We live in poems and die.
We dance sometimes and
Sometimes cry.
There are drums and guitars
In the corner. Knives and
Nooses on the other.
Divine worship and the
Invocation of Satan that
Goes hand in hand..
We're no one's favorite.
Hate can live long enough
Here. Love can readily die.
Romanticism is our kidnaper
And we got Stockholm
Syndrome diagnosed.
Poetry is a spectrum to
Choke on in search of
Meaning of life.
The wormholes placed in
Our words to enter one world
And exit through the other..
The full exploration of
The universe on our platter
May seem sweet.
But it's Salty and Sour.
And toxic at times.
Why so you may ask.
And our reply would
Always be a 'Why Not?'
22 January 2025
20 January 2025
Give me a heart that can
Bear longing and mind that
Can handle parting.
Give me legs that can endure
This tread and shoulder
That can carry intentions
That are decent.
And when the skies of
Separation cry a light so bright.
Seas of betrayal heave waves
Beyond fathomable heights.
Give me eyes that can't
Go blind and hands that
Can swim through the
Turbulent times.
May the tears of yesterday
Not seep in today and
The lure of promised laugh
Not hail on the fragility of
The present.
My wishes are ordinary and
Prayers are simple.
May thou bless with wings
That can take me high
And an attitude that keeps me
Grounded to remind me
Where I belong.
17 January 2025
What eyes have cast a bad spell
On me. I do not know. I stand in front
Of the mirror often and smile.
What shadows have colored
My beliefs. I do not know.
I question myself often and sigh.
There are doodles in the
Last pages of the notebook.
There's a name dancing on my lips,
I don't want to say aloud.
Fresh bloom of roses in my garden.
The lilies are open for an affair.
What witch has unleashed her
Enchanted cats on me,
My head full of rats is on riot.
The resistance inside asks if
It can bell the cat and I almost budge
To the onslaught of demands but
Something tells me to loosen up
A bit. I do not know what makes
Me go crazy these days-
Just wanna throw my hands
In air and artlessly dance.
What shadows have colored
My beliefs. I do not know.
I question myself often and sigh.
There are doodles in the
Last pages of the notebook.
There's a name dancing on my lips,
I don't want to say aloud.
Fresh bloom of roses in my garden.
The lilies are open for an affair.
What witch has unleashed her
Enchanted cats on me,
My head full of rats is on riot.
The resistance inside asks if
It can bell the cat and I almost budge
To the onslaught of demands but
Something tells me to loosen up
A bit. I do not know what makes
Me go crazy these days-
Just wanna throw my hands
In air and artlessly dance.
16 January 2025
Hand lingers more than
It should.
Eyes go beyond whatever
My mind can't interpret.
Where does the wisdom
Lie though? In seeing things
As they are or re-imagining
Them into something more?
The bricks and bones of this
Dilapidated hut with a brain.
What more can this be?
A hand's yearning for another..
A phallus longing to fit into
Desperation of another to
Produce something that
Comes out crying.
The bare act of feeding
Famished Tongues was
Translated into different tastes
And now we sit here asking
Existential questions like
Condoms having flavors.
Other species must feel
Sorry for us for having a
Brain that overthinks.
Mating, eating, shitting in the
Open and not bothering
About a sleep schedule.
By letting us think that
We're the top in the chain-
They seem to be enjoying
A higher order of evolution
It should.
Eyes go beyond whatever
My mind can't interpret.
Where does the wisdom
Lie though? In seeing things
As they are or re-imagining
Them into something more?
The bricks and bones of this
Dilapidated hut with a brain.
What more can this be?
A hand's yearning for another..
A phallus longing to fit into
Desperation of another to
Produce something that
Comes out crying.
The bare act of feeding
Famished Tongues was
Translated into different tastes
And now we sit here asking
Existential questions like
Condoms having flavors.
Other species must feel
Sorry for us for having a
Brain that overthinks.
Mating, eating, shitting in the
Open and not bothering
About a sleep schedule.
By letting us think that
We're the top in the chain-
They seem to be enjoying
A higher order of evolution
Wish we could be friends again
Before I saw rainbows
In your eyes and
Bloom of roses in
My heart.
There was an island
Where we could casually
Talk, laugh, cuss and
There wasn't anything
Special about the things
You did.
Not receiving a call for
Weeks wasn't an issue.
Even talking to you
For hours didn't build up
Any expectations.
Then a fantasy grew.
Things changed.
Our island got infested
By butterflies.
And when you ask why
Can't we be friends..
I don't know what to say.
The dangle of earrings,
Carve of your lips.
God! How your smile is
Enchanting these days..
I wish I can ignore
The strands of your hair
Caressing your cheeks.
I wish your persona
In the black attire
Doesn't hamper my
If you can tell me
Convincingly why the
Hell we can't be a thing..
I'll tell you exactly why
Can't we be friends
Till then adios my
To be or not to be
Friend/lover with an L.
Somewhere I'm still a
Confused boy who's
Not yet bothered about
The consequences.
I refuse to be a grown
Adult man.
Still biking around the
Supposed places with
My BFF, still believing
All the fun will be
The urge to become
A shepherd in the
Himalayas doesn't
The longing to be a
Monk as an escape to
This reality is still on
Somewhere the kid in
Me, running in the
Narrow streets of
My village with a tyre..
Has seen the adult me
Grow wings.
I flap and sour high.
Dive down screaming..
The air rushing to my
Face and tears drying
In the periphery of my
I lock eyes with him
And nod.
He smiles in approval.
Heck of a life.
Confused boy who's
Not yet bothered about
The consequences.
I refuse to be a grown
Adult man.
Still biking around the
Supposed places with
My BFF, still believing
All the fun will be
The urge to become
A shepherd in the
Himalayas doesn't
The longing to be a
Monk as an escape to
This reality is still on
Somewhere the kid in
Me, running in the
Narrow streets of
My village with a tyre..
Has seen the adult me
Grow wings.
I flap and sour high.
Dive down screaming..
The air rushing to my
Face and tears drying
In the periphery of my
I lock eyes with him
And nod.
He smiles in approval.
Heck of a life.
15 January 2025
Sense of Aestheticism
This friend in school with
Same kind of mad.
After reading a couple of
Same books and going
High on some philosophical
We tried to delve into the
Mysteries of metaphysical
Paradoxes against the
Volatile dance of our
Teenage hormones.
On the last day of school,
We climbed on the roof
Of sixth class to stay there
Till the orange sun
Disappeared below the
The sense of aestheticism
That got to us then-
We've been chasing it
For over a decade and
Half now.
Not tired of the beauty
Or bonhomie.. The things
We've experienced and
The places we've explored..
Just yesterday when we
Biked hard to catch a
Sunset on the beach
In Manipal..
We missed it because
He wanted to change
To his shorts first.
Can you believe that?
Enraged, Disappointed
I lie on the sand.
He too understands what
We missed.
But that's all right.
Good that we know what
We've missed.
Good that we know
What are we gonna miss
If we don't pursue.
That's what keeps you
Going right?
The curiosity that fuels
How biking in the Himalayas
Can always start with
A feeble admiration for
Sunsets from above a
Same kind of mad.
After reading a couple of
Same books and going
High on some philosophical
We tried to delve into the
Mysteries of metaphysical
Paradoxes against the
Volatile dance of our
Teenage hormones.
On the last day of school,
We climbed on the roof
Of sixth class to stay there
Till the orange sun
Disappeared below the
The sense of aestheticism
That got to us then-
We've been chasing it
For over a decade and
Half now.
Not tired of the beauty
Or bonhomie.. The things
We've experienced and
The places we've explored..
Just yesterday when we
Biked hard to catch a
Sunset on the beach
In Manipal..
We missed it because
He wanted to change
To his shorts first.
Can you believe that?
Enraged, Disappointed
I lie on the sand.
He too understands what
We missed.
But that's all right.
Good that we know what
We've missed.
Good that we know
What are we gonna miss
If we don't pursue.
That's what keeps you
Going right?
The curiosity that fuels
How biking in the Himalayas
Can always start with
A feeble admiration for
Sunsets from above a
My boy doesn't seem
To walk on the ground
These days.
He likes to levitate.
Shit-talking about random
Girls has stopped.
Looks at earrings in
Thrift shops than
Second-hand bikes.
He doesn't stone the
Mating dogs these days.
Talks about the nostalgia
Of Kishore Kumar songs.
Oils his hair and wears
Better bright shirts and
Wonders why his shit
Stinks after he shits.
My boy has become a
'Bwoy' it seems.
The other day he cleaned
His own puke and swore
Upon his mom to give up
He was a good goddamn
Cement-Wall with shards of
Glass to insulate himself
With feminine curses.
But somehow a witch has
Gotten to him bad, like
Periwinkles leaving cracks.
We're taking counter
Measures though..
Confident, his sailed ship's
Gonna capsize in about
Six months. Or maybe less.
We're getting ready on the
Otherside to relish a
Drunk night full of his rants
About her betrayal.
We know he's gonna sing
English songs after the 4th peg.
His homecoming has to
Happen with an orchestra.
So we're busy tuning our
Instruments now.
To walk on the ground
These days.
He likes to levitate.
Shit-talking about random
Girls has stopped.
Looks at earrings in
Thrift shops than
Second-hand bikes.
He doesn't stone the
Mating dogs these days.
Talks about the nostalgia
Of Kishore Kumar songs.
Oils his hair and wears
Better bright shirts and
Wonders why his shit
Stinks after he shits.
My boy has become a
'Bwoy' it seems.
The other day he cleaned
His own puke and swore
Upon his mom to give up
He was a good goddamn
Cement-Wall with shards of
Glass to insulate himself
With feminine curses.
But somehow a witch has
Gotten to him bad, like
Periwinkles leaving cracks.
We're taking counter
Measures though..
Confident, his sailed ship's
Gonna capsize in about
Six months. Or maybe less.
We're getting ready on the
Otherside to relish a
Drunk night full of his rants
About her betrayal.
We know he's gonna sing
English songs after the 4th peg.
His homecoming has to
Happen with an orchestra.
So we're busy tuning our
Instruments now.
I haven't read the book
You gifted me on my
21st birthday.
You remember that day?
You came to meet me
From Mumbai. We had
Lunch in a restaurant.
One of my friends had
Insisted me to offer you a
Flower. I did and you
Had accepted it without
Feeling awkward.
I told you about how I
Love to walk to college
All the way from the
City bus stand.
You said you'd love
To walk. And we walked
Some 7-8 km that day
In the sun.
You gifted me that book
Upon reaching college.
I couldn't read it then.
Then things turned
Worse between us.
I decided to read it when
I'd miss you the most
One day.
A decade has passed now
And every excuse not
To read it has come to
An end.
I don't miss you much but
I feel I should read the book
One of these days.
Or should I go back on
The same road to cover
The same distance
Under the August Sun.
Miss a decade of your
Absence at once.
Then sit in the college lawn
To read it.
Perhaps every finished
Page can be used to
Wipe off tears or
Burn them to ashes by
My brain-scalding ire.
You gifted me on my
21st birthday.
You remember that day?
You came to meet me
From Mumbai. We had
Lunch in a restaurant.
One of my friends had
Insisted me to offer you a
Flower. I did and you
Had accepted it without
Feeling awkward.
I told you about how I
Love to walk to college
All the way from the
City bus stand.
You said you'd love
To walk. And we walked
Some 7-8 km that day
In the sun.
You gifted me that book
Upon reaching college.
I couldn't read it then.
Then things turned
Worse between us.
I decided to read it when
I'd miss you the most
One day.
A decade has passed now
And every excuse not
To read it has come to
An end.
I don't miss you much but
I feel I should read the book
One of these days.
Or should I go back on
The same road to cover
The same distance
Under the August Sun.
Miss a decade of your
Absence at once.
Then sit in the college lawn
To read it.
Perhaps every finished
Page can be used to
Wipe off tears or
Burn them to ashes by
My brain-scalding ire.
13 January 2025
Men In Love
I don't want this night to
End. I don't want this
Conversation to run out
Of steam.
The moonlight reflecting
From your eyes and
The enchantment your
Lips have cast..
There's something about
Today's sky.
Something about you in
This cold-stricken passage
Of time.
The sways of your hair
Against your cheeks.
My heart playing tricks
With my senses..
It's hard to express.
Your persona building a
Nest in me like you're a
Sparrow and my yearning
Finding excuses to make
You origami crafts.
Damn this feeling.
Why would anyone
Stereotype men as
Strong and haughty?
They clearly haven't seen
A guy fall in love.
Smooth like fragrance.
So soft, even a thousand
Feathers can't match
The caress.
A man falling in love is
Like a little girl's dream
Translating on her face
When she's asleep.
You gotta be careful
To capture it.
It's a momentary lapse
Of reason.
A little rush and
He'd be conscious..
And you may never see
That blush again.
Well, till maybe when
He'd be blessed with a
Daughter in some
Imaginary future.
Mom, Gran and..
It's the weight of daily
Chores or burden of idealism
Imposed within closed doors?
The cry of babies or the noise
Of wanna-be boys and men
That weighed her down?
Why is she hesitant when
Someone asks her name?
Who was she before she
Could be a mom or gran?
The magical mystery, who
Reeks of round rotis and
Balance of a perfect sambar.
Something loud-mouthed
Consumed the syllables of
Her last name.
Found only in her school
Certificate maybe.
But the paths to her school
Is erased-
Childhood defaced and
The backstory of how she was
Before she turned a Misses is
Fed to the Wolves.
What remains now is an
Ageless face. Her wageless
Labour and hints of onions
In her expression..
Which doesn't go beyond
A couple of sulphated tears
In the kitchen.
Your own Magic
After a while, you get
Handy with seamless
Operation of gears and
It occurs to you, how a
Better braking system is
Not merely for stopping but
Upping the speed.
After a while, you realize
How you spend your days
Is how you spend your Years,
Decades and Lifetime.
And how sometimes
Consequences don't matter.
Putting yourself in a cocoon,
Having yourself an image.
Doesn't matter.
Age can be counted on
Number of places you've
Visited and number of times
You've aimlessly danced.
You realize if you could
Have stretched your hands
A bit more, you could have
Grown a pair of wings.
How if you could have
Eased yourself with life,
Things could have fallen
In a better place.
After a while, when you
Find yourself utterly alone.
You realize, how no Priest
Or God can help you.
Nor a president or PM.
You realize how you
Need to work on yourself
Till the feather of
Luck comes to rest on your
Shoulder like it's a
Whisper of Buddhist bird.
You realise how
Wonderful it is to be
Your own wizard and
Handy with seamless
Operation of gears and
It occurs to you, how a
Better braking system is
Not merely for stopping but
Upping the speed.
After a while, you realize
How you spend your days
Is how you spend your Years,
Decades and Lifetime.
And how sometimes
Consequences don't matter.
Putting yourself in a cocoon,
Having yourself an image.
Doesn't matter.
Age can be counted on
Number of places you've
Visited and number of times
You've aimlessly danced.
You realize if you could
Have stretched your hands
A bit more, you could have
Grown a pair of wings.
How if you could have
Eased yourself with life,
Things could have fallen
In a better place.
After a while, when you
Find yourself utterly alone.
You realize, how no Priest
Or God can help you.
Nor a president or PM.
You realize how you
Need to work on yourself
Till the feather of
Luck comes to rest on your
Shoulder like it's a
Whisper of Buddhist bird.
You realise how
Wonderful it is to be
Your own wizard and
11 January 2025
Trade Off
We live on a hill.
The rain ruins the lives of
The people below.
We sneak in at night to
Steal shoes of the dead.
We've got a winter to
Get through ahead.
Some of us succumb to
The snow anyhow.
And people from below
Wait for the hints of
Melting snow to steal
Bones of our dead.
They need them to build
Shelters against the next
Rain that's due.
The rain ruins the lives of
The people below.
We sneak in at night to
Steal shoes of the dead.
We've got a winter to
Get through ahead.
Some of us succumb to
The snow anyhow.
And people from below
Wait for the hints of
Melting snow to steal
Bones of our dead.
They need them to build
Shelters against the next
Rain that's due.
Fed up, ashamed.
Feeling gross about
What I've written in my
Diaries all these years..
Decided to burn them
Page by Page.
There goes 3rd December
Of 2015 and 28th Feb of
Another leap year of
The past decade.
Faces of people I almost
Recognize along with
The fade of my own.
Words turning into flares..
Erasing them line by line,
Soot rising in the air.
Seemed I was a blank slate
For a while.
Shortly it rains.
Water-soaked char of
Memories clogging drains
And stinking. Seeping in
Dreams and haunting to
Remind me how I can't
Escape the past. How flushed
Memories can turn into ash,
And force you to cough.
Feeling gross about
What I've written in my
Diaries all these years..
Decided to burn them
Page by Page.
There goes 3rd December
Of 2015 and 28th Feb of
Another leap year of
The past decade.
Faces of people I almost
Recognize along with
The fade of my own.
Words turning into flares..
Erasing them line by line,
Soot rising in the air.
Seemed I was a blank slate
For a while.
Shortly it rains.
Water-soaked char of
Memories clogging drains
And stinking. Seeping in
Dreams and haunting to
Remind me how I can't
Escape the past. How flushed
Memories can turn into ash,
And force you to cough.
26 December 2024
The tall building on the
4th street has my book and
Pencil-- I never gotta
Go to school.
The villa near the water
Tank has trophies I
Never gotta win.
The temple near the Lake
Has shoes and a uniform
I never gotta wear.
The High school by
The Panchayat office has
Memories of my crippled leg.
Damaged when one of
The walls fell.
The childhood that's
Rubbed away by the bricks
I carried from the kiln-
When I walk these streets,
A streak of nostalgia
Gets to me-- like I almost
Met my school crush.
But alas! She too had to
Carry bricks for the
New Mall that came up
In the city nearby.
We can almost hear the
Sound of the movies.
And the whiff of popcorn
Popping inside.
Sometimes we sneak in
To get a peek at the other side,
But it seems they always
Shoo away our kind.
25 December 2024
Grandma's Garden
The marigolds with their
Fresh bravery in my bones.
Chased away pigs that day
In the backyard by myself.
I was heck of a Knight.
Yellow for this festival
And jasmines oozing their
The Periwinkles with subtle
Pink by the fence that's
Always ignored and
The roses in full bloom
Dancing on the only sapling
That came up well after
Years of trying-
The blossoms in Grandma's
Garden was the beginning of
New Year back then.
She made Deities with
Cow-dung for the occasion.
Age-old tradition to pay
Tribute to our ancestors.
Anything that was deemed
As a weapon was washed
And worshiped that day.
The first time she had
Asked me for my book and
The pen for the pooja...
How I had felt like a warrior.
Fresh bravery in my bones.
Chased away pigs that day
In the backyard by myself.
I was heck of a Knight.
The next time you travel
By bus at night.
May a beautiful girl occupy
The seat beside you.
May you talk all night
And hit it off well.
May she ask your number
Before you could.
Then by next weekend
May she come to meet you
And you two readily
Fall for each other.
May bike-trips happen
To you both. Late night
Convos under the stars.
Music, love, lust, fights.
And worse, a marriage.
May you have a seamless
Happy life. Two kids in a
Big home. One girl
And the other boy.
One afternoon when you
Sleep on the couch.
May one of them throw a
Steel glass at your face.
And when you wake up
Irritated, to the summer of
Power cut. May you curse
The humidity with
The sweetness of what you
Briefly felt in the dream.
By bus at night.
May a beautiful girl occupy
The seat beside you.
May you talk all night
And hit it off well.
May she ask your number
Before you could.
Then by next weekend
May she come to meet you
And you two readily
Fall for each other.
May bike-trips happen
To you both. Late night
Convos under the stars.
Music, love, lust, fights.
And worse, a marriage.
May you have a seamless
Happy life. Two kids in a
Big home. One girl
And the other boy.
One afternoon when you
Sleep on the couch.
May one of them throw a
Steel glass at your face.
And when you wake up
Irritated, to the summer of
Power cut. May you curse
The humidity with
The sweetness of what you
Briefly felt in the dream.
24 December 2024
The Picture
Your head rested on my
Right shoulder when we
Sat on the park bench.
A photographer captured
It from behind and gave
Us the pic saying
"It's beautiful."
We kissed later that day.
Our first one.
The tendency of that pic
Of turning into innumerable
Good things-
Travel, food, party, kids.
Sunsets, mountains, beach.
Long walks after fat feasts.
This pic that has no
Beginning or an end but
Only possibilities.
It's a house on lease where
We no longer live. But I go on
Paying the rent still.
Like a zoned-out writer
Disappearing in his story.
Drowned and dusted-
Refusing to come back.
Reality fused in fancy,
Your face becoming
A philosophy, an ideology.
Romanticism edging towards
A singularity. And the religion
You've manifested in me-
I'm happy to have become
A fanatic.
My bigotry stands stout
At your service now.
I want a spiritual awakening.
The Hunter
There's a mountain on
Your body and upon it
The weight of a sky.
Then the hungry stomach
And unwavering stability
In the eyes despite all.
It takes patience,
Not the fangs or heavy
Duty arms.
It's the pacing heart's
Focus anchored Against
Titanium locks.
It's clarity in the right
Time. Right pressure
At right points.
A blink of a mistake can
Hail heavy on the stomach,
Even cost your life.
Hunting is not an easy job.
Ready to be steady even
Against impossible odds..
Hunting is a state of mind.
Why do you think a hunt is
Always glorified?
The Hunter doesn't think
About grass despite being
Your body and upon it
The weight of a sky.
Then the hungry stomach
And unwavering stability
In the eyes despite all.
It takes patience,
Not the fangs or heavy
Duty arms.
It's the pacing heart's
Focus anchored Against
Titanium locks.
It's clarity in the right
Time. Right pressure
At right points.
A blink of a mistake can
Hail heavy on the stomach,
Even cost your life.
Hunting is not an easy job.
Ready to be steady even
Against impossible odds..
Hunting is a state of mind.
Why do you think a hunt is
Always glorified?
The Hunter doesn't think
About grass despite being
Abandonment to Adoption.
My cat died. No, no.
She was wounded.
Contracted an infection
That didn't subside.
She had to be done
Away with that's why.
Taken to a far-off place.
She was abandoned there
So she can't find her
Way back home.
She was a good fella.
But inevitability.
That's how things are.
The rats in the house
Started having a party.
We could hear their presence
After the lights were off.
So Dad insisted on
Petting one more.
Again, we got one from
A far-off place so it can't
Find its way back.
She meows around in
Feeble tones. She's fed
And taken care of till she
Become stout.
This gap between
Abandonment and adoption.
The mercy in our hearts
That sinks away and reappears
Like we really care.
We're masters of utility.
Aren't we?
If it suits us, we might
Bell our cats and start
Adoring rats by offering them
The fantasy of nine lives.
Then sacrifice cats
To a religious cause to
Appease Lord Ninklim.
And go in singing laurels
Of his relevance even
In these times.
Contracted an infection
That didn't subside.
She had to be done
Away with that's why.
Taken to a far-off place.
She was abandoned there
So she can't find her
Way back home.
She was a good fella.
But inevitability.
That's how things are.
The rats in the house
Started having a party.
We could hear their presence
After the lights were off.
So Dad insisted on
Petting one more.
Again, we got one from
A far-off place so it can't
Find its way back.
She meows around in
Feeble tones. She's fed
And taken care of till she
Become stout.
This gap between
Abandonment and adoption.
The mercy in our hearts
That sinks away and reappears
Like we really care.
We're masters of utility.
Aren't we?
If it suits us, we might
Bell our cats and start
Adoring rats by offering them
The fantasy of nine lives.
Then sacrifice cats
To a religious cause to
Appease Lord Ninklim.
And go in singing laurels
Of his relevance even
In these times.
22 December 2024
This secret that lingers
In you and bombards
Demanding a safe carrier.
Day by day, gaining weight
And turning into a rock.
How do you find the right
Ears to whisper it to?
The able shoulders to
Unload it onto?
You can't just throw it
At your pillow.
It's already overburdened
With tears and your drool.
Or you can't just scream
It off from a cliff hoping
The wind would carry it
To a place of no return.
If there was a competition
For bearing such a weight
Of a secret.
I wouldn't win it.
Crushed by even hints of
Such secrecy-
Spread, surrendered
And bled out on a paper-
The urge to unburden
Myself readily. The urge
To shed extra-baggage
In order to travel light.
I want to be a feather to
Fly away when the wind blows.
Or turn me into a quill to
Do the same.
In you and bombards
Demanding a safe carrier.
Day by day, gaining weight
And turning into a rock.
How do you find the right
Ears to whisper it to?
The able shoulders to
Unload it onto?
You can't just throw it
At your pillow.
It's already overburdened
With tears and your drool.
Or you can't just scream
It off from a cliff hoping
The wind would carry it
To a place of no return.
If there was a competition
For bearing such a weight
Of a secret.
I wouldn't win it.
Crushed by even hints of
Such secrecy-
Spread, surrendered
And bled out on a paper-
The urge to unburden
Myself readily. The urge
To shed extra-baggage
In order to travel light.
I want to be a feather to
Fly away when the wind blows.
Or turn me into a quill to
Do the same.
17 December 2024
Fart to Spirituality
Big entrance exam day,
Four puris in the morning
Fall heavy on your stomach.
The stomach growls.
What seemed like a harmless
Fart, seems to tease with
A Serendipitous act.
Your denial earlier grows
Thin and you gotta search
For a toilet. But the
College premises didn't
Bother to build any.
You gotta walk searching
For one. But the only hope
You got is Two kilometres away
In the bus stand.
And you walk and walk
Clenching your
Embarrassment in the ass
That wants to cry.
A five-rupee coin in hand
To pay for the toilet and
An old woman on the way
Asks you for alms.
You don't know what to
Do with the idea that
Flutters in your mind but
You gotta prioritize other
Important things in hand.
There's no gratitude
Bigger in life than your legs
Getting you a toilet in time.
And you're thankful-
The relief with which you
Return. You pay that
Old-woman purposefully.
That day you were more
Closer to God that
Anytime ever in life.
Four puris in the morning
Fall heavy on your stomach.
The stomach growls.
What seemed like a harmless
Fart, seems to tease with
A Serendipitous act.
Your denial earlier grows
Thin and you gotta search
For a toilet. But the
College premises didn't
Bother to build any.
You gotta walk searching
For one. But the only hope
You got is Two kilometres away
In the bus stand.
And you walk and walk
Clenching your
Embarrassment in the ass
That wants to cry.
A five-rupee coin in hand
To pay for the toilet and
An old woman on the way
Asks you for alms.
You don't know what to
Do with the idea that
Flutters in your mind but
You gotta prioritize other
Important things in hand.
There's no gratitude
Bigger in life than your legs
Getting you a toilet in time.
And you're thankful-
The relief with which you
Return. You pay that
Old-woman purposefully.
That day you were more
Closer to God that
Anytime ever in life.
16 December 2024
Black coffee, no sugar- plain bitter.
A Memoir of Dharmashala: Club from 1850s
when the British found vacation joys
In the hills of their enslaved territory.
'Cozy jazz' - playlist on the music platform,
Plays endlessly, I'm all in even if it's hours long.
It triggers something in me
I think about this life. This damned life and
The series of events that brought me
Here again.
A friend who died
And the bike he left me in his will along with
A lot of vivid memories on it across
Lands, oceans, and hills.
One or two songs from the playlist
Or even more, tweaking the slow cinnamon
Burn of our days from the college..
They take me back to pull my heart out
To the life at it's the barest laughter and
We staring back at it with the coldest eyes.
Then he goes away. Twenty years have
Passed and I haven't cried it out yet.
I feel like poking my eyes with this pen
In my to nab down every bit of tear that
Doesn't come out. But no.
I have to drag this life for him.
I gotta feel un-poured rains for him.
And see the unveiled horizons. And experience
That nightly starlight across the Himalayas.
And maybe someday at dawn, when the sun
Comes up across a snow-laden mountains
In the village of Zanskar, to bring
Peace to my years of traveling streak.
I would then order two cups of
Sea-Buck-Thon tea, to say cheers to an empty seat.
And slowly drink it to fade away in
The foggy wisdom the same evening.
I scribble my thoughts in
My notebook.
If something comes off well,
I type it and pin it in
Google Keep for editing.
After regular rounds of
Mending, bending and
Restructuring of the tone.
I unpin it before posting
It in my blog.
It's like granting freedom
To a prisoner.
Like, an idea was held for
Trespassing the premises
Of my mind-
His plea had to go through
Rounds of considerations,
Before his behaviour
Was considered apt.
And when it seemed
He lived upto the mark,
He was set free in the
Poetry's realm.
And now that he has
Earned his freedom,
He belongs to the hearts
Of whoever reads.
This urge to capture
Her pics. This urge to
Scream her name.
The butterflies in the
Stomach that want to
Manifest but don't want to
Make anything obvious-
There's pic of an old man
Walking away in my gallery.
And of a wrapper of
Cadbury dairy milk.
A leaf of mango and
A discarded pen I found
When I was walking her
To the library.
This urge to scribble
Her name in the last page,
But it goes only till 'S' to
To become something else.
I realize. These pics are
The moments I steal as
Souvenirs around my
Feelings for her.
Random, hopeless and
Not so loud pics-
An attempt to hide my
Longing, even from myself.
Yet this urge to preserve
Her presence-
The 'S' that became
'Seagull' in my pen name.
The unsung part is the 'P.S'
That hides the things
My backspace couldn't.
Sleeping with myself to
Test my narcissism.
Guess I got an erection.
I saw my face and
The bare-ugly-chest.
Drooled all over to
Quench my fetish.
I was my own king
And my own queen.
Orgasm after orgasm
After the self-admiration.
Finding no one better
Than the two of me-
The goldy manifestation
I am, and the others,
High on the voyeurism of
My pious sins-
Should try me. Try us.
We can gaslight you
At will and feed you to
Your own guilt, so that
You can come in praise
Of my wit later on.
Till then, lemme
Sharpen my tongue for
My next attack.
15 December 2024
War against Cancer
Me and cousin urinated
In the empty bottles,
Stashed by my grandfather.
Hampering his intentions
Of selling them to buy
Himself packs of Beedi.
Guess who were the
Earliest fighters of cancers
By weaponizing weenies.
Maybe we should take up
The task again to raise
Funds for a campaign to
Piss on the balance sheets
Of cigarette companies.
"Cocks against cigars"-
Such a metaphor for
What kills and what can
Give birth.
What can ooze out life
And what sucks it in.
12 December 2024
Beyond this village,
The opportunities.
The lillies beyond the sea
Against the marigolds here.
The weight of a livelihood
Like a compulsive habit
To join an ocean.
Salt, depth, dark- lost?
Should the river be
Condemned to forget
Its own taste in search
Of something more?
Should the Lotus in the
Village pond go on
Smiling daily, despite being
Ignored by everyone?
The different worlds we
Fancy in our heads-
One leg, very well
Grounded while the other
Is placed in the skies of
The divide forever keeps
Increasing while we piss on
The possibilities that lie
In the middle.
The older you get,
The less you cry.
You just learn to handle
The pain well, with time.
Hide hit, mold it or
Whatever it takes to
Push back the tears.
The skilled carpenters
We are with our
Hammers and the nails-
Agile to thump back
Every drop with no fear
Of damaging the eyes,
Or hearts.
Nails stuck all over the
Face, a wooden mask
Always in work,
All through life.
The kid within us we
Tried to love. We abused
Him eventually.
We're our own pedos.
Adulthood really is just a
Funeral where everyone
Laughs at each other's
Progressive demise.
10 December 2024
One Last Hunt
The storm in your chest is a
Caged animal, waiting for
That one last hunt.
Poised on front foot,
Body weight shifted to rear.
Ready to jump as soon as
You open your gates.
But you're afraid of the
Turbulence aren't you?
Second guessing your ability to
Bear lightening and thunder?
To protect the flicker of
Light that you haven't lit yet,
You go all lengths to contain
The storm inside..
And the darkness in your
Life and winter in your legs.
The animal you are, wanting
That one final hunt..
But you were afraid of the
Taking chances all your life,
And you wonder how you
Starved yourself to death.
07 December 2024
Ruined Thing
A bird that didn't fly,
Man who didn't try.
Stuck in ifs and why,
Train left the station
And you stood watching
Instead of hopping on.
The song was ready,
Guitar was tuned.
The song didn't materialize
As you chose not to sing.
A perfectly ruined thing
Is the one didn't get
Any taint or bruise.
So afraid of the wound,
Stood infront of the mirror
All life, glorifying one's
Flawless skin.
But the mirror only
Amplifies what you hide.
How do you escape
Your reflection that lies?
06 December 2024
Carrot Halwa
I hope you say my name
In your sleep.
I hope your kid asks you
Repeatedly about the one
You seek in your dreams.
I hope you've fumbled
Everytime they all wanted an
Explanation and I hope
You had decided to never
Talk about the past.
But not today.
Not on on this gloom ladden
Sunday of late December.
But how are you gonna
Say it aloud?
How are you gonna scream
An ex lover's name in
Everyone's presence?
So you decide to prepare
Halwa with carrots from
Backwaters of Kerala,
The one you had prepared me
When we had first met.
Everyone enjoys it to
The last bit.
Your in-laws say it's the best
They've tasted.
That's the closure everyone
In the family wanted..
That's what you thought.
But your kid still goes on
Aking about me and you never
Realise when he started
Referring to me as papa.
And what shocks you more
Is why the hell is he referring
To your husband as mama.
05 December 2024
I like the Third-Person-POV
Of mine who goes on
Scribbling word after word.
Sentence after sentence.
Stopping for a while to
Search for words and then
Go on in rhythms with a
Set flow.
This simulation that runs
In my head, flowing around
Like a river in search of
New oceans.
I feel the tones, the pauses.
Breaths taken when I
Run out of words and swish of
Wind when a good sentence
Strikes my head.
It's an unstructured play of
Aligning lines, before something
Translates on the paper.
While I stood looking at
The burst-crackers in the street
From the previous night's
I toppled over an idea and
The subsequent stream of
Thoughts landed me in this
The day I died,
My soul came out holding
Its nose, like it could
Not bear the stench.
It didn't look back or wait.
It escaped from gap between
Unbecoming of my name
Into a corpse.
What will this bird out
Of the cage would do?
For I haven't taught her
Any songs too.
I already see a limp
In its wings,
Can sour to the heights
It wishes to reach?
But then it enters another
Body before I could
Empathize with it a bit.
Souls have no loyalty, ain't it?
Flaunting its body-count
Like it's a Manther,
It goes on lusting for better
Cages and skeletons,
To collect bounty in terms
Of carnal misery of the body
That comes with every
Mortal's mortality.
04 December 2024
Woke up, and went on a walk.
Made myself a cup of coffee
And had a good frothy bath..
It could have been otherwise.
Watched a movie later on,
Wrote something for myself.
A good lunch. A deep nap
After a long time..
It could have been otherwise.
Plugged in the earphones,
Hopped on an old playlist and
Remembered an old friend while
I sulked alone in the evening.
Called him this time.
It could have been otherwise.
He joined me later on.
A bike ride to the distant bar.
A beer, kababs and biryani.
Talked for long.
It could have been otherwise,
But I called him, and we had a beer.
Can live in relief for another
Month at least and maybe
Many more.
03 December 2024
Good Night
Bridges from where to
Where and why?
Why they're always in
The proces of building or
Burning in the stories?
Today, in mine, everything
Lies flat on the floor.
Reasons I don't know.
I mean, on this winter night
Why the trudge?
Why build something
Out of sweat? Or burn
Something to cough out
The same?
It's lazy, hopeless and
Mindless freak this night.
Lies flat with wanting
No help or support.
Loses control and withers
Itself to sleep.
This story is sleep deprived.
And I badly need it.
Good night.
02 December 2024
Sense of Humour
At first, parents will come to
Snatch your sense of humor.
Then those teachers and
Advisors and other elders,
Who can't handle your wit.
Sometimes the siblings and
Some friends. Your dog,
The family deity, who can't
Take a little offense.
They can't handle the ridicule.
A bit of sarcasm seems
Like a mirror, and they don't
Want to be exposed.
Then there's the government.
The most afraid and intolerant.
Anything that reeks of life,
They want to tax it.
Sales tax on whoever laughs
And slabs of GST on whoever
Makes them laugh.
They love you on crutches,
Don't they? A compliant mind
That doesn't question.
A "Yes sir' without any arguments
And you're a patriot.
If only all the leaders were
Comedians, and
In the next world wars,
Jokes would explode..
Not that they aren't jokers now
Or not exploding stuff.
It's just, no one is laughing.
As the joke is on us.
01 December 2024
Somewhere, there's a memory
Of waiting with Mom for a bus
To her maiden home.
Somewhere there's a memory
Of Dad carrying me on his
Shoulders to buy me chocolates.
Grandpa, showing me how
The buffaloes are milked.
Grandma, giving me 25 paise
After I help her with chores.
A memory of running around
With cousins and bruising
My knees. Mama gifting me my
First pair of Pargon-chappals
As I tagged along while
Harvesting paddy.
The brief shudder of calm in
My veins every time I remember
My childhood. Feels like,
I still sneak into those orchards
To steal mangoes. So delicious
That I'm forever thankful.
28 November 2024
The fleeting moments
Do we ever become worthy
Of something? Love, kiss, a hug?
A decent talk maybe, to be a
Day-to-day person?
Why does the mountain of
Expectations weigh down on
The fleeting moments?
Get a job or earn something
Before you could deserve
The wait, till you turn 25,
The wait, till your dog goes,
Through second pregnancy-
It seems I waited too long for
Things to happen to me.
Took me long to realize, how..
Life happens between fleeting
Moments. The messy palette
Before it manifests into art.
The pleasure of chaos in mind
Before something thoughtful
The blue, pink, red, yellow that
Passed in front of you while you
Waited for that perfect girl to
Land in your life.
The undermined beauty of
Monochromes before
The rainbow did or did not
Happen and the feel of the
Colors that forever remains.
Of something? Love, kiss, a hug?
A decent talk maybe, to be a
Day-to-day person?
Why does the mountain of
Expectations weigh down on
The fleeting moments?
Get a job or earn something
Before you could deserve
The wait, till you turn 25,
The wait, till your dog goes,
Through second pregnancy-
It seems I waited too long for
Things to happen to me.
Took me long to realize, how..
Life happens between fleeting
Moments. The messy palette
Before it manifests into art.
The pleasure of chaos in mind
Before something thoughtful
The blue, pink, red, yellow that
Passed in front of you while you
Waited for that perfect girl to
Land in your life.
The undermined beauty of
Monochromes before
The rainbow did or did not
Happen and the feel of the
Colors that forever remains.
27 November 2024
True Love
I don't believe in true love.
The unconditional kind.
l like the idea of it though.
I like the fact that some
People believe in it.
I like the fact that my friend
Still believes it.
One person's unhinged
Passion for the other.
An almost obsession
That wants to cross
Longing for each other
Like it's a rage.
A radical communist if
Love was an ideology
Leaning left.
Like belief in God.
Come what may- logic
Science or rationality-
Or other religions that
Denies one's belief-
Thy lord is supreme-
No one stands a chance.
You can't negotiate
Those terms or plant
A doubt in the mind of this
Plain blindness.
I hate, I can't do that.
I hate, I can't believe in God.
I hate, I can't truly fall in love
With you and worship you
Like you're my Almighty Lord.
I hate, the fact that I can't
Truly surrender to you
When you say- "Lemme
Love you" and when you ask
"Who's your mommy?"
I hate I can't truly be a
The unconditional kind.
l like the idea of it though.
I like the fact that some
People believe in it.
I like the fact that my friend
Still believes it.
One person's unhinged
Passion for the other.
An almost obsession
That wants to cross
Longing for each other
Like it's a rage.
A radical communist if
Love was an ideology
Leaning left.
Like belief in God.
Come what may- logic
Science or rationality-
Or other religions that
Denies one's belief-
Thy lord is supreme-
No one stands a chance.
You can't negotiate
Those terms or plant
A doubt in the mind of this
Plain blindness.
I hate, I can't do that.
I hate, I can't believe in God.
I hate, I can't truly fall in love
With you and worship you
Like you're my Almighty Lord.
I hate, the fact that I can't
Truly surrender to you
When you say- "Lemme
Love you" and when you ask
"Who's your mommy?"
I hate I can't truly be a
Lost Decade
Tell me forgotten friend,
About the decade we lost.
Tell me about the weather
Of far-off places and of
The same place when
We were far off.
Do other people sound
The same? Does the movie
Experience with others
Get better?
Did you buy a PlayStation
To play with your roommate?
Or started together a
The beer didn't taste
The same for me.
The pillion of my bike
Remained forever empty.
I lost interest in the video
Games. Even my girl left
Me as she couldn't fill up
The void you left.
A pitcher forever waits for
You in beside a half-plate
Biryani, in every bar I visit.
Tell me if you miss me
The same. Tell me if there
Are chances to amend.
Tell me if there's hope.
Tell me if we can meet again-
To bike around in the mountains.
Eat, laugh and bitch about
People in different places,
Like we always did.
26 November 2024
Missed Diwali
How was it this time?
I asked my brother after
Missing Diwali for years.
He said-
The cousin with the funny
Nose had come and we
Made hot-air-balloons like
We did as children.
Grandma took charge of
Of the kitchen to prepare
Her signature once-in-a-year
Vermicelli dish.
Mom planned an elaborate
Rangoli- I helped her fill
The colours - she teared up
While she put your name
In the bottom.
Dad of course was
Grumpy all morning.
He did test everyone's
Patience yesterday evening
While he made all of us
Clean the house.
By 11 am today when
Everyone gathered to offer
Flowers to your photo.
Dad broke down for the
First time in three years.
I haven't cried it out yet.
And I've stopped bursting
Crackers. And just like
The future ones would-
This Diwali was grand too
In your memory.
I asked my brother after
Missing Diwali for years.
He said-
The cousin with the funny
Nose had come and we
Made hot-air-balloons like
We did as children.
Grandma took charge of
Of the kitchen to prepare
Her signature once-in-a-year
Vermicelli dish.
Mom planned an elaborate
Rangoli- I helped her fill
The colours - she teared up
While she put your name
In the bottom.
Dad of course was
Grumpy all morning.
He did test everyone's
Patience yesterday evening
While he made all of us
Clean the house.
By 11 am today when
Everyone gathered to offer
Flowers to your photo.
Dad broke down for the
First time in three years.
I haven't cried it out yet.
And I've stopped bursting
Crackers. And just like
The future ones would-
This Diwali was grand too
In your memory.
25 November 2024
At first, you battle with your mind-
Trying to enslave your thoughts in
In tough words.
Forcefully attempting to knit meaning
In metaphors. Hoping they would
Grow wings one day.
But can clipped wings fly?
The caged birds sing?
The arrogant poet you're initially-
Not knowing the art of letting go-
The edgy arrogance smoothens out
To give way to a playfulness eventually.
You surrender to your mind and
Let yourself flow in uncharted
The erstwhile Lake becomes a river
And you give it a chance to join
The ocean. Standing on the sidelines-
Slow, observant. Ready to borrow a
Glass of water from the eternal flow to
Make it into a verse.
Unsure always to declare it as a
Full-fledged poem-- Not being sure
Opens up innumerable possibilities.
Now you can be the Beginning, the End,
Or the middle. Or All of it, None of it or
Simply the in-between.
Trying to enslave your thoughts in
In tough words.
Forcefully attempting to knit meaning
In metaphors. Hoping they would
Grow wings one day.
But can clipped wings fly?
The caged birds sing?
The arrogant poet you're initially-
Not knowing the art of letting go-
The edgy arrogance smoothens out
To give way to a playfulness eventually.
You surrender to your mind and
Let yourself flow in uncharted
The erstwhile Lake becomes a river
And you give it a chance to join
The ocean. Standing on the sidelines-
Slow, observant. Ready to borrow a
Glass of water from the eternal flow to
Make it into a verse.
Unsure always to declare it as a
Full-fledged poem-- Not being sure
Opens up innumerable possibilities.
Now you can be the Beginning, the End,
Or the middle. Or All of it, None of it or
Simply the in-between.
Somewhere there's this quietude.
Waiting on a hill, looking at a nullity-
Sitting by a lake, waiting for
The ripples to come, touch your feet-
Imagining yourself in a dark room,
Eyes closed. Searching for something.
Searching for what?
This quietude you can't listen to.
Quietude you can't feel or touch-
Trying to translate it on sheets and
Sheets of paper. Not satisfied with a
A pen or colour or your intent.
Ending up relating yourself more to
The blankness of the paper than any
Of the stories written-
Each paper, screaming, louder than ever.
And you, growing quieter every time
You scribble.
With each appeal and attempt-
Between the noise and silence.
The void, getting bigger and bigger-
The artist in you, smaller and smaller.
Till one day when you disappear from
Your art. Consumed by the void.
Only then it's complete.
Only then peace. Only then a poem.
Waiting on a hill, looking at a nullity-
Sitting by a lake, waiting for
The ripples to come, touch your feet-
Imagining yourself in a dark room,
Eyes closed. Searching for something.
Searching for what?
This quietude you can't listen to.
Quietude you can't feel or touch-
Trying to translate it on sheets and
Sheets of paper. Not satisfied with a
A pen or colour or your intent.
Ending up relating yourself more to
The blankness of the paper than any
Of the stories written-
Each paper, screaming, louder than ever.
And you, growing quieter every time
You scribble.
With each appeal and attempt-
Between the noise and silence.
The void, getting bigger and bigger-
The artist in you, smaller and smaller.
Till one day when you disappear from
Your art. Consumed by the void.
Only then it's complete.
Only then peace. Only then a poem.
24 November 2024
Skilled Labour
They don't make children's
Movies these days.
Seems everyone feels a bit
Overly adult each year.
All the toys and dolls be
Reduced to a nullity soon.
All the cry and naivety be
Banned because who wants
To be child anymore?
There would be ultrasonic
Classes after conception.
The foetus should learn
Mandarin by the second
The world's running out of
Skilled labour- one has to
Process Raw-Data if they
Want decent exit from their
Mom's vagina.
Ohh! We need to beat machines
And AI modules you see-
Teaching mental agility to
These LittleShits is the only
Way to save humanity.
Our wars are spiritual,
We're our own enemies.
Need to give up vanities,
Ignore emotions.
Focus on mental awareness
And cognitive orgasms.
So, here, you wanna be
Freaks. Take these
Quantum Nuclear Codes.
Mug them up and don't leak.
If there's an explosion,
Contain it in your head.
And that's a test for your
Enrollment in first grade.
23 November 2024
Two Chairs
At the end of the world,
Against a fiery sky that's
Dying. There are two
Plastic chairs.
I'm sitting on one,
Waiting for you with a
Cold beer.
At the beginning of
The world. Against rebirth
Of a new sky- there are
Same two chairs.
Still waiting for you,
The beer is cold still.
And the epochs pass by-
Ice-ages -advent of warmth-
The civilizations and now-
The same chairs against a
Murky sky and skyscrapers.
But you come this time.
Where were you? Doing what?
Having flings? Kissing hoes?
Tasting betrayals?
The beer just turned warm
And the moment is gone.
Saying BFFs for life-
The way you've come now.
The sheer audacity.
Where are the snacks?
First Date
We had so many things
In common.
Cup cakes over any other.
Bike over cars.
Ice cream after tea in
The winters and long
Unplanned walks than
Waiting for buses.
We hit it off well,
That evening.
"Lunch Box" over any
Other movie.
Periwinkles anyday than
We sat for long,
Discussing how marriages
Are scams and where all
One can travel with all
The saved money.
We decided to meet
Again after a year,
In the same place if
Things work out.
I was almost leaving,
Then you appeared on
A bike suddenly asking
How about Ice-cream
After tea? And I said
To Ma that night,
Bahu mil gayi.
22 November 2024
Loose Ends
Hunger after the stomach
Is full. Thirst after it has
Been quenched.
Where do clouds go when
They can't pour down?
Where do the poems that
Couldn't make it to paper
Find their abode?
These unsent love-letters
In the closet,
Slowly turning sour.
Where did the unheard
Songs go? and the
Un-answered prayers?
And the innocent kids that
Die after the bombing?
Do they ever hail heavy
On the gates of heaven?
Or they're sent to hell?
For not being capitalised
In a religious reckoning.
21 November 2024
A Japanese company claims
It can disappear you.
Like the woosh of the wind-
Erasing traces from existence.
I'm thinking of erasing me to
Relocate myself elsewhere.
Somewhere low-key, where
People grow just rice and
Vegetables for a living and die
Without fighting the nature when it
Embraces them with a wound or
A disease. And maybe when I
Spend twenty years like that-
Weary enough of the wildness.
Craving for Dosa and Biryani
Getting out of hand-
I would write you a letter,
As I wouldn't have access to
A cell phone or your number.
It would be scripted in English
But the language would be a
Local tribal slang.
And when you read it out loud,
As per the instructions.
Those fancy-sounding words
Would always mean-
"Fuck you in the ass with a
Poisoned dart". As you were
The reason I'd to go recluse.
Standing alone at the balcony
With a cigarette. Ashtray on
The railings. Peeking hesitantly
At the window of the apartment
Infront of you-
A family having dinner with
Elders and kids.
You don't even recall what's it
Like to have a partner now.
Been years since your wife passed.
And you're not sure if you deserve
Love again this late in life.
This woman you've fallen in love,
Twenty years younger.
The long letters you write her
And tone down before sending.
Why can't you meet her despite
Her insistence?
So used to driving your broken
Car that when the mechanic
In a distant road offers to fix it-
You let it pass.
So afraid of another breakdown
After getting it fixed-
You're weary of hope invading
The cucoon of your comfort.
So you carry your ruins on your
Back to tell yourself that the light
At the end of the tunnel is another
Train coming to crash your life.
Pretty neat pessimism to avoid
Conflict in life.
At the edge of the world,
The house we built when
We were on good terms.
I stopped there for a while
When I was passing by tonight.
A dinner table in the hall,
Two tea-cups that aren't
Empty. Bindi on the mirror,
An arm length wreath of
Jasmine that wants to find
Solace in your braids.
The small geoid marked
With places we wished to go.
It still rotates.
The door is forever open
And the doormat still flaunts
'Welcome' in colours.
The kid of our fancy calls
Your name and I haven't
Lied to her yet.
"Mom has gone shopping"
I repeatedly say and
Believing my words,
She goes on playing in
My head.
Subtle Art
When the first man chipped away
The edges off a rock to roll it.
Another playing with stones,
Sparked the first fire and ate baked
Flesh for the first time.
Centuries later, a dude capitalized
Both phenomenons to boil water
In a tank to move around on steam.
The refinement of the same,
Passing through various minds of
People with passion-
Suddenly you've innumerable options.
Wheel-wise, size-wise, engine-wise,
Fuel-wise- lots of categories.
And when you complain now about
How you're anxious to choose from
The myriad of choices you've-
I say, be thankful sis.
One asteroid is all it takes to bite
The dust- to wander naked in Eden-
Cold. Hungry. Ready to get
Cursed again by God, for eating
That forbidden Apple- and a
Whole replay of this simulation.
To say all of that to invoke a sense
Of gratitude in you- Mansplaining is
A subtle art you see.
Gets better if one knows how to
Flaunt when the other is
Under-confident and meek.
18 November 2024
I had to accompany you that day.
You forced me in fact, saying
You want me to accompany you
Till your hostel in another city.
As we sat giggling and talking,
Our faces so close- I could feel
Your breath and the brush of
Your hair on my cheeks.
It could have been a kiss.
But I wasn't ready for something
Like that - consciously maintaining
A distance, freeing my hand
From your clutch-
Did I have an aversion to touch?
Beats me. I've let go of too many
Could have been and would
Have been moments like that.
These incomplete moments,
That swell in my veins now-
Ready to blast. But for what?
Fresh flowers as homage to
Graveyards in my heart?
And what should I do with
This fragrance of regrets?
Preserve it in another bottle
Of brine? - Pickles to taste again,
In the future when I
Reminisce about these lost
Moments because I overthought
About the consequences?
15 November 2024
Whenever she wanted to say
Something uncomfortable or
Vulnerable. She would text in
A random language.
Her way of hiding her trauma.
Her way of not throwing it
Directly at me.
Sometimes she would text in
Turkish or Spanish.
I had to translate it back to
English to decipher what she
Meant to say.
Sometimes I would reply in
Russian or French to hide
My helplessness to console.
The loss in translation
Didn't matter. Even if I could
Understand half of what she
Wanted to say. It was okay.
Even if she had put things in
Our slang, I wouldn't have
Understood her pain the way
She wanted me to be.
Maybe it was the effort to
Understand her mattered,
More than her pain itself.
Little effort to sneak in another
Language to understand
Each other had some kind of
Intimacy to it.
Maybe our own language
Isn't enough sometimes.
Like home isn't enough and
You gotta climb a
Distant mountain to it sigh off
And understand and convey-
How the trudge is mutual
And you totally empathize.
14 November 2024
Sab Changasi
Ours is a sleepy town,
The worst that can happen
Is a bad cup of tea and
The best is a good cup
With a plate of Girmit.
We don't have big malls,
Traffic jams, skyscrapers,
Or critical infrastructure.
Streets are not tangled,
You can hardly get lost.
Wokeness of English
Hasn't seeped in our language.
So cripples are not
Special abled here yet.
They do the same things
Ordinary people are supposed
To do.
Feminism hasn't invaded
The households and women
Are busy making homes
Than forming opinions
That are politically correct.
Kids don't hesitate to stone
Mating dogs disgusted by
Their interlocked genitals.
And the men walk in their
Banyans, with their proud
Fat bellies-
The only duty they got is
To transfer their chauvinism
To the next- GenZ and counting-
Everything is all right till the
Round rotis keep coming.
The worst that can happen
Is a bad cup of tea and
The best is a good cup
With a plate of Girmit.
We don't have big malls,
Traffic jams, skyscrapers,
Or critical infrastructure.
Streets are not tangled,
You can hardly get lost.
Wokeness of English
Hasn't seeped in our language.
So cripples are not
Special abled here yet.
They do the same things
Ordinary people are supposed
To do.
Feminism hasn't invaded
The households and women
Are busy making homes
Than forming opinions
That are politically correct.
Kids don't hesitate to stone
Mating dogs disgusted by
Their interlocked genitals.
And the men walk in their
Banyans, with their proud
Fat bellies-
The only duty they got is
To transfer their chauvinism
To the next- GenZ and counting-
Everything is all right till the
Round rotis keep coming.
12 November 2024
Beyond Reason
Let us hide in the gaps
Of languages. Where our
Emotions are untouched and
Life beyond four letters,
Livelihood beyond
The day-to-day stutter.
If there's a word for a
Yearning for a non-existent
Home, let's skip it.
And for the smell of rain
After touching scorched soil.
Let's forget it.
There must be some language
Of the world where,
They might not have confined
The meaning of love yet.
A longing that isn't limited
To mortal sensibilities.
Let's outgrow what we can
Speak and read and touch.
Let's outgrow what we can
Feel and express.
They say, beyond the shackles
Of logic and reasoning,
There's a marijuana field.
I'll roll for you, you roll for me.
We'll smoke up the earth to
Call it an apocalypse.
Ripping it
That morning I turned myself
Into a butcher, to chop flesh
Of my memories as pieces of
Songs I've been in love.
The bloody hassle down this
Nostalgic path to find you
The best songs- to curate you
The best playlist
It's hard not to expect you
Yap about the music and
Scream about it from a
High tower of your city.
But I gotta keep my expectations
Low you know? I always get
Ahead of myself in these things.
Only to sit and wait for others to
Catch up. Then regret and
Curse myself in frustration.
For hopping on such a journey
To begin with.
This euphoria fails to subside,
But when it does my eyes hurt
And my head blurs as if I'm in a
Caffeine withdrawal.
This strange attitude of mine
To feel deeply. Outlive four-five
Oceans despite knowing,
A mere drop is our reality..
It comes with a cost.
Goes on leaving its marks.
I attach myself deeply and
That's why, feel betrayed easily.
11 November 2024
Participation Time
You're an incarnation of
A star that died.
Maybe I'm a misfired bullet
In an astronomical war.
Perhaps everyone here
Is cosmic-apocalyptic-dust
Forced with life.
Trees culture us to feed
Themselves carbon dioxide.
They're CCTVs deployed to
Monitor us. Mitochondria-
Connected to a giant dictator's
Mind. Earth sure is a lab.
You and me are
Test subjects, for an evaluation
Of side effects of love
That's wild.
Come on love..
It's participation time.
I want to
I want to let out a
Warm sigh on your neck
While I play with
The strands of your hair.
I want to stay buried in
Your touch while you
Complain about your day
At work.
I want to recite to you a
Romantic poem written
By a rogue poet to
Tell you how I wish to write
Something that great
But unable to pen down.
All I want is, to trace
Back every romantic
Thought of mine to your
Presence. Or absence.
Might sound like a bogus
Fantasy of a hopeless poet.
Come to me once,
How the warmth of
Warm sigh on your neck
While I play with
The strands of your hair.
I want to stay buried in
Your touch while you
Complain about your day
At work.
I want to recite to you a
Romantic poem written
By a rogue poet to
Tell you how I wish to write
Something that great
But unable to pen down.
All I want is, to trace
Back every romantic
Thought of mine to your
Presence. Or absence.
Might sound like a bogus
Fantasy of a hopeless poet.
Come to me once,
I'll show you-
How the warmth of
My thoughts,
Down your creases,
Can make you melt.
Shower of my passion
To invoke a desire
Can make you wet.
Why the Midlife Crisis?
The first time your friends
Mock the bulge of your belly,
You say you ate more.
The next time you find out
A couple of extra KGs,
You land the blame on
The high density of bones.
The denial goes on for a
Few years while the shirt
Size changes and the waist
Goes beyond thirty-two.
Acceptance knocks on
Your door after a while and
You open it- you gotta, after
Your hand made countless
Slides down the curves of
This parabolic paunch that's
In making.
And when you sit down now-
The folds of this adipose,
Tightening around the waist
To make its presence felt-
You laugh it off, imagining
This fat insulation coming
In the line of sight while peeing
And you can no longer
See your weenie.
That's a legit catharsis of
Every man in his 40s and
You ask why the midlife crisis?
Mock the bulge of your belly,
You say you ate more.
The next time you find out
A couple of extra KGs,
You land the blame on
The high density of bones.
The denial goes on for a
Few years while the shirt
Size changes and the waist
Goes beyond thirty-two.
Acceptance knocks on
Your door after a while and
You open it- you gotta, after
Your hand made countless
Slides down the curves of
This parabolic paunch that's
In making.
And when you sit down now-
The folds of this adipose,
Tightening around the waist
To make its presence felt-
You laugh it off, imagining
This fat insulation coming
In the line of sight while peeing
And you can no longer
See your weenie.
That's a legit catharsis of
Every man in his 40s and
You ask why the midlife crisis?
08 November 2024
This is the second time
You've come in my dream now.
We met at your college this time.
Which was located in a place
I remember from the mountains.
You were attending your
Classes. Surprisingly I was
Attending too. My homie was
Roaming around in his own.
We stole glances now and then.
For some reason, it wasn't
Awkward at all.
In fact, we mysteriously sat
Together, had lunch and
Read a couple of poems.
He asked me a couple of times,
'Who's she?' I couldn't tell.
Then, we three roamed around.
Talked to one of your friends
Out of suicide.
Then we saw a rain-soaked
Path and followed it.
We three were climbing a
Mountain in a short while.
But when I reached the top,
Found myself alone.
Did I lose you two?
But why? Surely,
Not because I was fast.
Do my choices have to be
This exclusive? One of you
Against the other?
Finally to end within myself?
Do I have to be forever
07 November 2024
The train of my thoughts
Has a steam engine.
Loud, shaky, and smokey
When it runs.
It forces me to cough.
The soot overpowers.
I feel asphyxiated.
But it takes me ahead,
So what's there to complain
Yes, some hop on with
Guitars and some
Jasmine-laden coys.
Folklores and comedy
That I enjoy.
The hot tea and chips
That are offered and
The scenery that passes
By when I peek outside.
But they all entangle
Again in a short while.
Lighting, thunder and
Rain-- deluge.
Then there are sparks too-
Fire, steam, and the train
That runs. Travelling is
Messy- bad tripping too.
06 November 2024
I invoke thy old ghosts
And the new.
The one that made me wet
My bed and the one
One that hides in the
Caffeine withdrawal now.
I plead, ask, and I demand
What's their problem?
They ask me in return,
What's mine?
Addiction, fear and
The way you make me
Feel like shit, I say.
And surprisingly their
Answer is the same.
I had to hug them to
Let them go.
I've decided to dig up my
Other hidden graves too.
To host a party to peace out
With these hoes.
Biggest treaty since
World War One.
Reparations greater
Than Versailles and stuff.
Hope the consequences,
Don't lead to another war.
If I'm spared to myself,
I'll stay withdrawn.
05 November 2024
A few kilograms of rice
And maybe some daal.
A hundred or a five
Hundred note at times.
That's how we sell our
Votes to rot in the same
Hope, again and again.
The fire is costly and
Hunger is cheap.
And the value of life is
An overlookable stat.
Life doesn't improve.
Livelihood too.
Had to take things in hand
To etch fate on our
Foreheads in bold.
But God complains,
Says it's illegible, to
Outsource the task of
Reading to doctors.
Nothing changed though.
Bodies piled up and
The Doctors in turn ruined
Their handwriting in
The process.
And maybe some daal.
A hundred or a five
Hundred note at times.
That's how we sell our
Votes to rot in the same
Hope, again and again.
The fire is costly and
Hunger is cheap.
And the value of life is
An overlookable stat.
Life doesn't improve.
Livelihood too.
Had to take things in hand
To etch fate on our
Foreheads in bold.
But God complains,
Says it's illegible, to
Outsource the task of
Reading to doctors.
Nothing changed though.
Bodies piled up and
The Doctors in turn ruined
Their handwriting in
The process.
Little Things
We kept on arguing over
A perfect flavour.
A perfect flower and fragrance.
A perfect house and
A flawless you for a
Flawless personality of mine.
Our un-met realities against
The imagined fantasies,
That fizzled out some humble
Between what you said
And what I heard.
What you expect and
What I could offer-
Truth is a bird that grew
Wings to fly away.
And we sulk here wingless.
Complaining about
A mirage, that could have
Been our big flight.
We can hug and cuddle.
But no. We wait for a
Perfect moment to come
For our initiation.
Small steps for a big leap-
But we're obsessed about
Cleaning our feet first,
Than walking with disregard
For the dirt.
Idealism killed us, our love
Is incomplete that's how.
A perfect flavour.
A perfect flower and fragrance.
A perfect house and
A flawless you for a
Flawless personality of mine.
Our un-met realities against
The imagined fantasies,
That fizzled out some humble
Between what you said
And what I heard.
What you expect and
What I could offer-
Truth is a bird that grew
Wings to fly away.
And we sulk here wingless.
Complaining about
A mirage, that could have
Been our big flight.
We can hug and cuddle.
But no. We wait for a
Perfect moment to come
For our initiation.
Small steps for a big leap-
But we're obsessed about
Cleaning our feet first,
Than walking with disregard
For the dirt.
Idealism killed us, our love
Is incomplete that's how.
04 November 2024
Life Goes On
Happy or Sad. Married or
Unmarried. Homeless,
Broke or abandoned.
Everyone finds something
To live by in the end.
Everyone finds their niche,
To operate around at least
Some minimal needs.
And after a point, it's just
One more day of breathing.
One more night of surviving,
Before seventy years go by
Without you realizing.
Yes, death is inevitable.
But even life, the very
Act of living or surviving-
It's stubborn. One can't
Simply give up, can we?
To live somehow.
To find love, even if it's
Just a bit. If not in a mansion.
By a roadside shelter-
And if not under the
Streetlight. We manage it
Under the flicker of a lamp
Discarded by a passerby.
''Cut, ready for a retake.''
'Cut, Retake. The make up
Is not right'
"Cut, Retake, in the next
Scene, tear up a little less."
I don't want an exaggerated
Sob- says the director.
Is this the 19th take?
Who cares. All you can feel
Is his hands on your bust.
Intended brush on the hips.
This hasn't changed in ages.
Cry a little less? How?
Your every effort to suppress
Each drop of tear,
Bursts open another fissure
That wants to laugh.
Laugh and laugh, till all
The tormenters are deaf?
Molesters turn blind and
The divide that comes with
Gender is neutered?
But you can't laugh.
Can you?
All the efforts you put up
To cry a little less in the next
Take, when you've an
Ocean to pour down.
What's more ironic?
Inability to laugh or
Cry a little less?
Or the fact that the director
Says 'scene' and you're
Ready again for
The next nineteen.
Or God knows how many!
01 November 2024
Wish You Happy Deepawali
I wish you a Happy Deepawali.
I wish all your siblings holidays,
To make it home this time.
I wish those cousins and friends
In the village, gather in your
House to fill up the space.
I wish your dad makes you clean
The house, put up those lights,
Wash the vehicles and fight
With everyone a couple of times.
I wish you play Uno with people
Around and be blessed with
The luxury of gully cricket in
The high school playground.
I wish those aunties bother you
With questions of marriage.
Grandparents force you to touch
Their feet, only to give you twenty
Rupees like they always did.
I wish you a lazy morning
With the preview of the match
Playing on the TV. And the smell from
The kitchen invade your senses
When you're not hungry.
I wish you realize what's a home.
The smell of Oily Vada, the taste of
Mix Mithai. The hints of light
That binds you in a fraternity.
I wish you all the mundane things
That come with a home.
I wish you a hungry stomach
And blessings of a mom's kitchen.
More than the festival, I wish you
The sensibilities of it. I wish you
Completeness of all the emotions.
I wish a very Happy Deepawali and
The warmth of a home.
31 October 2024
Validating a Wound
What good is a wound
That heals quickly?
What good is a wound
That didn't itch when
It shouldn't?
The helpless fingers
Compulsively finding
Excuses to scratch.
Healing seeming like
A petty crime-
What good is a wound
When it's not inflicted
By you? What good
Is a wound that doesn't
Remind me of you?
The reason to bruise
Myself and the reason
To heal, when it's you-
What good is your
Occupancy in my head-
If you don't force me to
Push boundaries that are
Beyond the visible blue?
What good are the wings
That don't force me to fly
Close to the sun and
What good is the flicker in
The heart that doesn't
Set the world on fire?
29 October 2024
In the desert of my
Solitude. I watered my
Silence once.
And it sank deep,
Imploded. Exploded..
It grew eerie though,
I could hear it now
And then. A couple of
Years passed,
I could see it from
My third eye.
Eventually, when an
Invisible hand from within,
Started to extend itself,
Into the abyss in seek
Of a connection.
The silence touched
Me for the first time.
And that's how,
I found myself.
Redemption at last.
28 October 2024
November Nights
These late November nights,
And the mild winter that
Caresses with feeble shivers
On the exposed skin.
My cranked-up bike on a
Rusty Lonely Road, sailing
Through the foggy darkness.
Faint chills of a dread-
Fear of encountering a
Scary stranger. Hints of a
Ghost in my head.
Bit of hunger scratches
The empty stomach- craving
For a ready hot dinner.
Thank God the tyres didn't
Give up or fuel didn't run out.
Happy to be home safe.
Bed, quilts, eyeful of sleep.
Appreciate the warmth.
In the morning, I find a pic
Of mine, deep in sleep.
But I live alone! Bonkers.
What the hell? OMG.
The bruises stay,
The soreness in the throat
Itchingly remains.
The tears that didn't
Come out, they never
Go away.
The flowers you once
Preserved in the book,
Seems to have left stains.
Closure is an ancient
A redundant Deity
In the third street of
My village.
Your mind plays tricks like
An excavator often and
The worship that ought to
Stay Buried comes out
In the open.
Demanding you to
Pray and prostrate.
19 October 2024
Turned Tables
When they lost their language.
Unable to smile at each other.
Unable to pick up signs.
Silence that howled around
Like fragrance. It grew hooks
To pierce their skin.
So they stood at the end of
A road with a doused lamp,
With nowhere to go.
Somewhere down the line,
They knew they had to
Inevitably end in each other.
So they decided to write poems
To each other to open a new
Tunnel of communication.
He says "You shall be condemned
To the shackles of moonlight"
Instead of fuck you.
"I dare you to fetch rose water
So I can drown you in my solitude"
She screams instead of
Giving him a fuck you too.
Unable to pick up signs.
Silence that howled around
Like fragrance. It grew hooks
To pierce their skin.
So they stood at the end of
A road with a doused lamp,
With nowhere to go.
Somewhere down the line,
They knew they had to
Inevitably end in each other.
So they decided to write poems
To each other to open a new
Tunnel of communication.
He says "You shall be condemned
To the shackles of moonlight"
Instead of fuck you.
"I dare you to fetch rose water
So I can drown you in my solitude"
She screams instead of
Giving him a fuck you too.
Another Day Maybe
It starts with a Hi, Hello,
How are you, blah blah blah.
Tea, pop culture references.
A nostalgia trip and
Blah blah blah.
The conversation peeling
Off the layers after each
Spell of boredom.
Uncomfortable silence
Pushing you a step closer
To naked vulnerability.
What a song meant.
A good day before father's
Death. Unexpressed gratitude.
And that random ass pain
That comes cluttering
Through sarcasm at first.
After everything is said
And done. The final layer
Bruising through your
Hesitation past midnight-
Your urge to tear it off,
To cry it all to him-
Then you hear him snore.
Just another day of closing
The floodgates of the river
Behind your eyes-
The invisible knife in your
Hand, a bit more sharper.
The Fourth Blank fired in
The Russian Roulette that
Goes on, in your head.
Tea, pop culture references.
A nostalgia trip and
Blah blah blah.
The conversation peeling
Off the layers after each
Spell of boredom.
Uncomfortable silence
Pushing you a step closer
To naked vulnerability.
What a song meant.
A good day before father's
Death. Unexpressed gratitude.
And that random ass pain
That comes cluttering
Through sarcasm at first.
After everything is said
And done. The final layer
Bruising through your
Hesitation past midnight-
Your urge to tear it off,
To cry it all to him-
Then you hear him snore.
Just another day of closing
The floodgates of the river
Behind your eyes-
The invisible knife in your
Hand, a bit more sharper.
The Fourth Blank fired in
The Russian Roulette that
Goes on, in your head.
18 October 2024
Happy Spitting
Most poems are
Buried in your belly.
You gotta dig them up
With a shovel and
Pull them up.
Many are stuck in
Throat. You need
To gargle sometimes.
You cough them out
Now and then.
Best ones dance on
Tongue. They're like
Spit. They just come
Out of the mouth
Without effort.
But the belly needs
To be dug, for you
To drool at ease.
Efforts, no doubt
Are important.
Some fine ones are
Stuck in the nose too.
Sneezing is fine but
Sputum again is not
A good poem.
Till one day- the bird
That leaves decides
To never return.
This emptiness after
She leaves. Every song
That goes unanswered.
And the urge to sing
That dries here-
Somewhere every cage
Was a home once.
A good host. A rib.
Then the music sinks.
Breathing stops.
The fragrance dies.
The skeleton of the
Flower still stands stout.
But for what?
That leaves decides
To never return.
This emptiness after
She leaves. Every song
That goes unanswered.
And the urge to sing
That dries here-
Somewhere every cage
Was a home once.
A good host. A rib.
Then the music sinks.
Breathing stops.
The fragrance dies.
The skeleton of the
Flower still stands stout.
But for what?
Meaningless and loud
I like things that are
Meaningless and loud.
Enough imagination
And totally dumb.
A mountain that's ready
To cry. A volcano afraid
Of Butterflies. Petals bearing
The weight of the skies.
I wanting to be you.
You, wanting to be me.
To be parallel lines
Tending to meet at infinity.
Philosophies not afraid
Of math. Spirituality that's
As secure as science.
A villain deriving power
By square root of minus
Nine and a hero defeating
Him by dividing himself
By zero thrice.
Math books felt abused
By listening to this and
The History professor
Turned Pookie to snatch
'The Great' from Alexander,
He's a they/them, now.
Meaningless and loud.
Enough imagination
And totally dumb.
A mountain that's ready
To cry. A volcano afraid
Of Butterflies. Petals bearing
The weight of the skies.
I wanting to be you.
You, wanting to be me.
To be parallel lines
Tending to meet at infinity.
Philosophies not afraid
Of math. Spirituality that's
As secure as science.
A villain deriving power
By square root of minus
Nine and a hero defeating
Him by dividing himself
By zero thrice.
Math books felt abused
By listening to this and
The History professor
Turned Pookie to snatch
'The Great' from Alexander,
He's a they/them, now.
17 October 2024
Odds Against a chance?
Do we realize?
We're all a part of this
Giant experiment of odds
Against a chance?
The smartphone in
The hand is a direct result
Of calculus, we learn
In the school maths?
Rice on our plate is the
Result of the first caveman
Who wanted to settle down
With his girlfriend.
Odd probabilities working
In our favor. Series of
Random accidents in
Right time and place.
Millions of moons died before
One got set on the right path.
And the floating debris
We were before the cocktail of
Some elements got high
On oxygen. Now we sell
Insurance to each other
In fear of withdrawal.
We're all a part of this
Giant experiment of odds
Against a chance?
The smartphone in
The hand is a direct result
Of calculus, we learn
In the school maths?
Rice on our plate is the
Result of the first caveman
Who wanted to settle down
With his girlfriend.
Odd probabilities working
In our favor. Series of
Random accidents in
Right time and place.
Millions of moons died before
One got set on the right path.
And the floating debris
We were before the cocktail of
Some elements got high
On oxygen. Now we sell
Insurance to each other
In fear of withdrawal.
There are no new wells
To be dug every day.
Or no fresh trees left
To be cut.
No places to explore
Or names to forget.
A fistful of heart.
A handful of brains and
A tattered soul that's
Never satisfied.
No matter how deep
We fall or how high
Is our flight. We always
End in ourselves.
Tragedies. Comedies.
All the drama, dread.
We're our own
Sunshine, and rain.
To be dug every day.
Or no fresh trees left
To be cut.
No places to explore
Or names to forget.
A fistful of heart.
A handful of brains and
A tattered soul that's
Never satisfied.
No matter how deep
We fall or how high
Is our flight. We always
End in ourselves.
Tragedies. Comedies.
All the drama, dread.
We're our own
Sunshine, and rain.
16 October 2024
Sometimes when you
Return home drunk.
Father opens the door
And let's you in.
No questions asked.
This thin line where
He doesn't confront and
You don't outrightly
Reveal your habit.
He knows it's harmless.
You know it's not
Beyond manageable.
This boundary you respect.
This line of belief in
One another.
It's a lamp on the wall,
Serving light to both the
Sides. Flickers, dances but
Keeps a balance.
A little rush and there
Would be darkness on
Both sides.
Return home drunk.
Father opens the door
And let's you in.
No questions asked.
This thin line where
He doesn't confront and
You don't outrightly
Reveal your habit.
He knows it's harmless.
You know it's not
Beyond manageable.
This boundary you respect.
This line of belief in
One another.
It's a lamp on the wall,
Serving light to both the
Sides. Flickers, dances but
Keeps a balance.
A little rush and there
Would be darkness on
Both sides.
Taming a Local identity
The capital, the city, the king,
The prime minister- they suck
Everything from us.
They make us grow, and
Compel to sell us at a price
Decided by them.
They steal our plates and
Self-esteem. They savour it
To fart in English and Hindi.
And if we hold our noses
In disgust, they hold us
In contempt for talking-
In our dialects, while their
Mouth is an actual ass that
Gives away loads of shit.
One language, one religion,
One spectrum of stench,
At the expense of my village?
With a knife in our throats,
You snatch our Golden Goose.
And in the name of nationalism
You force us to believe,
That we stole your eggs?
The prime minister- they suck
Everything from us.
They make us grow, and
Compel to sell us at a price
Decided by them.
They steal our plates and
Self-esteem. They savour it
To fart in English and Hindi.
And if we hold our noses
In disgust, they hold us
In contempt for talking-
In our dialects, while their
Mouth is an actual ass that
Gives away loads of shit.
One language, one religion,
One spectrum of stench,
At the expense of my village?
With a knife in our throats,
You snatch our Golden Goose.
And in the name of nationalism
You force us to believe,
That we stole your eggs?
Hakuna Matata
The young Bangalorean smiles.
Hakuna Matata she says and
Smiles. Twists that nose,
Curves her lips and I know,
Something funny is on the way.
Hanuna your tatas she says.
Laughs, laughs, and laughs.
I laugh, you laugh, the world laughs.
My adult awareness hits me.
I get awkward to have laughed
So much. It's okay captain!
She says.
Ta-ta-ta, tomata, batata,
She says and laughs.
I laugh, and the world laughs.
Then it Rains-- Bangalore, right?
Hakuna your gotas I say,
She laughs and dances.
What the hell I say to myself,
Before I too dance like mad.
A streak of lightening and
Then thunder. The dark skies,
Slashed with a Rainbow-
A laughable life this.
Colors yet to be defined.
Hakuna Matata she says and
Smiles. Twists that nose,
Curves her lips and I know,
Something funny is on the way.
Hanuna your tatas she says.
Laughs, laughs, and laughs.
I laugh, you laugh, the world laughs.
My adult awareness hits me.
I get awkward to have laughed
So much. It's okay captain!
She says.
Ta-ta-ta, tomata, batata,
She says and laughs.
I laugh, and the world laughs.
Then it Rains-- Bangalore, right?
Hakuna your gotas I say,
She laughs and dances.
What the hell I say to myself,
Before I too dance like mad.
A streak of lightening and
Then thunder. The dark skies,
Slashed with a Rainbow-
A laughable life this.
Colors yet to be defined.
14 October 2024
The World
In a world where there's
More to what meets the eye.
In a world where words
Can be weaponized.
In a world where algorithms
Dance like unhinged zombies,
To pollute minds and question
Feeble intentions.
In the world of FOMO,
Compulsive take on rapes,
Murders and epidemics.
Their expectations to form
Opinions on politics and
Ongoing wars.
In the world where the moon
Hesitates to transition into a
Steady evening- My mom learns
To send pics in WhatsApp-
The first bloom of marigolds
She grew for the festival of
More to what meets the eye.
In a world where words
Can be weaponized.
In a world where algorithms
Dance like unhinged zombies,
To pollute minds and question
Feeble intentions.
In the world of FOMO,
Compulsive take on rapes,
Murders and epidemics.
Their expectations to form
Opinions on politics and
Ongoing wars.
In the world where the moon
Hesitates to transition into a
Steady evening- My mom learns
To send pics in WhatsApp-
The first bloom of marigolds
She grew for the festival of
Dasara. The yellow transcending
Its hues to my face and
How I smile..
09 October 2024
Sanitization of Words
The moon needn't be in
The poems today.
The bulb in the room
Often feels betrayed.
The swish of cool breeze
Needn't hail heavy,
The ceiling fan between
The speed of 2-3 asks
How does it matter..
If Americans can't catch
That reference?
Bring in that shabby pillow,
Your bag and socks.
The bucket too wants
To be hosted here.
The first time someone
Debuted a TV in verses,
Victorian era poetry
Felt utterly betrayed.
So bring in your
Dirty underwear today.
There needn't be any
Sanitization of words
Is just pretense.
If your toothbrush hasn't
Made an entry yet.
Your poetic exploration
Hasn't been enough.
08 October 2024
We sit by the river in
Silence and her eyes talk
About "How we give wings
To passing moments to
Make them memories."
My eyes have a different stand.
"The ticks bore each other
And set one another on fire.
Memories are ashes,
Self-immolation of moments."
She knows it. About my
Cynicism and I know well,
How she always tries to
Fill the gap.
So she asks me to give her
A stone. Throws it into
The lake holding my hand.
A phoenix rises shaking off
The ash. And she says-
"We're that dip and
The subsequent flight."
06 October 2024
When Bystanders Wrote History
There was a hole in
The king's immortality.
Pores in his Teflon imagery.
He wasn't that godly
After all. He too had a
Butthole and his shit stank.
When the bystanders
Wrote history- their hunger
Screamed loud.
Their dilapidated huts
Against the state's
Glittery gold-
Their birds with, deprived
Wings learned to fly
And sing out loud.
Erstwhile blasphemous
Acts oozed wisdom.
Earth was no longer flat.
Sun could not revolve
Around the earth.
The crownless could be
A prince in the stories,
And the last princess did
Marry a poet of her fancy.
The Periwinkles and
The other small yellow
And white flowers.
The names you don't know.
But their caress when you
Walked barefoot.
The impression of their color,
On the blanket of green.
The feeling that wafts past
Your nose..
This act of smelling the
Moments that have passed.
The bloom of spring in
Your heart.
Her face, which once had
Eyes, cheeks, lips.
It's all fragrance now-
Rose. Jasmine. Rain.
September 22
This girl who's bday is
Due tomorrow.
She times blowing the
Candles at exactly 6pm.
Cuts cake exactly half
So that, the day and
The night are equally
Split in half.
She's obsessed about
This day, maybe
Possessed. Equinox
It is she says.
Half of her 'should
Have been height',
Confused about cutting
Her boyfriend laterally
Or vertically to call
Him her better half.
The stuff she explains
Sometimes pervades,
Halfwit of the humans.
So she writes verses
Like they got a half-life.
Never-ending, infinite,
Almost finished,
Yet something left.
Half you get, half you
Can't. There's always half
And half of something as
It's equinox.
But Hey
Your smile is imprinted
On my chest and heart
Beats differently now.
The urge to steal your
Glances, longing to imagine
Your name beside mine.
I wished for your love
That night and watched
A shooting star.
Wore a yellow T-shirt
The next day, wishing
You'd wear something
Of the same shade.
The coincidence seemed
Odd to you maybe but
Hey, you smiled again.
The weight of your elegance
On my weak shoulders-
I'd to forget gravity to
Match your grace. But,
Now I levitate. None of
This has to make sense
But Hey, you smiled at me
And I smiled at you.
The world became
Insignificant and I've too.
04 October 2024
The wet floors and
The banana peels are just
Excuses. My fickle heart
Likes to slip and take leaps.
The sunsets, the moon.
Colors and the melodies-
Spring is here and my
Garden hasn't bloomed.
Body fancies bruises that
Only you can bless,
Gleam of your eyes to cleanse
The clutter in my chest.
The pen bleeds but for whom
It doesn't know yet.
But I wait for you to smile.
A cue enough to levitate-
My fickle heart likes to
Slip and take leaps, and
Now that I've seen you,
Maybe, only at your behest.
The banana peels are just
Excuses. My fickle heart
Likes to slip and take leaps.
The sunsets, the moon.
Colors and the melodies-
Spring is here and my
Garden hasn't bloomed.
Body fancies bruises that
Only you can bless,
Gleam of your eyes to cleanse
The clutter in my chest.
The pen bleeds but for whom
It doesn't know yet.
But I wait for you to smile.
A cue enough to levitate-
My fickle heart likes to
Slip and take leaps, and
Now that I've seen you,
Maybe, only at your behest.
02 October 2024
October comes scratching
Some buried graveyards.
Glimpses of forgotten face,
Traces of a path to an
Abandoned place.
Smoke from the ruins of
A house lost to a deluge.
Bday of a close friend whom
You don't want to wish.
Your own teenage self that
Seems distant..
The child in you who's not
Ready for the incoming
You sit counting the falling
Leaves of the almond tree
In front of your home.
The hope that someone
Would come along to paint
That last leaf-
The cynicism of adulthood
Gets the best of you, and
Those who came along were
More interested in gathering
Your ruins to
Warm themselves first by
Burning the fallen leaves.
Who's gonna stop this story?
Who's gonna stop the flood
Of these emotions that are
No more weary?
The legs have mustered
Courage and eyes are ready
For unshamed stares.
The lungs swoon with pride-
Blood flows thick,
Head held high. Hands sway
Seamlessly and we're ready
For a riot of dance.
Who needs your approval?
Validation doesn't matter.
The songs that bombard
In the belly are strong enough
To make it out of our throats.
Wings are as fierce-
The cages stand molten,
We're ready to fly away now.
01 October 2024
Last day of Delhi
After we talked for long on
Your terrace- last day of Delhi.
The half-beer against the
Full meal got to my head.
I didn't gather myself to
Tell it to your to your face,
So I sent you an SMS,
Can I Hug You..?
You didn't say anything.
Made excuses to sneak
Down the stairs.
Aloof, dejected..listening to
'No Surprises' I spread
Myself on the terrace
Cursing the shooting stars
That aren't in my fate.
Then a sudden brush of hair
On my face and the warmth
Of your lips on my cheek.
'What a wonderful world'.
Your terrace- last day of Delhi.
The half-beer against the
Full meal got to my head.
I didn't gather myself to
Tell it to your to your face,
So I sent you an SMS,
Can I Hug You..?
You didn't say anything.
Made excuses to sneak
Down the stairs.
Aloof, dejected..listening to
'No Surprises' I spread
Myself on the terrace
Cursing the shooting stars
That aren't in my fate.
Then a sudden brush of hair
On my face and the warmth
Of your lips on my cheek.
When I opened my eyes-
A fading image of yours
As you rushed back down the stairs.
The sudden blues in the sky,
A bloom of roses and it played-
The sudden blues in the sky,
A bloom of roses and it played-
'What a wonderful world'.
Train to Your City
In December of that year,
I came out of Chandigarh
Station. The first glimpse of you.
Happy, awed- Butterflies.
We hesitantly hugged.
Unable to talk clearly at first.
Like learning a new language,
Saying stuff in chunks.
What a day it was.
We roamed around all day.
The rock garden, rose garden,
Skipping the lunch-
The street food marathon.
In the evening, while we sat
By the Sukhna lake, eating
Ice cream. I wanted to Kiss you.
Couldn't muster any courage.
Months went by thinking
Should I have? or otherwise?
The un-met longing, like smoke
Raising off burning desire..
The 10 pm train to your city
From Dharwad, it took a couple
Of years before it stopped
Mocking me over that
Un-kissed evening.
I came out of Chandigarh
Station. The first glimpse of you.
Happy, awed- Butterflies.
We hesitantly hugged.
Unable to talk clearly at first.
Like learning a new language,
Saying stuff in chunks.
What a day it was.
We roamed around all day.
The rock garden, rose garden,
Skipping the lunch-
The street food marathon.
In the evening, while we sat
By the Sukhna lake, eating
Ice cream. I wanted to Kiss you.
Couldn't muster any courage.
Months went by thinking
Should I have? or otherwise?
The un-met longing, like smoke
Raising off burning desire..
The 10 pm train to your city
From Dharwad, it took a couple
Of years before it stopped
Mocking me over that
Un-kissed evening.
29 September 2024
Unchanged Odds
In a world where they
Ask the right questions in
The wrong time and the wrong
Ones at the right time.
I ask the right question
At the right time and
You don't agree to meet
Me over a coffee.
So I shift to a world where
Things are reversed.
To ask you the right questions
At the wrong time and
The wrong question at
A right time. Only to get
Rejected twice.
And in a world where
The questions and the
Answers are banned.
I bottle my emotions to
Sell them in your street.
For years no one buys
Anything. At the distal
End of an apocalypse.
When everyone starved,
And thirsty for love.
I sought you thinking,
You might need something.
Even then you chose to be
A vile bitch, who thought
She could figure it all out,
But ended up dying of
Dehydration by a creek.
Ask the right questions in
The wrong time and the wrong
Ones at the right time.
I ask the right question
At the right time and
You don't agree to meet
Me over a coffee.
So I shift to a world where
Things are reversed.
To ask you the right questions
At the wrong time and
The wrong question at
A right time. Only to get
Rejected twice.
And in a world where
The questions and the
Answers are banned.
I bottle my emotions to
Sell them in your street.
For years no one buys
Anything. At the distal
End of an apocalypse.
When everyone starved,
And thirsty for love.
I sought you thinking,
You might need something.
Even then you chose to be
A vile bitch, who thought
She could figure it all out,
But ended up dying of
Dehydration by a creek.
My Name
I'm named after T-90
Russian military tank.
Ajay means, undefeatable.
My father must have thought
Of unsung heroes of his
Battalion before pledging their
Valour in my name.
But the warrior in me gave
Up a long ago.
The sword was no more
Thirsty of blood.
My battlefield, no longer
Hungry for death.
But my words are as angry,
And as sharp. As volatile
And as strong.
Ohh poems are not weapons
You may say and my kind-
Not worthy warriors of a
But wait, "Yankee Doodle" to
To "La Marseillaise".
"Arab Spring" to
"Bolshevik revolution"-
All the weapons lied idle,
Till the songs of turmoil
Hammered boiling blood out
Of sleeping citizens..
So I'd say, "Say..My..Name.."
Though it doesn't rhyme
With Heisenberg, but You'd
Russian military tank.
Ajay means, undefeatable.
My father must have thought
Of unsung heroes of his
Battalion before pledging their
Valour in my name.
But the warrior in me gave
Up a long ago.
The sword was no more
Thirsty of blood.
My battlefield, no longer
Hungry for death.
But my words are as angry,
And as sharp. As volatile
And as strong.
Ohh poems are not weapons
You may say and my kind-
Not worthy warriors of a
But wait, "Yankee Doodle" to
To "La Marseillaise".
"Arab Spring" to
"Bolshevik revolution"-
All the weapons lied idle,
Till the songs of turmoil
Hammered boiling blood out
Of sleeping citizens..
So I'd say, "Say..My..Name.."
Though it doesn't rhyme
With Heisenberg, but You'd
Still be goddamn right.
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