Showing posts with label Tragedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tragedy. Show all posts

18 August 2023

Remembering and Forgetting

Reveries thrust
In beer bottles
Before discarding. 
Memories stashed 
In cigarette butts
After forcefully 

Any subtle trace
Of poetry that
Arises in my head.
I squish it with
My fingers and
Wipe out the stains
With masturbation.

Maybe I've 
Developed a liking 
To punish myself
This way. 
Dopamine works 
In a strange way. 

This repeated effort,
To remember and
Forget has formed 
Rough striations in
My brains. 

And whenever I rub 
My thoughts
Against it, the tones
That finds me..
Cascade down like
Sharp thrust of a
Needle down my 
Bones and I can't

21 June 2023


The leeches, 
That slither down
Our skin.
The vermins that
Eat over the 
Leftover sleep.

We're not afraid
Of the devil, 
That pays a visit
In our dreams.

The wounds, 
Inflicted this way 
Can eventually
Be healed. 

The worst kind
Of pain has certain,
Hidden softness
About it. Like-

The rose petals
That slit open
Our veins..but
We've been happy
About the smell
That has stayed. 

The bygones,
Who left a memory 
Without care and
The nostalgia, 
Has been ruining
Our days in vain. 

Prison is a bad
Place anyway.
But when we,
We scratch open
The scars again.

08 June 2023


Before I can let oblivion win.
I'll douse cigarette butts on 
The surface of my skin-
To stash you in my sins. 

Before I let apathy take over.
I'll chisel down all my longings 
Deep enough to cast you down
My ribs. 

On the tip of my nib. 
Around the contours of
My whim. 

And before I let you go 
For good. I shall intimately
Weave you into the fabric of  
Cosmic expanse. So when, 

A star dies, every time,
The vacuum left shall set in 
A fiery impact that can only 
Be filled with your voice.

03 June 2023

Solitary Confinement

To all the 
Unheard voices
I have been

For all the 
Unsent letters 
I've been waiting 
To be replied-

Invisible trails
Of ink. 
The Unseen

At a congregation
Of silence. 
I muffle prayers 
In a corner.. 

With a leash
Around my neck.
Blindfolds and
Gags still intact.

25 May 2023

Self Sabotage

These days
I'm trying to learn 
The art of killing. 

I've killed thoughts.
Prayers, wishes.
I've killed a
Couple of people, 
Three cities.
Some roads, rivers. 

Seems it doesn't 

I've been killing 
The ideas I can 
Pen down, 
Memories I can
Reveries I can
Hold on.

I've killed you too,
Last night. 
And how hard
It can be to
Let lose other
Friends, parents

It doesn't matter

But as I write
This, standing here.
Standing alone.
Like an ocean
That has lost
All its water.

Left with just
Sand dunes and
Salt mounds..
I realize, that

A waterless ocean
Is not even a desert.
It's just a subtly 
Flaunted disaster.

08 May 2023

Find Someone

Drinking the darkness
The land, the sea 
And the sky have 
Sunk in silence.

Maze of all the 
Invisible paths
Been blinded into
A mirage. 

Stealing everyone's
Identity, the night 
Has frozen down 
Into oblivion. 

What presented 
Itself is green is not
At all seen. 
Even the blue 
Couldn't escape
This unfortunate 

The yellow too
Has shaken its hand
Into a comprise.
Red stayed for a 
While but it's been
Smothered too.

Rainbow now is
A monochromatic
Giant as everything
Is turning 
Increasingly black. 

Lonely insomniacs
Should stop trying.. 
Sleeping alone is
Not advisable

03 April 2023

Deserved mourning

As you learnt 
Speaking and played 
With words.
Few got choked in 
Your mouth as you 

As you learnt to 
Ideas that came 
Your way.
Many got crushed 
In your mental clutter.

As you wrote 
And painted.
The characters that 
Ended up on 
The wrong side of 
The papers. 

The pens you've 
Lost. The pages 
You've torn. 
To teach you 
Step by step, 
The bricks that 
Have died. 

All those 
Martyred things 
More mourning.

Perhaps with
Few roses and 
Extra daisies. 
And few lines of 
Poetic eulogies.

01 April 2023

Unfinished Things

I start writing stories
And leave them midway.
Then tear up the pages to
Let them rot in a corner.

I suppose, maybe
Regrets get me going.

Like the time I decided
To climb a mountain
And came back without
Reaching the top. 

The girl I let go,
Out of sheer arrogance.
When there were ample 
Chances to amend.

The trains I hop.
Buses I get down from.
The constant urge to
Escape and leave
Things incomplete. 

So ingrained is this
Act of self-sabotage that-

By the end of each poem, 
I tend to kill the poet in me, 
To hang him in the
Last paragraph. 

And if you decide to
Read me next time. 
Bring flowers and 
Eulogies to offer peace,

To all the unfinished
And incomplete things. 

28 March 2023


Unsung songs on 
The tip of tongue,
Dissipate in 
Overused melodies.

Unrealised dreams
From moist eyes
Drown in forgotten 

Unsent mails.
Unspent time.

Unsold fantasies 
In the holster to
Wither in tired 

An unlived life
Mourns in a
Body-bag with 
Muffled eulogies. 

15 February 2023


The oasis 
I sought 
Out of thirst, 
Has dried up. 
The mirage
I overlooked
Must have been
A river.

The shelter
I longed all along,
Has been
The ruins, 
I've been avoiding 
Must have been
A house I belonged. 

To get rid of
My ill fate,
I ran away from

In a far-fetched 
Place where
No-one could be
I met anyone 
To everyone, 
To realize.

The toxic person
I was trying to 
Escape was hiding 
Within me. 

Hopes to Regrets

The light has
Quenched the dark.
New hopes have
Come to life.
To the songs
Of a nightingale.
Lilies have decided
To dance.

An old tree has
Fallen down to
Make a way to
A new plant.
A dream to
Open its eyes,
The possibilities
Seem infinite.

The child in me
Seems to have
Grown a beard,
Age has taken
Over time.
Days seemed
Hopelessly long.
Yet years have passed
In the blink of an eye.

The night has
Clocked twelve.
Shards of memories
Have returned back,
And my longing to
Drench in the rain.
The water has
Caught fire.

14 February 2023


A philosopher is
Complaining in 
My head.
A rapper is 
About set an 
Obsolete trend.

Poet of fall.
Singer of a
Doomed dawn.
I'm a comedian
Who's being
Laughed at.

I for sure am
An astrologer
Banished by the stars.
Like a politician
Who talks less
And is kind.

An overthinking
Piece of charade.
A self-sabotaging
Kind of facade. 

On the surface
I look calm.
Take no offense,
Or mean harm.
But inside,
On myself, I stand
Holding a knife. 

Hurt people,
Hurt people,
They say. And 
If you come close, 
The knife can 
Turn around. 

21 December 2022


The sky wants to
Be painted in red.
The river wants to
Fall off an edge.

The wolves howl
To be tamed,
And dogs want a
Salary raise.

The tiger is 
But water is not 

A feast on a 
Live deer, might 
That be right
To thaw its rage?

Held in a 
Similar page.
Brooding in just 
Another cage.

You think you too
Are the same but
That's a blatant 

23 October 2022

Dead Words

We don't talk
These days.
Yet some silence
Lurks around,
In bits and pieces,
In Appeal.

We don't see 
Each other
These days.
Yet this longing
Hangs tight
Like a hungry bird
Poised to peck.

Memories of your
Creases of your 
It's hard to sit
Idle with you 
All-over my head.

So I try to force
My thoughts,
Into fragility of
Some words. 
They eventually
Fall prey,
To fit into a noose 
And die dry on a 
Sheet of paper.

There's nothing
Blander than 
Watching dead words
And I'm swimming
In the smoke of 
My own funeral pyre.

28 September 2022


Lies in gold-foils
Are spoils of war..
Offered, out of pity
To the young widows..
Saying everything
Is fair in war.

Pics with filters,
Pretentious poses.
Fix your nose,
Mind your tone.
Burning fat is more
Important in love.
So are fake promises,
With red roses.

Possibility of love 
Going wrong 
Shall not be talked.
Healing is banned.

A band aid for heart
Is time. 
But wasting time
Is not advisable.
As recycling is 
Harmful to capitalism.

17 March 2022


Compulsive desire
To leave places.
Impulsive desire
To explore.

This nagging feeling
Of being left out.
Persistent worry
Of not belonging

Short lived conviction.
Fear of failure.
Sense of not being
Good enough.

Inability to hold onto
Something for long
And a haunting
Desire to long
For something 
When it's gone.

Maybe I belong
To the sandy area
Of the seashore
Where nothing lasts.

Swish of water,
Things come along.
Giving enough 
Reasons to feel,
Soon they're gone.
Itch of scars. 


With clink of 
Glasses against
The warmth of a
Smoky fireplace.

A subtle emotion,
Of seemingly never
Ending place. 

I remember a
Japanese phrase,
That means
"I love you".
I say it loud 
Without proper

But it bounces
Back from the
Shabby South-wall,
Like a song of a
Long lost dawn.

To which I dance
Remembering all
The abrupt good-byes.

And life now has
Come down to a
Sort of insomnia borne
Jolt of awareness,
That I'll die one day
And eventually,
Move on. 

29 January 2022


I try to forget you.
But I fail.

I drink all day to
Forget you.
But I fail.

I read, I write.
I sleep, I wake.
I choke on my

Talk to the ceiling,
Fight with pillows.
I bask, I crack,
I whack and I 
Really, really, try
To make you go

But I fail.

You creep in 
Like a snake to
Scare me again.

You sneak in
Like rustle of
Leaves in the
Dead of night to
Haunt me again.

It's like my
Head is on fire.
Skin has turned
Hair is a mess
With a strong urge
For an itch.
And I have
Run out of water
To take a decent

Upon that I've 
Decided to hate 
The rains too.

Also, I've been
The shadow of
The moon but
He has followed
Me everywhere.

I've tried to kill
You in my stories.
Tried to burn our
But I've badly 

And like fumes of
Hot chai that
Elevates desires.
You creep in to
Demand a 

And I ask myself
If I want to forget
You for sure.
Do I really want
To let you go?

The answer slightly
Tilts towards a no.

Seems like I've
Grown a fondness
To this embargo.
This fondness take
Sides of a fight 
Inside my head.

To be or not be.
To be you sometimes
And to be me the other.
To stay put or
Just move on.

Maybe it's fun.
Maybe I'm not
Lonely that way.

24 January 2022

Poles Apart

Of the red
And the blue.
We're the 
Uncommon dark.

Of the music 
And the noise.
We're silences

Of a dream
And the dread,
A realisation that
Fled the night.

And of the hope 
And despair,
A love that didn't
Last long.

Like the sea  
And the sky.
We could meet
Only as a mirage.

In reality we're,
An universe 


Life slips from
The the clutches
Of my fingers like
The loose grains 
Of sand.

Passes through
The the gap in 
My eyes like a
Forgettable perspective.

Pages turn. 
The clocks run.
Night eats the day
And light turns up.

Time has fled.
Story is gone and
Before I could remember,
Oblivion said Hi..

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...