25 September 2021

No Glory in Suffering

I blew my mind
And broke my
Spent sleepless
Nights to fix
My tone.

Cracked my 
A thousand times.
To show fate
A middle finger.

Even in a storm
I learnt to laugh.
Lying dead in 
Your room,
Collecting dust
As you brood..
There is no
Glory in suffering.

The light at the
End of the tunnel
Is just an unlit 
You just have
The matchstick
You've already got.

Time doesn't heal..
You need to put on
A mask or shed one,
To move on.

1 comment:

  1. Time doesn't heal..
    You need to put on
    A mask or shed one,
    To move on.

    Lived with you these lines bro


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