Showing posts with label Romantic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romantic. Show all posts

24 December 2021

Dear Comrade

With the stroke of
Of your tongue,
The words you weave.

The intoxication,
Your eyes spew..

Curl of your lip,
That slays hearts
And subjugates

Atheists, priests.
Philosophers and
And other fanatics.

How many 
You must have 
With just a curve
Of your smile.

Are you,
By any chance.
The incumbent

23 December 2021

If I'd never met you

If I'd never met you,
The food would have
Tasted the same.
The rains would have
Poured the same.

My desires wouldn't
Have taken a leap and
I'd have remained unsung,
Even in my dreams.
If I'd never met you,
The winds would have
Blown the same.
The sun would have
Still come up in the west.

My mind would have
Brooded on the idea of
A perfect past.
There would have been
A cacti infestation,
I'd have grown a fondness to.
If I'd never met you,
My heart would have
Pumped the same.
My blood would have
Rushed the same.

My room would still
Be dark. Walls be blank.
I'd have romanticized
Pain to write sad stories.
Where I'd have died
Again and again.
If I'd never met you.
My words wouldn't
Have flown.
Verses wouldn't have

With a block in in the
Mind intact.
My throat still would
Have been a graveyard of
The songs I never sang.

01 December 2021

Conditions Apply

What if our 
Thoughts collide.
Our footprints align
While we walk.

When filled with 
Desire, what if 
Our heartbeats

Overcoming all
Our imperfections.
What if our fingers
Perfectly intertwine.

What if my verses
Rhyme to
The tone of your 
Sweet voice.

Will you love me
Then? Or
You'll wait till..

Your mother agrees,
Father approves.
And the family dog
Sniffs out suspicion
For everyone in home?

In your town

The longing
That fleets in
These words.

The loneliness
That hangs in
My thoughts.

The insecurity
I often talk
About and

The sadness
I always
Reflect has

Shades of
Missing you.

A feeling of
Being lost..
Always clung
To the past..

Perception of
Reality is lost,
My reflection in
The mirror
Has started
Wearing masks.

I have been
Waiting on the
Park bench
For years now.
Can you come
And meet me
This time?

The seed of
The apple I ate
Is a tree now.

25 November 2021

I wish

I wish I could
Hold you now.
I wish I could
Smell you.

I wish I could
Let these fingers,
Savor the fire of
Your skin.

I wish I could
Tickle your cheeks,
Kiss your forehead
And Surrender
My sanity to 
Your entirety. 

I wish I could
Recline on our
Comfortable silence,
As your slimy hair
Slip through my 

I wish I could have
A peck on my neck
As you grab me to
Embrace me in 
Your arms.

I wish you wouldn't
Have gone.
I wish I could have
Stopped you.

Bidding adieu was
Your choice.
But letting you go
Was my mistake. 

24 November 2021


As the calendar on
The wall turns to 
You decide to bid me
A goodbye.

I wait scratching
My old scars..

To remind myself..
Of my fresh thirst. 
That only you could
Have thawed.
The fresh etch of
Yearning that only
You were worthy of.

And how through
The groove carved
By the fate itself,
You came in like
The wish granted
By a shooting star.

My soul can go
Adrift now as 
You'll soon be gone.
Might need something
To hold on.

Give me a moment
I can tag it with.
Maybe a kiss to
Leave a mark.
Or you would like to
Stab again?
A scar has a bit more

20 November 2021


To have glistened
Daily in your
Elegant shades.
Like a canvas,
I wish I were
The evening sky.

Woven in the blues
Dim, dusky and
Yet, pleasant.
To have embraced
You in my arms,
Like a lover lost in
Fondest reveries.
I wish I were
Close to you. 

To be curled up, 
Intimately messy.
To have experienced
A life with you.
I wish we were together.
If not here, somewhere.
If not in this timeline,
In another.

Wrapped in each other.
We could have 
Warped realities.
Stopped time. 


You're eyes are 
Cheeks, fleeting
Feathery clouds.
Nose a distant mountain. 
Lips, abode of
Flooding desires.

Arms are such
A comfort.
A refuge in 
Your bosom is a 
Craving hard to pass.

Your back is point
Where my longing,
Turns restless.
Your navel is 
The reason I fight
My demons.

Trails on your skin
Take me places..
Such a feast for
My hands.

The stardust is
Less appealing.
And the sky
Is a bore tonight.

The revelations
Realized in the
Wrap of your thighs.
Have made my
World insignificant
And the cosmos
Smaller tonight. 

17 November 2021

Love can Happen Twice

She'll pass by you
As the wind blows.
And the ache in your 
Heart will be 
Just enough to
Infect you with
Her smile again.

Ground would slip 
From your 
Resolute mind to 
Make you afloat.
A song from around
The time will be
Hooked to all your

New perspectives
Will be painted.
With different horizons,
At her behest,
You'll be a fool with
Feelings again.

Love happens twice.
Yes! It can happen
Several times.

It's just a fresh wound 
On an old scar.
Old roots giving way
To a new plant.

Love is a perpetual
Itch of the heart,
That always wants 
To be scratched.

A Personified Fantasy

She has the cheeks of 
My niece. The nose of 
An evening breeze.
Eyes of a Storm and
Lips of someone 
I knew in the past.

The radiance of the girl 
I had a crush in class five.
A lingering smile of 
A lady who passed by.

She's the dew drops, 
And the starry nights.
The warmth of the summer
As the winter grows tight.

Decades of longing 
Hidden in Bollywood songs.
A slow-burn-mystery
Of Alfred Hitchcock's. 

A euphoria. 
A melodrama.
She's an array of 
Fleeting thoughts.
An idea beyond 
Mortal demands..

A perpetual reverie.
An enigmatic melody.

Beyond words, 
Beyond definitions.
Of everything I say and
Everything I don't.
Sometimes mighty. 
Sometimes mellow..

She is simply a SHE.
A personified fantasy.

14 November 2021


As we danced to 
A slow song,
My hands creeped
Over the chimes of
Your navel.

The sky lit up
While you breathe
Passionately over
My neck.

The evening was of

I got a little drunk.
You did a lot and
Passed out.
I sat watching you 
All night.

Morning did break
With high hopes.
But you were gone,
Without any sign.

I wrote a 
Little something to
Lock you in a metaphor,
And preserve you in
My diary.

Of the promising eyes
And enchanted smile.
Hope you're not
Another tourist..

Who hitchhikes with
Trashes hearts,
To be forever gone. 

19 October 2021

I've Found You

When I looked 
In the mirror
And looked in 
My own eyes.
Not far down 
From the best of 
Life's realizations.
Not far away from 
The best of my 

I've found you. 
At the stroke 
Of midnight.
When the roof
Of my room threw
My past on my face.
I held a faded pic
Between my guilt
And prayers. 
In the clutches of
My humiliations..

I've found you.
Down in a 
Dungeon when 
I was lost.
Demons pranced
Over my chest 
And I had to hold
On to something.
Often as a final 
Ray of hope.

I've found you.
From the ticks of
The wall clock to
Folds of my bed.
The late night
Rumbling in my 
Head to the 
Post nut clarity..

You're not really
Like the rustle
Of dry leaves,
And the feable 
Ramble of my pen.
The steady kisses
Of the wind and
The ubiquitous
Strokes of emptiness..

I thought that love
Would last for ever..
But even in that 

I've found you.

29 September 2021

New Home

Without any;
Twist and turn.
Devoid of any;
Warmth or cold.
My days rolled by 

Like a refugee 
From the past.
To seek an asylum 
In the future.
I was in a 
Perpetual exile.

While time dictated
My expatriation.
I had nowhere to 

Then you came

Hands clasped.
Fingers intertwined.
Head on shoulder.

You've warped time
To hold me 
In this moment.

And right now,
I'm not a refugee.
My exile has ended.
I've found a home..

In you.

12 September 2021

Go ahead and Smile

Her razor sharp
Eyes feast on 
Mellow evenings.

Her soft hands lull
Early mornings
To sleep. 

The deep desires
Of an ocean, 
Stand shaken by her 
Naughty lips.

The light beyond
The stars, bows down 
To the elegance of
Her cheeks.

Even Lord Indra 
Is impressed by 
The rhyming stance
Of her gait.

What else is 
Required to kill
A boy like me?
Go on darling..

Go ahead and

(Translation of previous poem)

07 September 2021

She Rains

Moon was made
A canvas to
Paint a dream.

Sun was tamed
To find my way
To heaven.

Stars were just
Another excuse,
The reason is same.

My desires always
Take off from
Depth of the oceans..

Destination is her.

Some fantasies
Crash land on 
Barren swamps..

Points of my despair. 
They eventually
Become poems.

It has rained here
She must have
Opened her window
And kissed the winds
Of Punjab. 

Monsoons are her
Grace in my place. 

06 August 2021

You know you're in love

You know you're in love.
When the smile on your lips
Starts transcending down
In your eyes then to the nights.

When rainbow changes colors,
You know you're in love,
When questions in your mind
Seek answers in heart.

When the luminance of her face
Wards off the darkness of your life,
You know you're in love,
Seeing the moons even in noons.

Everything is walk on water, sail through wind.
When the world is defined in music 
And you're a poem in making..
You know for sure that you're in love.

P.S- viator style 

11 July 2021

Aid of a Kiss

She looks at me
With lots of
I look back with
Ton of puzzles.

Like fire and ice.
Red against blue.
Each gaze,
Reinforces a
Raging embargo.

Till it becomes,
Driven by desire.

The rage of eyes
Is doused by
The aid of lips,
We kiss.

We kiss and
All the questions
Are answered.
Mysteries are

There we stood
Tall. Fully high..
With happy sighs.
Like mountains
That just conquered
The heights.

Until, she looked 
Back again.

By then,
The world had
Turned smaller.
We had jumped
Off to space to
Peg a tent.

07 July 2021

Wouldn't I Be Wanna

When it's cloudy,
Wind, steady..
Drizzles a bit to the
Background of a 
Long lost song..

Why wouldn't I
Be wanna slashed
By your smile. 

Why wouldn't I be
Wanna caged in
Your arms. 

Like a cut lose desire,

Why wouldn't I be
Wanna, at the behest
Of your enchanting

22 June 2021

Mercy of a Woman

Time passes 
In the clutch 
Of her arms.
Hopes take
A steady birth,
In the sweetness 
Of her talk.

Gravity is nill 
By the side
Of her neck.
Body is afloat 
By the aid of
A peck. 

Vaccum in here,
Her hand is 
On my chest.
By the shine in 
Her eyes...
My darkness is
Done away with.

Light years is
How she measures
Her longing.
Supernova attack
For her rage is 

She's a 
Multiverse of
Feels and storms.
Reels and norms. 
Of passion and
Luring forms.

She's Galactus...

While stars play her
Pleasing charms.
I'm just lucky 
To sit side by..
At the mercy of 
A woman,
How wouldn't,
The wine taste fine? 

04 May 2021

Lois Lane

She's a story
Broken out 
Of an empty

Freshly out 
Of a 
A dance down
My memory

First sign
Of summer
Between the
White lies
And charred

A perspective
She can paint, 
Drives me 
For the person
I've been.
She has
Little to gain.

I'm no
Clark Kent.
But she's my
Lois Lane. 

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...