01 December 2021

I love shade

I love shade. 
Things with some
Degree of fade.
Worn out here 
And there.
Bruised, blemished,
Still their 
Entirety Intact,
Oozing life somehow 
From around 

Like setting sun's 
Red on blue inlay. 
a memory on rampage..
Sometimes a pain,
Sometimes sweet
As rain.

On a stormy night, 
The ship that
Went on a sail.
Trails of longing,
On faded pic.
A lost love that
Sneaks past mid-night
To evade sleep.

Like the tunes of 
A song on tip of
My tongue,
That I fail to
The days of
Childhood that
That seems to be
Escaping from
The clutches
Of my mind.

Blessing in 
One way,
From the other, 
A disgrace.
I love shade.
Things with some
Degree of fade.