Showing posts with label Motivational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational. Show all posts

30 December 2021

New Year

Push your mind to
Fight that noise.
Push your boundaries,
You need to take 
A stand.

The restraints that
Have silenced your will..
Need to break away.

The reservations that
Hold your thoughts..
Be brushed away.

Let the blunt edges
Be sharpened by the
Friction as you try.

The hollowness,
Evaporate to allow 
Something of meaning,
As you sour high.

Let the decay see
A decent wash.
The confines erode,
To open a possibility
For new life.

This is just another
Day of another year.
Welcome it with
Open arms..

Give your legs
A chance.
Give your eyes
A new horizon.

Life is an act
Of moving on.
There's a lot to 
Explore around.

20 December 2021

The Hunter

Dusk covers the sky.
Dust settles on the
Leaves of trees,
That are tired.

Claws clenched,
Unwavering sight.
A tiger sits in the shade.
In a calm composure,
The hunter is now live.

Rage simmering.
Hunger in the eyes.
Waiting is the only plan.
His patience is dangerous
Than the fangs.

Flies in the milieu
Are fried by his sigh.
Birds are stupefied,
Anticipating a storm.

Only wolves howl
In distance.
They understand
The gravity of the times.

Other biggies don't dare 
To breath a sound.
Mistakes can cost
Your life.

Even demons seek
A hiding.
No one wants to be 
A petty feast tonight.

And that's how hunger
Of a beast smells.
No-one will be spared.
Life is skeptical

06 December 2021

Save a Spark

Burn a mountain
If you want.
Chase away all
The cold wolves
On summer night.
Tame the dragons,
Or tumult yourself
In a sea that
Cries fire.

But save a spark,
For the winters.
To light the 
Vulnerable nights.
To fight the blue
Of the dark.

05 December 2021


Take off the veil
In your eyes.
Brush away the shade.
Color your gaze.
Tickle your desires,
And to the off-key
Music of your
Let yourself go.

It's time for you
To dance.
Breakaway from
The restraints.
Tear off the
Snares you wear.
It's time to stretch
Arms, to grow wings.
To the tunes of
Euphoria that
Bounces off from
Your redemption..

It's time for you
To dance.
Let go of the
Bondage of
Wash clean the
Slate of your sins.
Look yourself in
The mirror.
Hold yourself in
A prayer.
To chimes of
Promises you wanna
Make to yourself..

It's time for you
To dance.

21 October 2021


Freedom is a bird
That hasn't seen
The sea.
From behind the
Cage it learnt
To sing instead.

Freedom is an animal
That hasn't seen
The wild.
From behind a fence
In the zoo, 
It made a kid laugh.

Freedom is my granny
Who hasn't been
Beyond the limits
Of a village.
From her own world,
The stories she told
Are best I've ever heard. 

The wings you flap
When you're fallen.
The dreams you 
Hold on even when
You're broken. 
Silence where words
Are not needed. 

The fight you put up
With bleeding gums
And broken wrists..
Freedom is not 
What you're or
Where are you from.
It's what you do
With what you've.

Laugh it out

I was down and
In a hundred feet
Deep trench.
Dark and gloom
With broken jaw
And a concocted

I was a miserable
Failure when I
Learnt to laugh.
And good god
I laughed my 
Way through.

Been battered,
Thrown to wolves.
Been fed lies
And feasted on
My vulnerability.

But I fixed my face,
Straightens my hair.
Summoned all
Courage and
Laughed my way. 

I laughed till
I cracked my
I laughed till my
Stomach gave up.
I laughed till my
Legs took me away 
From the abyss of
I laughed till
My hands faced
The pain in eyes. 

Now it's a habit.
Happy, sad, angry
Or just fine.
Arrogant, sorry,
Guilty or just
Lying around.

I laugh it out. 
I laugh it all out
To live.
I laugh it all away
To pick myself
To hold on.
I laugh it out
Even to move on. 

25 September 2021

No Glory in Suffering

I blew my mind
And broke my
Spent sleepless
Nights to fix
My tone.

Cracked my 
A thousand times.
To show fate
A middle finger.

Even in a storm
I learnt to laugh.
Lying dead in 
Your room,
Collecting dust
As you brood..
There is no
Glory in suffering.

The light at the
End of the tunnel
Is just an unlit 
You just have
The matchstick
You've already got.

Time doesn't heal..
You need to put on
A mask or shed one,
To move on.

17 September 2021

Dead Room

As the ticks of
The clock,
Hammer through
The stillness of 
The night.

In a room that's
Sleeplessly rolls,
A person who has
Forgotten to fight. 

Flutters like a bird..
Corner to corner..
Poking old wounds.
Mocking budding

Of memories with
Wrinkled faces,
Feed on colours.
No shadows cast.
No legacy left.
It's a clean sweep.

Oblivion sticks on 
The walls to absorb
What you remember.
Even demons are
Anxious to make
Their mark here..
The dead are afraid
Of being forgotten.

But tonight,
I have decided to live.

I'll tame that bird.
Paint on the walls,
My fondest memories.
I shall invite all my
Demons for a feast.
No one will be 
Forgotten tonight.
No one has to die.

07 September 2021


Between your ears
There is a prison.
Down your throat
There's a whistle.
Clenching your chest
A pump dictates
Terms of your life.

The thing between
Your thighs cries
Purpose of your life.
While two beans around
Same region has
Mocked it all the while.

The words that 
Quiver in your hand
Are in search of a
Place to safely land.
And how nice it is
If your redemption
Comes via the verses
You write.

06 August 2021

Be a Metador

Give a makeover
To your diary.
Your dreams 
Needn't be silent.

Save pain for the
Paint your nights
In red while you
Still can.

Spring may not
Be as pleasant.
Neither your 
New job.

Endings are not
Always sunsets.
New beginnings,
Not that simple.

There's no shame
In painting, 
On a canvas that's

You face your 
Demons by 
Taking them by

You may not be
A metador, but
When a bull pokes
It's face..

What options,
Do you have? 

Let the storm pass

The chaff will
Be sieved away
And grains will
Be yours.

At the break of
The dawn,
The remains of
The night will be
Done away to
Offer you warmth.

Reds are beautiful
Shades on the
Pauses are needed
For something to

Let the remains
Of the past crumble
Like Berlin Wall.
Haze in your mind
Be scared away
By Cuban missiles.

Like the
Sea-waves break
On the beach,
Leaving bits of its
What belongs to
You, will remain...

Just hold on.
Let the storm pass. 

01 August 2021


Your days
Might be starker,
Nights must be

Saturn might
Be brooding
Over a wrong

A black cat
Must be frequently
Cutting your,
Routine way.

But hang in.

A moon may,
Flirt with your
Ill fate.

Some fortune 
Just be offered
In your dinner

A red might
Hit your bed.
Might as well
Parent your kid.

You're just
Twenty five,
It's not too late.

Good thing 
Needs waiting,
A beautiful life
Might indeed be
In making. 

29 July 2021


Gone is tide,
Blown is wind.
A second that
Has passed,
Has sunk down
In an abyss.

Fallen is leaf,
Dead is a sheep.
A river to go
A mother is
Afraid for her kids.

Bygones are
Mown grass
In the lawn.
A sailor has no
Business with
A person,
He once was. 

Sunsets in the
West are surely
Our point of rejoice.
But the horizon 
Of the east is
What we desire. 

Hope is a thing
That drives life.
Past is a rust
To move on from.
A new day is ahead
At the break of dawn,
Let me meet you

As a new man.
In a new form.

18 June 2021


Where words 
Are shackles.
And silence 
Does the work.
Speaking is a
Heavenly sin.

Birds needn't
Always sing.
Clouds needn't
Always precipitate.

A guitar can lay
Idle for while.
Incessant peddling
Will not take 
You far.

Must a child 
Always be named?
How does it matter
Even if the egg 
First came? 

Just sit and
Watch the rain.
Recline and enjoy
A little pain.

You don't need
To always comply
Or complain.
Love is overrated

When empty
Pages have more 
Possibilities to
Offer.. why do you 
Have to pick up 
A pen in vain? 

17 June 2021


Dreams on a
Mountain to
Go in vain.
Birds in the
Valley think..
Wings are 
Such a shame.

Breaths are 
Traded to
Outlive a gain.
For an 
Outcome unsure,
A given try
Can attract

Talk outright
You'll be 
Called names.
Be silent,
They'll think
You're lame.

Where it does
Rain without
The harvest
Of brain.
A good season
Is just a dump
Down the drain. 

Dreams need 
Nursing even
When you fail.
Pack your bags
And leave 
The place.

As long as you
Keep flying..
It doesn't matter
From where
You came.

06 June 2021

Search for Art

In the dust-laden dirty rooms.
A flight that's born,
Is an answer to the vast sky.

In a pain-ridden lonely heart,
The melodies that linger are
Replies from the mighty gods.

On a bitterly blue night,
A sunny smile is such a
Revenge on the satanic lord-

The faded photograph in
In the corner, Is a put-up fight
Against oblivion's havoc.

A tug-of-war in my head
Has spilled enough blood on
A paper- a poem is carved.

A pair of wings can be
Cooked in the kitchen,
Redemption now has a recipe.

Existence is cold but we're bold.
Art is our mark, against the
Challenges cosmos throws--

Drums and guitars against
The raging fire. Flutes and
Pianos to choke the volcanic ire.

If the apocalypse is the
Bigger picture--

The music that's brewing in
Our cookers shall be our
Preferred mode of answer.

17 May 2021

Just Smile

A mountain has
Died somewhere.
Birds have staged
A mourning.

An ocean seems
To have dried up.
Men seem have 
Stopped crying. 

A lover's caress
Has lost its glow.
Act of listening,
Is a gone now.

A stranger to 
Feed a stray dog,
Trust in humanity
Has been restored. 

Strange is time,
Changed have
The rhymes.

For all our petty
Chimes, Gods 
Have stopped
Giving hearty whines.

Don't worry you'll
Soon be fine.
Just buckle up..
Wear a smile. 

26 April 2021

Smile a little

Smile a little,

In Saharan Africa,
It just might rain.

Out in an ICU,
You might soothe
Some pain.
Smile a little,

A man in a
Lonely room,
Might not go 

A Jane Doe 
At the brink. 
Might start 
Living again.
Smile a little,

To not let
Soldiers' efforts
Go in vain.

An orphan 
Might feel
To our cold
Let's not let
The world wane.

Ye, all.
Smile a little,
It ain't a bane. 

29 February 2020



A poem from 
Distant lands,
A story from
Inner depths and 
A melody from 
I don't know where-

Finds me..

I've to 
Keep breathing. 
Keep living. 

12 September 2019

Singer of Your Song

One day it'll rain. So bad that
You'll get drenched and
Everything will be washed away.

All the pain and melancholia
Down the drain. Dark corners of
The mind cleansed with colors.

Done and dusted thoughts will be
Given wings and the gloomy face
Will be etched with a smile.

The dead insides will be stabbed
With life and you'll see a new
Horizon like a fool with no plan.

And then that person in the
Mirror will write you a song and
You'll be a singer of your own song.

Gap in Your Name

Your parents fought hard to Settle on a common name for you After your birth. As a compromise your dad Prefixed you secretly after his ex. C...