20 August 2023


Grandma said we
Hiccup when someone 
Really close misses
And remembers us.

The spasms of 
Diaphragm or uneven 
Flow of air to lungs 
Doesn't matter to her.

Likewise, to hell with 
Nebula, supernova or
Any of those 
Star-forming events.

She says, whenever
A loved one dies,
They appear in the
Sky as stars.

Now that she's dead
And I sulk on this
Terrace alone with
A beer in hand..

Looking up at the
Night sky at the
Stroke of midnight.
I wish, my fucked up

Life could cascade 
Down a little to that
Level of simplicity.
So that I could believe,

In the possibility that
The twinkling of the
Star in west-horizon,
Is because of

My dead grandma's

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