18 September 2021

Hunter within

I gag my laugh,
And whack my
Mind to
Feed this night
To a lonely delight. 

I fight with my
Shadows to sleep
With tomorrows.
Throw myself to
Pretense, to deal
With my past.

I lie, I laugh.
I usually move on.
Till I see myself 
In a mirror.
Even in the dark,
It illuminates
To reflect my guilt.

These are the days
When I'm a game.
But the hunters is 
Who's doesn't 
Shoot to kill.
Stares instead.

He stares I feel.
He stares to
Make bleed.
Invokes in me
Self sabotage.

Maybe that's how
He hunts.
He convinces his
And sometimes,
Not elsewhere,
He's within.

I'm afraid..
The hunter 
Might be me.

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