28 December 2021


This shade of loneliness 
Hits you in your late 20s.
Feeds on insecurities to
Make your life compliant.

You accommodate yourself
In family trips.
Suddenly try to socialize
With strangers with
Sips of cheap drinks.

You form political opinions,
To fit in a group.
Watch cricket to blend in.
The mainstream is an
Inevitable end it seems.

All the girls you could have 
Had in college.
The moves you didn't make.
The words you couldn't say.

A feminine touch can
Only redeem you,
But your mirror 
Rejects you again.

Your only friend 
Succumbs to a girl.
And now you're really
Fucked in the head.

The loneliness sacrifices 
You to a societal mess.
And you decide to
Get married for sex.