26 January 2022

The child in me

The child in me 
Wants to go to
My grandpa's place
To be lost in his
Stories again.

Climb the trees
To eat unripe
Mangoes and
Eat all the roasted 
Cashews without
Sharing with anyone.

The child in me
Wants play with
Fire. Conjure, 
The courage to
Leap in to 
Experience things. 

Learn, unlearn
And re-learn.
Just like how
One has to be
Persistent to craft
A kite and put
It in flight.

The child in me
Wants to imitate
Shaktiman and
Also understand 

Believe I can fly.
Still be grounded.
Ignore the wounds
On my knee and
Run again like
There's no tomorrow.

The child in me
Just wants to talk
To the adult me,
To hold hands and
Shed masks.
Fill courage and
Say it's alright.

Climb mountains,
Sail across seas to
Show how to belong,
And where to 