Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts

02 December 2021


Went to school via
An enchanted forest.
Fought with a 
Demon which is 
Still infamous.

A plot he missed
Decades ago is
Worth crores.
Could have married 
Someone better.
But was hitched to
My mother.

Snores so loud,
Roofs can collapse.
Belches so hard,
Even Jet engines feel 
The drag.

Shameless farts,
Deep thrust toothpicks.
Hunts ear-wax with
Almost anything 
That's sharp.

Head buried deep 
In news channels,
He has defaced
Won wars against 
China and has
Defeated Corona
With blessings of
A local baba. 

With holes adorned 
White vest. 
Big belly is his 
Net worth.
Lungi as his Cape.
My father is a 
Superhero, who
Always swears. 

25 November 2021

Gone Missing

Did it slip off 
My pocket or
Jumped out of
My wallet.

Did someone
Steal it or
It has gone in

I've searched

Ransacked my
Room and 
Grazed up my

In my home,
Around the village.
Under the ground
And over the clouds.

I don't know who
Stole my smile..

Maybe the hefty 
Loan in the bank or 
This abject pain in
My intestine. 

Tired, I reached
My home.
Wife opened the door.
And now I know.

14 November 2021

Myths of Snowfall

Uncle says
Gods plough
The clouds
To grow cotton
In the sky.
Winter is their
Harvest time.

Hence the snowfall.
Mom opines that
All the cats in
Heaven caught a cold.
To allergic pollens,
They sneezed their
Furs out.

Hence the snowfall.
My grandma tells
Me otherwise.
Angels tried a
Mortal recipe,
To satiate a kid's 

A snowfall hence is 
A Cotton-candy
Gone wrong. 
My lover is a
Science grad.
She talks about
Inversion of 
Temperature and

I believe she's
Not right...
Maybe the sky is a
Romantic flirt who 
Desperately wants 
To impress Earth..

Snowfall hence
Is a Patronus spell
Awkwardly cast.

21 October 2021


Places and people
Are fused.
Twisted timelines,
Mixed up realities.
I punch someone
In the face to
Feel the same pain
In my gut.

Corner kick of 
Mine gets caught
By the goalkeeper
In me. 
The junkie I am
Is chased down
By the charade
Of a cop.

I drown in a 
Bucket of water.
But the coast-guards 
Fail to save.
I become a ghost
But no one is afraid. 
My fleeting soul too
Is a classic fail.

Einstein sentenced
Me to Auschwitz
For violating,
Newton's third law. 
The hangman 
Tightened the noose..

And I wake up in
My room. 

28 July 2021

Broke, Single in 30s

Two roads diverged
In the wood.
The one you took
Didn't offer much anyway. 

You tripped down
From over a stone,
And your front 
Teeth are gone.

As a teen,
You had gotten
Your share of grey,
In 30s you're bald.

Crush said, you ugly.
Even your mom
Must love you out
Of compulsion.

Your dad is your
Reflection. Judges you.
The same way,
You would have.

You're single and
Prisoner of your hand.
First half is gone,
But should you be sad?

Remove your shades
And look at life-

If fate didn't make
You laugh.
You really didn't
Get the joke man.

11 July 2021


I'm a flower.
Bee is my

Shoot is
My father.
I'm fruit's

Bud is my

My grandchildren
Feed the worldly

You call them
I call them 

26 April 2021


The sky is
On fire.
Invokes in me,
A bold desire.

Should I just
Flap my hands
And fly higher?

Or take leap
And swim in
A sea that's dire?

Something in
The air that 
Makes me aspire.

A spirit of enquiry
Is driving me,
Let me just take

A taxi for hire.

16 April 2021


Time and again,
He scrolls 
Through memes.
Tick by tick,
Every minute ends
With a shriek.

Doesn't take 
A peek at
The work that's
Pending from
A week..

Completed a
The hour hand
Vents a cautionary

He overlooks
As if time ain't,
His means.

Day ends with
A screech,
The work has
Gone out of reach.

Gets between
The sheets,
To declare, again,
How tomorrow 
He'll not have
A breach. 

At its peak.
Another day is
Added on to
The fifteen day 

Hero with a Cape

Too much to care.
But I'm left with
No capes to 

Most are torn.
One that's left
Is is hung in
The backyard
To dry, I swear.

You're welcome,
To judge.
This how I look
When I ain't brave.

Bitterly blue and
Cold. Stuck in a
Room, with no
Courage to dare. 

Couple of more
Hours, if you may.
Once it dries,
I'll have a mask 
To wear.

After that,
Upon my pants,
Even I can pull on
My underwear. 

13 April 2021

Netflix and Chill

Jack and Jill,
Did a Netflix
And chill.
Came close
At will, then,
Forgot to take
A pill.

Born was Bill.

To fullfill.
Sleepless nights,
A daily drill.
Drama was a
Emotional grill.

Life turned

Of that night,
Both are 
Horrified still.
There's a moral
Here, to instill.

If you have time 
To Kill-

Any fancy frill,
But never a
Netflix and Chill.

12 April 2021

A GB still left

Why won't a 
Shooting star 
Come down,
While I make 
A wish?
It's been long
Since I had
A fish.

The astrologer
Did blurt.
The Saturn does
Always hurt.
With one of his 
Moons, did I 
Ever flirt?

I don't recall.
Can be an 
Interesting quest.
She left, then,
The bike broke.
Even in the lame
I do choke.

Ain't proud.
Uncles always
Mother too
Looks me down.

Guess that's all
There's to own.
The curd-sugar
Combo hasn't
Helped yet.
Visited a witch,
Taveez too
Had a glitch.

Life's such
A bitch.
Everything has
Been put to test,
God knows,
When he gives
My case a rest.
Let him take 
His time,
There's no haste.

A new day is
Here, for me
To waste.
Lots of work,
I'll do my best.
There's reading,
There's Writing,
Physics, Chem,
Creb's cycle and
Fucking Sin
Minus cos theta.
I'm Still left with
A GB of data.

Incognito is on
Jai Vaishno mata.

11 April 2021

Self Introduction

I'm a light
Hearted bloke.
Little drowsy.
Little woke.
Bit haughty,
Totally broke.

Too ugly for
That matter.
Are the only
Things I own.

Laugh at others
Is all I do..
Humour is the
Only emotion,
I understand.
Sarcasm is a
Routine attire.
My life is a
Tragic satire.

Through the ups
And downs,
Picking myself
Up very loosely,
I don't think, I've
Much to offer,
But, if you insist,

How about..
Another joke?

13 March 2019


Your pics
Without filter.

Messy hair.

Face with a
Shade of anger,

And the eyes
With lots of kajal.

No wonder I
Started believing,

In the Ghosts.

11 March 2019

Dear, Mr. Monday

Who wants to
Work after Sunday?
Dear, Monday; are you
Not tired of yourself?

Pope was your father.
Childhood was a trauma.
Doesn't mean-

You've to be
'A kick on the nut' face?
And clapper to the
'Let's run this race.'

If only, you
Hadn't made my
Morning tea sour and
Yourself a weekly bore.

I would have Befriended
You. Dear, Mr. Monday.

04 March 2019


You're an
Abrupt surge
In this perpetual

A sudden
Suction of
My serene

In an unwavering
Contempt of life,
You're my dear,
A kick on my gut.

Can't breathe in.
Can't breathe out.
You take my
Breath away.

13 February 2019

Psalm of a Week

Monday is

A total trash.

Wednesday, oops!
Tomorrow's Thursday.

What the fuck is this.

Friday is...
Oh yeah!


And there's Sunday,
It's Rewind time.

13 January 2019

Robert Frost Parody

Whose phone is this,
I think I know.
The memes might be
In the gallery though.

My good friend mustn't
Think; it's queer to
Look at his phone
Without permission.

I'm alone and
My battery's down.
The longest night
Of the year.

The memes are lovely,
Dank and deep.
Miles to scroll down
Before I sleep,
Miles to scroll down
Before I sleep.

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...