23 February 2025

Life is 10th class

One more year of struggle 
And life would be set-

The preparatory exam is
Due tomorrow and you 
Haven't read anything yet.

Teachers say you should 
Study hard. 
The principal says yours 
Is the worst batch.

You try to put yourself into 
Blinders to stay focused 
But Neha keeps coming 
To mind.

There's still a lot of syllabus 
To cover but all your
Head can muster is ways to
Wish her "all the best".

Unable to recall the value
Of Sin 30 and Cos 60..
Unable to understand 
What's "Quite India" all about..

Somewhere you're still that
Teen of class 10.

Secretly praying for grace
Marks, you still believe that
Choosing humanities would 
Make your life easy.

But you don't know yet,
How misery does salsa 
Even there.

19 February 2025

Ray of Hope

The words have decided 
To abscond from the 
Pages of my diary.

The photographs have
Decided to fade away from 
The old albums.

An invisible hand holds
The face of all the memories 
Against a wall and rubs it up
Till the skin comes off.

What's left is a white blanket 
Of salt- sour and saline.

But despite the douse 
And despite the dusk.
Something inside makes
A strong appeal for 

Who's there? It asks.
Who's there?

And there's a subtle 
Knock from the other side.
And that seems enough.

It's someone's presence
That challenges the 
The stink of inevitable..
Like fragrance.

Like a single breath is 
Mightier than death.
A thought of you beats 
The shit out of oblivion.

Two Emotions

If you laugh when you 
Badly wanna cry.
Is it still sadness?

And sink within when you
Really wanna laugh it out. 
It's still happiness?

And when you cry so
Hard sometimes.
Your tears flowing down
Your nose.

Mixing with the nasal
Fluid and finding 
Way to your mouth.

The salty taste that
Invokes mother's 
Brutal beatings from
Your childhood...

The silent laugh from 
Your eyes that doesn't 
Translate on your lips-

What do you call it?

This gap in your 
Language that can't 
Handle two emotions 
At once.

What do you call it?

One Language

In the house that was 
Cozy and vast.
We had 10,000 windows.
Maybe more.

Then they said,
Tinting with aluminium 
Frames would be nice.

One at a time, 
over the years,
The clean blue sky
Turned pink, red, pale
And what-not.

Before we could realize 
What was at play,
That's what the nation 
Wants they said.

You gotta see through 
Our eyes and speak
Through our tongues.

"One Nation. 
One Language."

And when they gave 
The final makeover to
Our last window,
The last hope of clean light 
Shone bright at our faces.

But we didn't have a 
Vocabulary of our own
To scream a protest.

And when the last word of 
My language fell flat on 
The road- with the final 
Window down.

They checked if the last
Person can dream in
My lang and reciprocate.
And when there was 

They hosted a funeral on 
The graveyard of our 
Tongues to celebrate
National integrity..

Unity in diversity was 
The theme.

16 February 2025

Om Mangalam

In my region, everyone's 
Surname is of a distant village.
And if you ask them why

They'd tell you a story of 
How their ancestors killed 
Someone and fled their 
Original settlement.

My own Lineage goes back 
To a neighboring state. 
My grandfather's 
Great-Grandfather killed
Someone and fled his village.

Everyone has the same story.
Most of them at least.
And I hope it's the same 
Across the country. 
Or maybe across the world.

We're all refugees it seems.
Guilty of crimes. 
Seeking a place to hide. 
Maybe the entire world 
Is an asylum like that.

Maybe that's how the 
Civilizations here began.

Maybe we fled Mars after 
Killing all the trees.
Guilty of doing the same here.

Maybe be the first man on
Earth was called John Mars
At some point of time.
Or perhaps he was a 
South-Indian named Sreenu.
Aka Mangalam Sreenu.

And maybe that's why 
Mars is always pissed off
In our astro profiles.

Mangalam Sreenu is antagonist 
In the movie Puspa 

15 February 2025

Shooting Blanks

Picasso had a revolver
To shoot blanks at whoever 
Asked the meaning of
His paintings.

Out of frustration he
Loaded it for real once,
To shoot whoever asks
For a meaning.

But no one asked 
Any questions that day.
Just smiled at his art
And moved on.

He felt so violated that
He held the gun to his 
Temple for quite a while 
That night.

At the final moment,
It occurred to him to 
Paint something for 
One last time.

"A revolver that shot
Flowers when fired".

The abstract was so good 
He decided not to die.
Then it was sold for a 
Record price.

And when someone 
Asked what's the meaning.
He again shot blanks to
Convey how each painting 

Saved his life.

07 February 2025

Her Superlatives

The way they call her a
Juicy meat-
Dogs must be feeling
Her between their teeth.

Someone said she's a
Cute pussy-cat,
Rats must be terrified of
Her presence at night.

Pristine as primordial fire. 
She saves demigods from 
Conditional hypothermia?

Soothing as breeze.
Light as a bird's feather.
Intoxicating like a flower.

Someone even called her
Soft as a baby's butt.
And the way they touch 
Baby bottoms on live TV..

She must feel abused
Everytime there's a 

06 February 2025


Ochre-faced dreams haunt me.
I try to remember why I call it 
Ochre but I can't recall.

The quest takes me to an ancient 
Cave. Pitch dark and only a 
Kerosene torch to look ahead.

The smell of soot, cough and 
Ancient cold in tattered clothes. 
I hold the torch to the walls-

The Cave-Paintings in red dye. 
Hunting, Killing, and boiling 
Cauldrons with bodies..

A sudden slam of pale face at me.
It's my History teacher yelling 
"Ochre is Ferrous oxide..
Mineral used in cave paintings."

Ancient piss tightens my bladder.
I wake up. 10th class history paper 
And there's that question.

Occhre I write. A caveman comes
Running and slaps me for the
Spelling mistake I made.

Suddenly I am in a class at
The edge of a mountain.
Writing ochre a hundred.

Only question in mind.. why is 
English ma'am naked?
The PE sir charges at me with 
Cuss words after that thought.

Seems they're a thing from ancient 
Times. But why the hell he would 
Speak correct English this time?