14 November 2021

Myths of Snowfall

Uncle says
Gods plough
The clouds
To grow cotton
In the sky.
Winter is their
Harvest time.

Hence the snowfall.
Mom opines that
All the cats in
Heaven caught a cold.
To allergic pollens,
They sneezed their
Furs out.

Hence the snowfall.
My grandma tells
Me otherwise.
Angels tried a
Mortal recipe,
To satiate a kid's 

A snowfall hence is 
A Cotton-candy
Gone wrong. 
My lover is a
Science grad.
She talks about
Inversion of 
Temperature and

I believe she's
Not right...
Maybe the sky is a
Romantic flirt who 
Desperately wants 
To impress Earth..

Snowfall hence
Is a Patronus spell
Awkwardly cast.