Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts

17 November 2023


Ten-Thousand hours is
What it takes they say.
Beethoven did it to perfect
His symphonies.

So did Picasso. Maybe,
Even Modiji.

I can't help but to think
About my grandmother.
Who lived for over a
Hundred years.

Her meticulous morning
Routine of sweeping
The front and the backyard.
And then the cattle-shed and
Disposing the cow-dung.

Her daily grind with the broom,
Would have crossed her
Ten thousand mark,
Long ago I suppose.

If her broom were a guitar,
She would have been
A bassist maybe with
The Pink Floyd.

If it were a paintbrush,
Maybe the Italian Renaissance
Would have spread around
My village.

And Thank God it wasn't
A potential weapon.
She would have fought
Alongside her mother to
Defeat the British Raj.

And sometimes when I
Overthink about the whole
Scenario, I can't help
But imagine that terrified
Face of Bruce Lee-

When he first heard about this
The one 'Ten-Thousand times'
Practiced move-
He wanted to be afraid of.

28 October 2023

The Misplaced Tile

The misplaced tile in the
Newly laid footpath.
It bothers me.
Who in their right mind
Could do that?

Did the Masons think
It was okay to put it in there
Without any thought?
Or the engineer deliberately
Planned it, to mess with
The passersby?

The red and black tiles
That alternate throughout
In perfect harmony-
Now, have a sudden ebb
Of surprise.

An older couple on the
Evening stroll might
Suffer a stroke by
The shock of that sight.

The conspicuous oddity
Of a red tile in place
Of the black can even
Attract aliens who admire,
Geometric maladies.

I'm more worried about
That one over-aged man-
Who might after years,
Become a child for a while-
And decide to walk only
On the black tiles.

And before he could
Smile over his little feat,
Step on the Red one
For no fault of his,
To have his day ruined.

12 October 2023


My landlord invited me to
Ganapati Pooja.
Giving the final touch to the
Decorations in the mandap-

He aligns the position of
The statue one last time,
To declare, Bappa can't be
Moved till the fifth day.

Incense sticks were lit,
Aarti was brought, camphor
Was burnt on a coconut and
His daughter started singing.

She shouldn't have but
She did. Even the lord
Seemed pretty scared.
Maybe he wanted to run-

But he was bound by a
Coarse voice's command.

I stood there hands folded,
Imagining situations in
My head. Trying to control
My laugh.

But the laugh as it
Hammers on the wall of
My mouth- unable to
Find an exit-

Rams on my nose with
Heavy cough and drool.
And laugh of course.

The song stopped,
She cried, everyone
Hated me for what
I did.

The Lord wanted to
Rescue himself from the
Whole act- to which he
Sacrificed me like a lamb.

11 October 2023

Weirdest Headlines

The fresh dead bodies,
In white robes have taken
The night off to dance it off,
In a distant resort.

The lady of Led Zeppelin,
Eventually couldn't afford
The stairway. Had to actually
Die to make it to heaven.

Elsewhere, someone opened
The gates of the sky,
The pigeons in angst had to
Take refuge in the cages.

The girl who cried daily
To conjure evenings, suddenly
Stopped to check it out
If it had been morning.

Skin wrinkled and cracked,
A man grew old overnight.
Repeated past in head is
Living too much, one can-

Age thrice as fast.

A farmer in the countryside,
Has gone mad anyway.
It's said he had to use an axe 
To read between the lines-

The book that caused it was
The Prophet by Khalil Gibran.

09 October 2023


A man by the roadside
With his broken car,
Instead of fixing it,
Tuning his guitar.

Fisherman, instead of
Baiting the fish,
Trying to tame the ocean
With fish-nets for what?

A rat in a painting is
Now homeless by
Eating up the canvas in
The night.

A fence in the locality
Has turned jobless again,
By grazing up the only
Apple farm.

A terrorist became
Kind after listening
To Sufi songs and a
Nazi with sore feet,
Has failed to trample
Fresh thoughts.

Like a monkey with
No lice to pick on-

Characters like these
With no closure,
Sit idle, wasted in
My stories-

The way I do with
A pen in my hand,
Instead of a broom to
Clean my dirty room.

26 September 2023

Lonely introspection

A TV running blank in the 
Empty house and the 
Incandescent bulb burning
Without purpose.

There's a stool. Two shoes,
That avoid eye contact.
An old telephone hanging
In the air by the spring-cord.

A man past his fifties has
Cut his face in half, holds it,
Like bowl of soup- to search 
Meaning of life with a spoon.

When the only conversation
All day has been a dry fart
In response to a cold sigh.
The loneliness like a-

Drop of sweat goes down
The trails of his spine to talk
To someone- only to get
Choked in the ass. 

Alas! Hips. 
Why can't you talk?

The Hand

My hand moves without
My cues like it has got a brain.
Its itch often hops on to scratch-
A compulsive habit of exploration.

It browses my back, brushes 
My hair. Reaches my groin,
Just check if everything is

Duels with fingers of the 
Other hand, picks on the nails.
Sometimes reaches the foot
To dig into the toenails.

The pinky finger loves mining
It seems. A couple of times daily,
It has to dive in my ear to dig
Into the wax, which eventually-

Is rubbed off to the chair,
Wall, windowpane, or the table.

The other digits are no less.
The thumb and the forefinger,
Form an alliance to reach my nose,
Like a search party for missing 

The booger that's found is rolled
Into a wad to be catapulted 
Towards the distal wall. 
And it coincidentally to hit,

A Housefly-

The entire species must have
Slipped into an illusion that 
They're on the movie sets of 
The director Rajamouli sir.

13 September 2023


To all my fellow bike riders,
Who have made an effort
To point out my poking,
Side stand.

Who, while coming from
The other side, warned
With passing glances,
The presence of the police.

The ones of help when
The tire was flat.
Gave a lift despite the
Trouble of a triple ride.

Even more to those who
Managed to hitch a ride,
By pushing it by one leg,
When petrol was out.

You guys deserve a
Place in heaven.
Like me who rode the
Bike without helmet.

31 August 2023


I kicked a stone on
An empty road.
It rolled around tumbling
And disappeared on
The sidelines.

I kicked another that
Rolled to the wheels of
Approaching car.
The driver threw at
Me a fiery look.

I took one more in
The line of action.
Upon a kick it,
Took off to hit my
Friend in the head.

Now he's on the
Hospital bed.
Who I am? He asks.
I smile awkwardly
To hide my deed.

Years and years later,
When he realised
It was me. To return
The favor, he kicked
A stone at me..

Which bounced off
A running truck and
Hit his head again.
Who he is? He asks.
Looking at him, I smile.

His pending revenge,
It might take a couple
Of years again..
While another stone,
Might be waiting for him-

With his name written
All over it.

30 August 2023

Role Change

Abusive fathers
Have turned to
Doodling and
Caring mothers
Are looking for
Amends by cooking
Really bad food. 

All the uncles 
Have stopped
Giving free advice.
Aunties have 
Stopped poking
Noses in personal

The grandmas
Are forcing up
Sugar-free diet.
The site grandpa
Bought for 5k is
Over a crore now.

Friends have all
Turned decent and 
Stopped drinking.
Winds of change
Has gotten to me too.
I'm not masturbating.

25 June 2023


Sometimes, it feels like 
My chair has a set of eyes.
That it creepily stares at me
To suck all my dreams.

It feels like the wall clock,
Has a pair of ears.
Makes me uncomfortable,
Thinking if it knows my secrets.

I wonder if the gas-cylinder 
Has a nose that sniffs off
My stink and snorts up 
Whatever ambition I'm left with. 

The metal-lock, perfume-bottle. 
The helmet, the iron-box.
The more I look at them and
Think, the more creepy they become.

I freaked out one day and
Accidentally came in front of
The mirror..

My eyes were a pair of chairs.
Two clocks in place of ears.
I sneezed out of shock and
The gas off my nose caught fire. 

21 June 2023

Give away

Open your palm 
And slowly clench it. 
You may wanna
Catch the wind.

Look at the moon,
And slowly close 
Your eyes. 
You may wanna 
Preserve that light. 

As you sit there,
Reclined. A leg, 
Upon another..
And as you lift one 
To comfortably,
Exhale, from 
The other vent-

Hold your breath. 

You owe the
Moment to others.
Let them have an
To rinse their noses
With primordial 
Gas of your belly
That's scented with 
Hydrogen sulfide.

23 October 2022

Post-Nut Clarity

To be or 
Not to be
Is a different kind
Of sanity.

You either have it,
Or you don't.
There's nothing
Called vanity.

You may brand
This generalisation,
As a flawed

But I know, 
You'll be convinced.
If I tell you,
It's just

Post-nut clarity.

29 September 2022


Guns are for the weak,
Pens are for the meek. 
The real machoism lies
In the eyes..

That's why girls slay
Us with their smiles. 

28 September 2022


All logic ends in the
Middle of the kitchen.
Where arguments with
My wife often begin.

Wall paint in small
Bottles, to apply
On the face can
Cost a fortune.

While the theory of 
The earth being flat 
Is sold at the worth 
Of a Brinjal.

Einstein must have
Died waiting in a 
Shopping mall before
Proposing relativity.

Van Gogh must have
Sliced his Is ear in protest.
He didn't have a wife.
But I understand the

Use your head 
For once, I said 
Out of frustration.

She did. 
Poured all her logic,
To make a point.

Earth didn't quake.
Her head didn't explode.
But she got to dictate
Her terms again.

Starting with
I volunteering to
To drain my scotch
Down the toilet.

29 December 2021

Olympic Dream

I open my zip
To take a piss.
I spit.

The spit and 
The urine collide.

My Olympic
Dream is still 

28 December 2021


This shade of loneliness 
Hits you in your late 20s.
Feeds on insecurities to
Make your life compliant.

You accommodate yourself
In family trips.
Suddenly try to socialize
With strangers with
Sips of cheap drinks.

You form political opinions,
To fit in a group.
Watch cricket to blend in.
The mainstream is an
Inevitable end it seems.

All the girls you could have 
Had in college.
The moves you didn't make.
The words you couldn't say.

A feminine touch can
Only redeem you,
But your mirror 
Rejects you again.

Your only friend 
Succumbs to a girl.
And now you're really
Fucked in the head.

The loneliness sacrifices 
You to a societal mess.
And you decide to
Get married for sex.

16 December 2021

Time is slow in Dharwad

Roosters are lazy.
Mornings are not
So early.
Time is slow in
No one here is in a
Real hurry.

You wake up,
Go in search of
Breakfast with friends.
Hours simply pass,
As sipping chai 
Takes a lot of laugh.

So comes lunchtime,
Roti, curd, rice and
Food here is a wormhole.
Noon-nap that follows
Is a blackhole. 
You just belch, yawn.
And mysteriously you
Slip to the evening.

Sleepy eyes as the
Light fades,
Can anything get slower
Than this sombre?
And some more
You're back to bed
After a fat dinner.

Dreams bore fruits
Only in sleep.
The monk who couldn't
Grow beard, 
Decided to leave..

Even leaves take
Their own time 
To fall..
Time does really pass
Slowly in Dharwad. 


The number of 
T-shirts has been
Reduced to two.
The jeans in my closet,
Are disappearing too.

The themed vests 
Are being replaced,
By white banyans.

Fit full-sleeved shirts.
And well stitched,
Formal pants have
Invaded my space.

Clean shaved face,
Thick mustache.
A tuft of grey hair,
Left un-attained..

Beer belly is a
New reality.
Self-acceptance is
Now a philosophy.

Age stole my 
Ripped jeans,
Adulthood is gone..

A kid in the street
To call me uncle..
I've become
My father.

05 December 2021

Bday Gone Wrong

It's her birthday
And she must
Be expecting a

And I'm all
Caught up in
My head,
Preparing a list.
The song I
Wanted to write
Hasn't come in

For the train I've
Been waiting,
The signs haven't
Been so dandy.
My rhymes are
Still broken.

The tones are
Out of sync.
I have run out
Of ink.
It's been three
Sky is turning

She must be
Waiting for
Her hopes
Shouldn't sink.
The train did
Reach late and
She didn't quite
Really wait.

But I did sing
A ballad on 
How they kicked me
Out of her
Hostel gate.

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...