Prefers to cut onions,
Tomatoes and potatoes.
Refuses even to consider
Working on the paneer,
To flaunt its vegan-ness.
But occasionally it
Slips off a bit to cut
My finger a little,
Claiming it's a cheat day.
Just like my tongue-
Preference to just a bit
Of salt and sourness-
Abstaining from any
Form of sugar.
But then again,
Its boneless attribute,
That takes it anywhere to
Everywhere and it
Tumbles sometimes-
Utters the 'F' word without
Any restraint.
My pens that lie and
The glasses that color
My sight sometimes..
Just like Uncle Sam.
He breeds doves,
Preaches peace.
Holds conciliations to
Sign treaties.
But then, when he drinks
A little on weekends,
The chauvinism his under
His pink coat comes out,
Knocking random doors.
Compelling him to
Rape a couple of poor
Countries, quoting-
How their cigarette smoke
Is a potential
Mushroom cloud.
Mushroom cloud.