Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts

24 February 2023

The Flow

Through the wild
And the kind.
I shall pass.

Through the times
And the rhymes.
I shall pass.

Through the mountains
And grasses.
Valleys and passes.

Through the crowds
And crevices.
And feeble horizons.

Like the thief
Who has lost his

Like a soldier
Who has forgotten
His face.

I shall bend, mend,
Meander and blend.

Rolling, falling, 
Slowing if 

Ebbing, jumping, 
Striking if 

I shall pass
To make way,
I shall pass
To move ahead. 

I shall pass 
Because, I've to


On the stillness
Of the lake lies
A blanket of 

Birds are not
Allowed here.
Not stones.
Nor tones.

It's not like
The blank of
Canvas or 
A paper.
Where you
Can paint
Or write.

This blankness
Is self-imposing.
Colors die here. 

Often, things 
Are forgotten. 
They fall within
They implode,
To have themselves
Erased here. 

It's the dark.
Sometimes the
Eerie silence.
Can be oblivion
Or the blinding

It can be you too,
Even me.. on
Those numb
Lonely nights. 
When we lay dead
On that thin line,
Not knowing
Whether we're
Awake or asleep. 
Dead or alive. 

23 October 2022


Does the silence 
Know about the 
Scream of the words?

The paper be aware
Of the bondage as
We write?

A tiny pebble has sent 
A rippled storm across 
A sea that was calm.

The vast darkness,
Is now afraid of the oblivion 
It might face by a spark. 

Does the emptiness know?
About the conspiracy of
Rampaging thoughts?

Even god's existence
Has bounced off from 
The fragility of human mind. 

30 December 2021

Here and Now

The road with
Two curves of 
Has no beginning
Or an end.

The birds think
It goes up and

But the passing
Packet of air,
Takes it from
Anywhere to 

And the dry leaves 
Assume it goes

The traveler 
Doesn't stand
And stare.
He's only concerned
About the left  
And the right.

Who presumes
That it goes
Is in a prison.
Only the road is
Truly free.

Letting others go,
It stays there.

With no beginnings
And ends.
Only the road has
The destination
Is then and there.

20 December 2021

This too shall pass

Sharp edges 
Will fade away,
Against the grate
Of passing time.

Shades will fill 
The divide,
Between the 
Black and white.

The right and 
The wrong
Will be occupied
With IFs and WHYs. 

The splits in the
Skin will be 
Braced by touch
Of a hand. 

The distance in 
Your eyes will be
Held with an 
Incessant desire.

Your sadness is
So is your happy

What's done will
Be undone..
Wounds will
Soon be dead.

Pain or pleasure.
Sharp edges will
Fall and this too
Shall pass.

01 December 2021

Prison of Perception

There's nowhere to go
But everywhere.
The moon and the sky
Seem dope but
The cosiness of this room
Is also fine.

There's nothing to 
Think about,
But everything.
Our nothingness in
The universe.
Death is inevitable.
But this material urge
Is beautiful too.

There's nothing to eat
But everything looks
Veg, non-veg and
The way I want to eat you,
Even cannibalism seems
Like an option.

This, that,
Either, or.
Neither, nor.
To the sway of mind,
Everything to nothing..
What's right and
What's wrong?

Upside down, even
Sea is an open sky.

18 September 2021

Things will end

You may run like
A charging bull.
From place to
People to people.
Over the fence,
Over the fate.

But eventually 
All things end.
There will be 
A bend.

No-one left to
Lend you ears.
To douse your fears.
Nothing will be
Left to look back.
And ahead there
Will not be a 
Simple, straight track.

From a kid who
Just learnt to talk
To the granny who
Vents ghastly

The galaxies in
The far-fetched skies
To the quarks in
The depth of an atom.

The bull on run
Needs to gasp.
And eventually
Everything needs
To halt.

A bullet that has 
Left a gun to a
Flower that just
Lured its hunt.

A second has 
To eat an hour.
A day has to
Subsume a year.

The rage in your
Haughty eyes to
The mellow memory
Of her rose scented

From the faded pic
You hold between
Your guilt and 
To the life you've
Built in colorful

Your revolution will
Turn around.
Plan will fall will 
Fall apart.
And as you run out
Of breath and
Wait for a gasp..

There will be a bend.
And everything will 
Come to an end.

07 September 2021

You're the master

Fate is a spectator
With lots of 
Disregard for your

You alone make 
Your destiny.
Series of choices
Is what you are.

High was never
In the bottle.
Neither in the

Flight was never
In the wings.
Nor in the assured

Cooking is an act
Of a craving toungue.
A murder is first
Committed in head.

The trigger of the
Gun is often mind.
Hilt of the knife
Is always your hand.

For better or worse
You alone are 
Responsible for your

As, even the Gods
You worship can
Turn out to be 
As dumb as you are.

30 July 2021


Stars born.
Then doze off.
Even the 
Galaxies die.

Demons are
Gods are 

Predators to
Blue whale to
A Sting-ray-

Only time
Is immortal.
Rest all are
Its victims.

Doesn't matter
At what end of
The gun you're.

In the end-

You too will be
A good hunt
For a
Better hunter.

04 April 2020

Our Insignificance

The stars burst.
Oceans dry.

Mighty demons
Can die and 
Even the gods are

Oblivious is time.

And here we're
With the pomp
Of our significance. 

11 August 2019

It's okay

It's okay to be
Little confused
And little lost.

What will you do
With all that clarity
And straight intent?

Give up tea and
Advise others how
Sugar is a poison?

12 July 2019

It's Ok

It's okay to be little sad
And little lost.
And it's okay to not have
All blasting happiness.

Beer is cool. But the
Evening tea is life. Love.
And I think that's where
We perfectly belong.

Little hot, little sweet.
Perfect sometimes,
More adrak other times.
But overall, living it.

Sipping it,
Making through.

13 March 2019


I suppose,
Blaming others is a really
Funny evolutionary adaptation.

When we emotionally fail
We say heart is shit. Should
Have listened to my mind.

When we logically fail we say,
Should have followed heart.

I mean wtf is this?
Both are fucking part
Of the same freaking mind.

Maybe blame is a evolutionary
Mechanism to move on with life.

06 March 2019

Agents of Time

Death is
The final nail;
In the coffin.

Oblivion is
The Rust;
That follows.

One to end.
One to efface.

Only time is
Rest all are
Its victims.

04 March 2019

Novel Appeals

The same hunger
Needs to be
Satiated differently.

Need for new eyes,
To perceive the same
Horizon creatively.

Coffee tastes different
On heights.
Even shit costs more
In flights.

Food is poison if
Out of place.
Even a hunter is
Hunted outside a context.

Same stories from
Different mouths,
Sound different on
Same the ears.

Same tears on a
Different face has
Made the Hyena,
A hypocrite.

And when it all
Came down to
A simple question.

It was never about 
The taste of water.
The answer lied in
The appeal of thirst.

03 February 2019

Here and Now

Right now,
I could be; anyone.

The good. The bad.
Something better,
Or maybe worse.

But I'm here.
At this moment;
I'm just me.

And it has taken,
A lifetime;
To be here. To be me.

02 February 2019

A Free Breath

Mind's on the
Wrecked past.
Eyes; cast away.
A bleak future.

Sitting with
A cup of tea.

Sip by sip;
Breathing away,
This moment.

29 January 2019

Just Passing By

While I ride the
Wheels of time.
Life's passing by
Like the wind;

Sometimes slow,
Sometimes fast.
Up and down.
Hot and cold.

Is there a destiny?
I don't think so.
We three are,
Just passing by.

28 January 2019

A Storm in a Teacup

Right. Wrong.
Good. Bad.
To be. Not to be.

Decisions. Confusions.
A daily tussle
With thoughts.

Mind is a
Battlefield; and
I'm a war prisoner.

12 January 2019


Just because-
Erect, bipedal and
Infected by a little sanity.
Are we human enough?

An attribute to a noun.
Hypocrisy at it's best.

Our barbarism;
Honey coated; with
The justifications of
Our evolutionary triumph.

Until someone else
Writes our histories-
Heaven will go by favor.
And we'll always be-

The 'human' beings.

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...