15 December 2023


The boy is not guilty of
Stealing the money from
His father's pocket.
His Oldman meanwhile
Isn't guilty about his act
Of taking bribes.

The village headman is
Not guilty of using
The public funds for his
Daughter's marriage and
The daughter is not guilty
Of rejecting his lover
For a rich husband.

The boyfriend meanwhile
Is not guilty of leaking
Her nudes on the internet,
And his friends are not
Guilty of sharing them to
Show solidarity in his revenge.

The priest is not guilty of
Censuring devotees wishes
Or complaints and God in turn
Is not guilty keep tabs on
Everyone despite being

Everyone knows all well,
What are their crimes
But can they carry it all-day
In front of their eyes?

A hiccup in everyone's
Conscience. Guilty reflections
Are bad for smooth conduct
Of business.

So today marks the day
Of deliverance. Everyone,
Has to stone their mirrors
In the village graveyard.

Reflections, from now onwards
Are banned for a lifetime.

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