31 August 2023


In a distant city, 
On a rainy day.

When you get down 
From an auto 
To find a cafe.. and 
Stride on the margins,
To avoid the flash of
Street water-

Like two strangers 
Passing by with the 
Accidental exchange 
Of glances..

May our eyes 
Meet again.

I'll act like I saw 
Someone who looked 
Like you and
Turn past the corner 
Before one of us realizes 
What happened.

Guising in the shade 
Of the past, if any thought,
Crosses your mind..
To color your imagination,
and pull you back..

And if you coincidentally, 
Glide around to look 
For something you forgot-

There, in the corner,
Buried in the pretense 
Of a magazine, I stand..

Familiar stranger.

Damn! It'll be hard 
Not to smile.


As I sit here in my room,
Listening to Indian classical
Fusion on low volume.

I can't help but notice,
The swish of wind and chirp of
Birds, just outside the window.

Little away, maybe be in
The backyard, someone is
Washing the clothes.

Further away,
As I consciously make
An effort to listen.

There's a drill running and
Sound of running vehicles
And honking.

Beyond that, I hear nothing.
It's as if I'm deaf.

Then I look out of the window.
Stretch of houses, shrubs,
Trees, and a distant factory.

The hill meets the sky
Maybe some faint clouds,
And then there's nothing.

This deafness after some
Meters and blindness after
A couple of kilometers..

That's the limit.

Then there's imagination,
To mend, bend, and redefine
The existing reality.

There, only there I think
We're infinite.


I kicked a stone on
An empty road.
It rolled around tumbling
And disappeared on
The sidelines.

I kicked another that
Rolled to the wheels of
Approaching car.
The driver threw at
Me a fiery look.

I took one more in
The line of action.
Upon a kick it
Took off to hit my
Friend in the head.

Now he's on the
Hospital bed.
Who I am? He asks.
I smile awkwardly
To hide my deed.

Years and years later,
When he realised
It was me. To return
The favor, he kicked
A stone at me..

Which bounced off
A running truck and
Hit his head again.
Who he is? He asks.
Looking at him, I smile.

His pending revenge,
It might take a couple
Of years again..
While another stone,
Might be waiting for him-

With his name written
All over it.

Poetry in handcuffs

When you force out the
Words from the ghetto of
Your rigid mind.

And they slide down
Perching, through the
Labyrinth of mutilated

The life out of it losing
All objectivity and
The objectivity having
Squeezed out of life..

As they cascade down
Via the pretense of
A verbose pen to spread
On the charade of a paper.

The reader has to tie
It up to a chair to beat a
Confession out it, 
For some meaning..

Only to give up in dejection,
To flush it down into
In search of a better 

Meaning to life than 
This tragedy called 

30 August 2023


In the good old backyard
Of mine in the village.
Nothing is in order.

Things lie around in style
To ooze life from their
Tatterd existence.

The swish of wind,
Clips on the cloth line dangle.
To which the yellow
Marigolds rhyme in sync.

Crows caw from the
Torn saree stuck in
The fence flutter and
The the periwinkles
Dance in style.

A broken chair and
Handicapped cot observe
From where they sit.

The water pipe unevenly 
Lies around with the broom
Like they're on a blind date,
To this concert.

Then there's a wooden log,
Paint-can, coconut husk and
A gunny bag full of trash.

A big water tank,
Then the water cans
And buckets.
Joining in as a family.

Washing brush, surf,
A dishwasher and a small
Stool on the marble slab-
Their coterie glances around
Enjoying the dusky sky.

In a shocking sort of awe
A hornbill comes hooting to
Relax in the crown of
The tamarind tree and

How the Broken Bicycle 
In the corner must be dying 
To conjure a bit more life
To enjoy this evening's..


Role Change

Abusive fathers
Have turned to
Doodling and
Caring mothers
Are looking for
Amends by cooking
Really bad food. 

All the uncles 
Have stopped
Giving free advice.
Aunties have 
Stopped poking
Noses in personal

The grandmas
Are forcing up
Sugar-free diet.
The site grandpa
Bought for 5k is
Over a crore now.

Friends have all
Turned decent and 
Stopped drinking.
Winds of change
Has gotten to me too.
I'm not masturbating.

The Coup

I sleeplessly flutter my eyes
To the long howling bark
Of my landlord's dog.

Is it her unanimous pledge
To the distant cry of others 
Of her kind? or,

Tonight, like every other,
They're celebrating the 
Delusion of dead humans?

Sometimes, I like to fancy this,
As a battle cry for an attack 
To overthrow our subjugation.

But then out of sheer loathe
Towards this bitch downstairs,
I would like to think of her-

As a petty snitch.
Who has been sent here to 
Spy upon us. 

To the lure of food and
Shelter.. or her own
Stockholm syndrome.

She seems to have betrayed 
Her tribe. To howl now, 
At this hour; for a display of-

Her fake allegiance to
Her lost comrades, who,
Hopelessly wait for her cues,

For a coup.


Made of rough fabric,
Brown, size eight.
Off the main road,
By the Banyan tree,

A chappal sits, sullen.
In misery.

Thrown out off the 
Temple yard, kicked out 
To the sidelines, don't know
By how many.

A tramp in rags,
Picks up the discarded,
Measuring her against 
His foot.

And the kids laugh
As he walks, wearing,
An unsuitable match.
That's how it is,

Recycling, is bad 
For capitalism anyway.
For the religion,
It's widow remarriage.

29 August 2023

Kaudi- The blanket

In her last years, Nani spent
All her time stitching Kaudi.
She did tens of them and gave
Them away to her loved ones.

She would gather all the
Old clothes, cut them up,
Stitch them in patches on
Stretch of old sarees.

These blankets she stitched 
So meticulously, almost
Every hour of every day,
Looked like her biography.

All the childhood memories,
Scattered in the red patches.
Her teenage days in the
Checkered yellow ones..

In the glittery embroidery
On the borders. 
Maybe about her first love 
Or a crush if there was one.

I got the last one of 
Her final work.

One of the nights,
The green patches in mine,
Told me all about the raw guavas 
In her father's backyard.

Now that I keep thinking 
About those violet, brown 
And the pink patches that 
Haven't yet talked..

Maybe that's where the rest
Of the world's libraries hide.

Man's Oldest Friend

So we grab you when 
You're just a puppy. 

We feed you, nurse you. 
Cuddle and sometimes clean 
Your shit. Then let you be in
Our family portraits.

We put on a leash, to let you
Roam at our will.
So you can jump, run and
Drag us to heaven and hell.

And when you have urges and
In seek of a mate, if you
Go on smelling genitals in
The streets. How dare you?

How dare you, 
Hop on the females? 
How dare you,
Publicly display affection?

Your sex drive doesn't 
Suit our morals you silly.
You need to comply to
Fall in our norms.

Here's what we shall do,
Let's sterilize or castrate you.

Even if you wanna procreate 
To further your lines..
Then let us engineer some
Cute ones.

When we say, 
Selective breeding is the best.
You should believe us as we've 
Always catered to your interests.

After all, you're humankind's
Earliest friend.

28 August 2023


In the first year,
He pees a trajectory.
That hits his father's

At age five, he takes
Aim at a street bulb.
Hits it accurately,
With a stone.

When he turns ten,
Shoots off an arrow to
Damage a pig's eye,
From a wooden bow.

Then he fancies a
Slingshot at the turn,
Of fifteen. Off the roof
A pigeon shortly falls.

Now that he turns
Twenty-five, and
Stands holding a gun
In front of the mirror..

Unable to pull the trigger,
He says..
He doesn't know why.

His tongue can be a 
Better weapon, 
Its agility Over the years
He has realized.

And in the thirties, 
He has but a big mouth,
To repeat lies and
Hack minds..

Weapons bring you
Victims. With words,
The victims become
Your weapons.

Propaganda works
That way.

Words are deadlier
Than bullets.
These days that's why 
He's fully engaged..

In political debates.

27 August 2023

Sublime Story

Ever since I was a kid,
Each year this girl came
To the temple outside
The village for special Pooja.

We too went as a family,
On to seek Hanuman.

After many encounters,
A precedent was set.
I looked at her, she at me.
Our eyes met.

The permanence of this
Connection was limited
To recognizing each
Others' existence.

Only in fleeting glances,
We existed.

Then one year, she
Didn't come.
Then the following year
And a couple more.

Must have been married off.
To think about the worst,
The concern was not 
Beyond usual curiosity.

This year when I sensed 
A couple of eyes upon me.

With no usual ponies, 
Skirt or chudi..with a kid 
In hand, she stood there, 
Wearing a beautiful saree.

When I caught her eyes,
She smiled before looking 
Away. Then she went on
Her way and I, on mine.

So almost every year,
I met this girl.
In fleeting glances we
Recognised our existence.

Then she was on her way
And I returned to mine.
Some stories are feeble enough 
To be simple and sublime.

Tired Fragrances

The wafted smell of jasmines,
While he passed the street yesterday.
Took him to the days when
His mother still fancied them
In her braid.

How his father brought her wreaths
From The local markets.
How even she herself,
Stood arguing with hawkers,
For an extra inch of the wreath..

But now she doesn't wear any.

While his father passed away
And in what forsaken book
It must have been etched,
About the husband-less women,
And the flowers she fancies.

And if the natural order is just
And beauty and desire are
True measure of existence..

Then in every market,
In the every hawker's wickers,
A handful of Jasmines that
Ought to be in a mother's braid..
Wither in tired fragrances.

And in all glory, when they
Waft past the noses of all the over-aged
Sons, they slap them awake to
The loneliness of their widowed


Every time a male
Figurine pops up,
You pull up the ghungat 
To cover your face.

That's how women
Uphold family pride.

You go to the kitchen
Whenever you're sad.
Sit down alone with a
Knife and an onion.

That's how dear,
A lady should cry.

You hide your panties,
Under a T-shirt on the
Cloth-line. Don't forget 
To clip them tight.

That's how female the
Underwears are dried.

And as you brood there
Connecting the dots,
Back to the hypocrisy 
Of the tears and
The panties in disguise..

You may as well 
Consider the possibility
Of climbing up the ego
Of patriarchy to jump
Down to our self-respect..

As that's how your gender 
Should commit suicide.

22 August 2023


Out here, upon this hillock.
As the tiny lavenders ruffle,
To the brush of my palms.

Little grasshoppers run
Awry and birds flutter their
Wings in a hurry.

Across the horizon, the clouds,
As they gather and bring
Upon the blessings of rain.

It occurs to me..

Right here. Right now. 
How I could just melt away,
Dissolve in the rain, and

Run down the muddy stream,
Flow through the city,
Join a river and then the sea.

Swim along the coastal shelf,
Mock them little fishes and
Freeze off to the dread of sharks.

It occurs to me, how beauty
And feeble gestures of nature,
Fills these hollow spaces in us..

Soften our edges to make us
Aware of our own existence,
Individuality and imagination.

20 August 2023


Grandma said we
Hiccup when someone 
Really close misses
And remembers us.

The spasms of 
Diaphragm or uneven 
Flow of air to lungs 
Doesn't matter to her.

Likewise, to hell with 
Nebula, supernova or
Any of those 
Star-forming events.

She says, whenever
A loved one dies,
They appear in the
Sky as stars.

Now that she's dead
And I sulk on this
Terrace alone with
A beer in hand..

Looking up at the
Night sky at the
Stroke of midnight.
I wish, my fucked up

Life could cascade 
Down a little to that
Level of simplicity.
So that I could believe,

In the possibility that
The twinkling of the
Star in west-horizon,
Is because of

My dead grandma's

18 August 2023

Remembering and Forgetting

Reveries thrust
In beer bottles
Before discarding. 
Memories stashed 
In cigarette butts
After forcefully 

Any subtle trace
Of poetry that
Arises in my head.
I squish it with
My fingers and
Wipe out the stains
With masturbation.

Maybe I've 
Developed a liking 
To punish myself
This way. 
Dopamine works 
In a strange way. 

This repeated effort,
To remember and
Forget has formed 
Rough striations in
My brains. 

And whenever I rub 
My thoughts
Against it, the tones
That finds me..
Cascade down like
Sharp thrust of a
Needle down my 
Bones and I can't
Complain...but to

Quote Bukowski and

Incompetence of Language

In a language-less world,
When all the sharp objects
Fail to capture human 
Desperation on rocks.

The quills stutter on the
Rough patches of parch
With the ink that's absorbed 
Across the surface.

I would want to sit staring
At the depth of your eyes,
Till a civilization falls at
Your feet, pleading to

Evolve itself a language,
That could fleet across
Our unwavering sight,
Only to declare,

Its helplessness to
Capture the dimensions
Of this one passing 

So that I could calmly 
Explain, even in a
Verbose world, 
How incompetent I am, 

To describe our feeble 

07 August 2023

Begin Again

Each time 
The world tends
To end around me.
I rub my eyes.

Colors, flashes and
Swirl of starlight 
Gets to me.

My soul soaks in 
The Greek mythical river
That washes off
All the suffering.

Head pokes into
Into the sky of
Renaissance Italy.
Human creativity 
Is unbound.

A brief moment of
Gets to me. 
Kind of nostalgia 
For unknown things..

Craving for that 
House that's not yet built.
For a place I haven't
Yet set my feet.

On the streets of
Ancient China,
Our eyes briefly

We exchange a
Tiniest measurable
Human connection.
And that's where my
World ends.

So I rub my eyes

Swirls, colors and 
Bizarre series of
Accidents bring
Me here..

To meet you as
A stranger again.