05 December 2023

Act of Listening

The other day I talked to a
Sparrow who told me all about
Her morning Riyaz and her
Favorite ragas.

Met a Hyena later on who
Flaunted his art of deception,
Tricks of fake tears and
How one should be ruthless.

The ants went on about
The importance of teamwork.
And the bees about their
Productivity hacks.

A wooden log by the street,
Told me all about his uncle still
Standing in a place for over
Five years and counting.

This act of listening to
Everyone seemed interesting,
Till I met a stone lying idle
On the road who started to

Boast about his ancestry at first.
That his forefathers formed
The foundation stones of
Monuments of Hampi.

How his friend is being employed
As a brick in Ayodhya Ram Mandir.
His boast slowly turned into
A sad rant eventually about..

How he's jobless even after
His younger brother got an
Employment offer to pound
Ginger and Garlic in a kitchen.

The problem was too relatable
So I asked him to forward his resume
To my mom by that evening,
And next day he was sitting under

One of the legs of my table to
Level the extra ground clearance.

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