The clock,
Hammer through
The stillness of
The night.
In a room that's
Sleeplessly rolls,
A person who has
Forgotten to fight.
Flutters like a bird..
Corner to corner..
Poking old wounds.
Mocking budding
Of memories with
Wrinkled faces,
Feed on colours.
No shadows cast.
No legacy left.
It's a clean sweep.
Oblivion sticks on
The walls to absorb
What you remember.
Even demons are
Anxious to make
Their mark here..
The dead are afraid
Of being forgotten.
But tonight,
I have decided to live.
I'll tame that bird.
Paint on the walls,
My fondest memories.
I shall invite all my
Demons for a feast.
No one will be
Forgotten tonight.
No one has to die.