16 February 2023


The flower that
Has bloomed,
Looking upto the sky,
Has forgotten the
Smell of soil.

To the false 
Promises of 
The moon and 
The stars. 
It has lost the 
Sense of where 
It belongs.

The leaves and
Twigs feel like
The foliage like
A prison it has 
Been held in. 

To the illusion
That is set in,
Should it mistaken
It's petals for 

Who doesn't
Want to scale
The sky?
Knowing its
Hasn't the Hen
Given up on
Its own flight?

Our flower has
Fallen in love
With its own
Narcissistic pride
Has grown out
Of proportion. 

Aspirations has
Messed its head, 
When it looked
Beyond  its roots 
And learnt to 

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