07 September 2021

Loneliness Everywhere

I've soaked and
Wrung my brains.
Been hung in the
Backyard to dry.
The sun hasn't
Come up.


My dead room is
Averse to light.
Repungent to hope
Or any kind of 
Laugh. Has been
Dust laden and
Cries for help.
But the brooms have
Gone on strike over
Salary hike. 


The pen in my
Hand is unmoved
By empty pages.
The nib chokes
The ink.
My thoughts quiver
And evaporate
Failing to find a 
Safe passage 
Of life.

There's loneliness

The dried rose petals
Between the pages
Of my old diary,
Have forgotten it all.
Now I search 
Relentlessly for
My past.
Adrift, aloof...

I'm Lonely

The thing between
My thigh to the
Pump between
My ribs.
The syrup in my
Veins to the 
Wires till brain.

All ask me questions.
Searching answers
I've run out of life. 

And like hell 
Sanctioned act of
Blight, it prances
Over my chest. 
Like the little kid 
Of my elder sister.

Effing loneliness

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