent times.
May the tears of yesterday
Not seep in today and
The lure of promised laugh
Not hail on the fragility of
The present.
My wishes are ordinary and
Prayers are simple.
May thou bless with wings
That can take me high
And an attitude that keeps me
Grounded to remind me
Where I belong.
17 January 2025
What eyes have cast a bad spell
On me. I do not know. I stand in front
Of the mirror often and smile.
What shadows have colored
My beliefs. I do not know.
I question myself often and sigh.
There are doodles in the
Last pages of the notebook.
There's a name dancing on my lips,
I don't want to say aloud.
Fresh bloom of roses in my garden.
The lilies are open for an affair.
What witch has unleashed her
Enchanted cats on me,
My head full of rats is on riot.
The resistance inside asks if
It can bell the cat and I almost budge
To the onslaught of demands but
Something tells me to loosen up
A bit. I do not know what makes
Me go crazy these days-
Just wanna throw my hands
In air and artlessly dance.
What shadows have colored
My beliefs. I do not know.
I question myself often and sigh.
There are doodles in the
Last pages of the notebook.
There's a name dancing on my lips,
I don't want to say aloud.
Fresh bloom of roses in my garden.
The lilies are open for an affair.
What witch has unleashed her
Enchanted cats on me,
My head full of rats is on riot.
The resistance inside asks if
It can bell the cat and I almost budge
To the onslaught of demands but
Something tells me to loosen up
A bit. I do not know what makes
Me go crazy these days-
Just wanna throw my hands
In air and artlessly dance.
16 January 2025
Hand lingers more than
It should.
Eyes go beyond whatever
My mind can't interpret.
Where does the wisdom
Lie though? In seeing things
As they are or re-imagining
Them into something more?
The bricks and bones of this
Dilapidated hut with a brain.
What more can this be?
A hand's yearning for another..
A phallus longing to fit into
Desperation of another to
Produce something that
Comes out crying.
The bare act of feeding
Famished Tongues was
Translated into different tastes
And now we sit here asking
Existential questions like
Condoms having flavors.
Other species must feel
Sorry for us for having a
Brain that overthinks.
Mating, eating, shitting in the
Open and not bothering
About a sleep schedule.
By letting us think that
We're the top in the chain-
They seem to be enjoying
A higher order of evolution
It should.
Eyes go beyond whatever
My mind can't interpret.
Where does the wisdom
Lie though? In seeing things
As they are or re-imagining
Them into something more?
The bricks and bones of this
Dilapidated hut with a brain.
What more can this be?
A hand's yearning for another..
A phallus longing to fit into
Desperation of another to
Produce something that
Comes out crying.
The bare act of feeding
Famished Tongues was
Translated into different tastes
And now we sit here asking
Existential questions like
Condoms having flavors.
Other species must feel
Sorry for us for having a
Brain that overthinks.
Mating, eating, shitting in the
Open and not bothering
About a sleep schedule.
By letting us think that
We're the top in the chain-
They seem to be enjoying
A higher order of evolution
Wish we could be friends again
Before I saw rainbows
In your eyes and
Bloom of roses in
My heart.
There was an island
Where we could casually
Talk, laugh, cuss and
There wasn't anything
Special about the things
You did.
Not receiving a call for
Weeks wasn't an issue.
Even talking to you
For hours didn't build up
Any expectations.
Then a fantasy grew.
Things changed.
Our island got infested
By butterflies.
And when you ask why
Can't we be friends..
I don't know what to say.
The dangle of earrings,
Carve of your lips.
God! How your smile is
Enchanting these days..
I wish I can ignore
The strands of your hair
Caressing your cheeks.
I wish your persona
In the black attire
Doesn't hamper my
If you can tell me
Convincingly why the
Hell we can't be a thing..
I'll tell you exactly why
Can't we be friends
Till then adios my
To be or not to be
Friend/lover with an L.
Somewhere I'm still a
Confused boy who's
Not yet bothered about
The consequences.
I refuse to be a grown
Adult man.
Still biking around the
Supposed places with
My BFF, still believing
All the fun will be
The urge to become
A shepherd in the
Himalayas doesn't
The longing to be a
Monk as an escape to
This reality is still on
Somewhere the kid in
Me, running in the
Narrow streets of
My village with a tyre..
Has seen the adult me
Grow wings.
I flap and sour high.
Dive down screaming..
The air rushing to my
Face and tears drying
In the periphery of my
I lock eyes with him
And nod.
He smiles in approval.
Heck of a life.
Confused boy who's
Not yet bothered about
The consequences.
I refuse to be a grown
Adult man.
Still biking around the
Supposed places with
My BFF, still believing
All the fun will be
The urge to become
A shepherd in the
Himalayas doesn't
The longing to be a
Monk as an escape to
This reality is still on
Somewhere the kid in
Me, running in the
Narrow streets of
My village with a tyre..
Has seen the adult me
Grow wings.
I flap and sour high.
Dive down screaming..
The air rushing to my
Face and tears drying
In the periphery of my
I lock eyes with him
And nod.
He smiles in approval.
Heck of a life.
15 January 2025
Sense of Aestheticism
This friend in school with
Same kind of mad.
After reading a couple of
Same books and going
High on some philosophical
We tried to delve into the
Mysteries of metaphysical
Paradoxes against the
Volatile dance of our
Teenage hormones.
On the last day of school,
We climbed on the roof
Of sixth class to stay there
Till the orange sun
Disappeared below the
The sense of aestheticism
That got to us then-
We've been chasing it
For over a decade and
Half now.
Not tired of the beauty
Or bonhomie.. The things
We've experienced and
The places we've explored..
Just yesterday when we
Biked hard to catch a
Sunset on the beach
In Manipal..
We missed it because
He wanted to change
To his shorts first.
Can you believe that?
Enraged, Disappointed
I lie on the sand.
He too understands what
We missed.
But that's all right.
Good that we know what
We've missed.
Good that we know
What are we gonna miss
If we don't pursue.
That's what keeps you
Going right?
The curiosity that fuels
How biking in the Himalayas
Can always start with
A feeble admiration for
Sunsets from above a
Same kind of mad.
After reading a couple of
Same books and going
High on some philosophical
We tried to delve into the
Mysteries of metaphysical
Paradoxes against the
Volatile dance of our
Teenage hormones.
On the last day of school,
We climbed on the roof
Of sixth class to stay there
Till the orange sun
Disappeared below the
The sense of aestheticism
That got to us then-
We've been chasing it
For over a decade and
Half now.
Not tired of the beauty
Or bonhomie.. The things
We've experienced and
The places we've explored..
Just yesterday when we
Biked hard to catch a
Sunset on the beach
In Manipal..
We missed it because
He wanted to change
To his shorts first.
Can you believe that?
Enraged, Disappointed
I lie on the sand.
He too understands what
We missed.
But that's all right.
Good that we know what
We've missed.
Good that we know
What are we gonna miss
If we don't pursue.
That's what keeps you
Going right?
The curiosity that fuels
How biking in the Himalayas
Can always start with
A feeble admiration for
Sunsets from above a
My boy doesn't seem
To walk on the ground
These days.
He likes to levitate.
Shit-talking about random
Girls has stopped.
Looks at earrings in
Thrift shops than
Second-hand bikes.
He doesn't stone the
Mating dogs these days.
Talks about the nostalgia
Of Kishore Kumar songs.
Oils his hair and wears
Better bright shirts and
Wonders why his shit
Stinks after he shits.
My boy has become a
'Bwoy' it seems.
The other day he cleaned
His own puke and swore
Upon his mom to give up
He was a good goddamn
Cement-Wall with shards of
Glass to insulate himself
With feminine curses.
But somehow a witch has
Gotten to him bad, like
Periwinkles leaving cracks.
We're taking counter
Measures though..
Confident, his sailed ship's
Gonna capsize in about
Six months. Or maybe less.
We're getting ready on the
Otherside to relish a
Drunk night full of his rants
About her betrayal.
We know he's gonna sing
English songs after the 4th peg.
His homecoming has to
Happen with an orchestra.
So we're busy tuning our
Instruments now.
To walk on the ground
These days.
He likes to levitate.
Shit-talking about random
Girls has stopped.
Looks at earrings in
Thrift shops than
Second-hand bikes.
He doesn't stone the
Mating dogs these days.
Talks about the nostalgia
Of Kishore Kumar songs.
Oils his hair and wears
Better bright shirts and
Wonders why his shit
Stinks after he shits.
My boy has become a
'Bwoy' it seems.
The other day he cleaned
His own puke and swore
Upon his mom to give up
He was a good goddamn
Cement-Wall with shards of
Glass to insulate himself
With feminine curses.
But somehow a witch has
Gotten to him bad, like
Periwinkles leaving cracks.
We're taking counter
Measures though..
Confident, his sailed ship's
Gonna capsize in about
Six months. Or maybe less.
We're getting ready on the
Otherside to relish a
Drunk night full of his rants
About her betrayal.
We know he's gonna sing
English songs after the 4th peg.
His homecoming has to
Happen with an orchestra.
So we're busy tuning our
Instruments now.
I haven't read the book
You gifted me on my
21st birthday.
You remember that day?
You came to meet me
From Mumbai. We had
Lunch in a restaurant.
One of my friends had
Insisted me to offer you a
Flower. I did and you
Had accepted it without
Feeling awkward.
I told you about how I
Love to walk to college
All the way from the
City bus stand.
You said you'd love
To walk. And we walked
Some 7-8 km that day
In the sun.
You gifted me that book
Upon reaching college.
I couldn't read it then.
Then things turned
Worse between us.
I decided to read it when
I'd miss you the most
One day.
A decade has passed now
And every excuse not
To read it has come to
An end.
I don't miss you much but
I feel I should read the book
One of these days.
Or should I go back on
The same road to cover
The same distance
Under the August Sun.
Miss a decade of your
Absence at once.
Then sit in the college lawn
To read it.
Perhaps every finished
Page can be used to
Wipe off tears or
Burn them to ashes by
My brain-scalding ire.
You gifted me on my
21st birthday.
You remember that day?
You came to meet me
From Mumbai. We had
Lunch in a restaurant.
One of my friends had
Insisted me to offer you a
Flower. I did and you
Had accepted it without
Feeling awkward.
I told you about how I
Love to walk to college
All the way from the
City bus stand.
You said you'd love
To walk. And we walked
Some 7-8 km that day
In the sun.
You gifted me that book
Upon reaching college.
I couldn't read it then.
Then things turned
Worse between us.
I decided to read it when
I'd miss you the most
One day.
A decade has passed now
And every excuse not
To read it has come to
An end.
I don't miss you much but
I feel I should read the book
One of these days.
Or should I go back on
The same road to cover
The same distance
Under the August Sun.
Miss a decade of your
Absence at once.
Then sit in the college lawn
To read it.
Perhaps every finished
Page can be used to
Wipe off tears or
Burn them to ashes by
My brain-scalding ire.
13 January 2025
Men In Love
I don't want this night to
End. I don't want this
Conversation to run out
Of steam.
The moonlight reflecting
From your eyes and
The enchantment your
Lips have cast..
There's something about
Today's sky.
Something about you in
This cold-stricken passage
Of time.
The sways of your hair
Against your cheeks.
My heart playing tricks
With my senses..
It's hard to express.
Your persona building a
Nest in me like you're a
Sparrow and my yearning
Finding excuses to make
You origami crafts.
Damn this feeling.
Why would anyone
Stereotype men as
Strong and haughty?
They clearly haven't seen
A guy fall in love.
Smooth like fragrance.
So soft, even a thousand
Feathers can't match
The caress.
A man falling in love is
Like a little girl's dream
Translating on her face
When she's asleep.
You gotta be careful
To capture it.
It's a momentary lapse
Of reason.
A little rush and
He'd be conscious..
And you may never see
That blush again.
Well, till maybe when
He'd be blessed with a
Daughter in some
Imaginary future.
Mom, Gran and..
It's the weight of daily
Chores or burden of idealism
Imposed within closed doors?
The cry of babies or the noise
Of wanna-be boys and men
That weighed her down?
Why is she hesitant when
Someone asks her name?
Who was she before she
Could be a mom or gran?
The magical mystery, who
Reeks of round rotis and
Balance of a perfect sambar.
Something loud-mouthed
Consumed the syllables of
Her last name.
Found only in her school
Certificate maybe.
But the paths to her school
Is erased-
Childhood defaced and
The backstory of how she was
Before she turned a Misses is
Fed to the Wolves.
What remains now is an
Ageless face. Her wageless
Labour and hints of onions
In her expression..
Which doesn't go beyond
A couple of sulphated tears
In the kitchen.
Your own Magic
After a while, you get
Handy with seamless
Operation of gears and
It occurs to you, how a
Better braking system is
Not merely for stopping but
Upping the speed.
After a while, you realize
How you spend your days
Is how you spend your Years,
Decades and Lifetime.
And how sometimes
Consequences don't matter.
Putting yourself in a cocoon,
Having yourself an image.
Doesn't matter.
Age can be counted on
Number of places you've
Visited and number of times
You've aimlessly danced.
You realize if you could
Have stretched your hands
A bit more, you could have
Grown a pair of wings.
How if you could have
Eased yourself with life,
Things could have fallen
In a better place.
After a while, when you
Find yourself utterly alone.
You realize, how no Priest
Or God can help you.
Nor a president or PM.
You realize how you
Need to work on yourself
Till the feather of
Luck comes to rest on your
Shoulder like it's a
Whisper of Buddhist bird.
You realise how
Wonderful it is to be
Your own wizard and
Handy with seamless
Operation of gears and
It occurs to you, how a
Better braking system is
Not merely for stopping but
Upping the speed.
After a while, you realize
How you spend your days
Is how you spend your Years,
Decades and Lifetime.
And how sometimes
Consequences don't matter.
Putting yourself in a cocoon,
Having yourself an image.
Doesn't matter.
Age can be counted on
Number of places you've
Visited and number of times
You've aimlessly danced.
You realize if you could
Have stretched your hands
A bit more, you could have
Grown a pair of wings.
How if you could have
Eased yourself with life,
Things could have fallen
In a better place.
After a while, when you
Find yourself utterly alone.
You realize, how no Priest
Or God can help you.
Nor a president or PM.
You realize how you
Need to work on yourself
Till the feather of
Luck comes to rest on your
Shoulder like it's a
Whisper of Buddhist bird.
You realise how
Wonderful it is to be
Your own wizard and
11 January 2025
Trade Off
We live on a hill.
The rain ruins the lives of
The people below.
We sneak in at night to
Steal shoes of the dead.
We've got a winter to
Get through ahead.
Some of us succumb to
The snow anyhow.
And people from below
Wait for the hints of
Melting snow to steal
Bones of our dead.
They need them to build
Shelters against the next
Rain that's due.
The rain ruins the lives of
The people below.
We sneak in at night to
Steal shoes of the dead.
We've got a winter to
Get through ahead.
Some of us succumb to
The snow anyhow.
And people from below
Wait for the hints of
Melting snow to steal
Bones of our dead.
They need them to build
Shelters against the next
Rain that's due.
Fed up, ashamed.
Feeling gross about
What I've written in my
Diaries all these years..
Decided to burn them
Page by Page.
There goes 3rd December
Of 2015 and 28th Feb of
Another leap year of
The past decade.
Faces of people I almost
Recognize along with
The fade of my own.
Words turning into flares..
Erasing them line by line,
Soot rising in the air.
Seemed I was a blank slate
For a while.
Shortly it rains.
Water-soaked char of
Memories clogging drains
And stinking. Seeping in
Dreams and haunting to
Remind me how I can't
Escape the past. How flushed
Memories can turn into ash,
And force you to cough.
Feeling gross about
What I've written in my
Diaries all these years..
Decided to burn them
Page by Page.
There goes 3rd December
Of 2015 and 28th Feb of
Another leap year of
The past decade.
Faces of people I almost
Recognize along with
The fade of my own.
Words turning into flares..
Erasing them line by line,
Soot rising in the air.
Seemed I was a blank slate
For a while.
Shortly it rains.
Water-soaked char of
Memories clogging drains
And stinking. Seeping in
Dreams and haunting to
Remind me how I can't
Escape the past. How flushed
Memories can turn into ash,
And force you to cough.
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