27 August 2023

Sublime Story

Ever since I was a kid,
Each year this girl came
To the temple outside
The village for special Pooja.

We too went as a family,
On to seek Hanuman.

After many encounters,
A precedent was set.
I looked at her, she at me.
Our eyes met.

The permanence of this
Connection was limited
To recognizing each
Others' existence.

Only in fleeting glances,
We existed.

Then one year, she
Didn't come.
Then the following year
And a couple more.

Must have been married off.
To think about the worst,
The concern was not 
Beyond usual curiosity.

This year when I sensed 
A couple of eyes upon me.

With no usual ponies, 
Skirt or chudi..with a kid 
In hand, she stood there, 
Wearing a beautiful saree.

When I caught her eyes,
She smiled before looking 
Away. Then she went on
Her way and I, on mine.

So almost every year,
I met this girl.
In fleeting glances we
Recognised our existence.

Then she was on her way
And I returned to mine.
Some stories are feeble enough 
To be simple and sublime.

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