02 January 2022

Unveiled letters

Tiptoeing across
A warm beach.
Gazing vacantly
Into the distance.
I envy the reflection
Of the moon,
On the brink of 
My fluid will.

I think of the 
Sequence of 
Accidents that
Brought me here. 

A twinge of
A surge of madness.
Butterflies in stomach
That emanates from
Series of flashbacks.

This urge to squeeze
Your cuteness.
The way my feelings
Squeal upon hearing
Your footsteps.

This desire to poke
My head in the clouds.
Vain of trying to
Hold time as it passes.

I wonder if the flood
Of this reverie
Ever ends.
The array of this
Longing ever bends.

I wonder if these
Unsent letters ever
Grow wings to land
In your realm to
Come back again..

Un-opened. Un-read.