26 February 2023


The huts and 
The houses haven't 
Been spared.
Even the forests
And mountains
Stand obliterated. 

Burning everything 
It touches, 
The fire, 
Can it be any more 
The flames and
Hopes have been
Even the stars 
And galaxies are

Gulping everything
That glows. 
The darkness,
Can it be anymore
Slowly it effaces
And erases.
All the evidence
Of existence,
Even the traces
Of breaths are
Done away with.

Creating voids,
In the memories. 
The oblivion, 
Can it be anymore 
Holding the fire
And the dark
Under the helm 
Of oblivion.
The Time, feasting, 
Even on the voids
And vaccums.. 

Isn't it the 
Real glutton? 

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