Things with some
Degree of fade.
Worn out here
And there.
Bruised, blemished,
Still their
Entirety Intact,
Oozing life somehow
From around
Like setting sun's
Red on blue inlay.
a memory on rampage..
Sometimes a pain,
Sometimes sweet
As rain.
On a stormy night,
The ship that
Went on a sail.
Trails of longing,
On faded pic.
A lost love that
Sneaks past mid-night
To evade sleep.
Like the tunes of
A song on tip of
My tongue,
That I fail to
The days of
Childhood that
That seems to be
Escaping from
The clutches
Of my mind.
Blessing in
One way,
From the other,
A disgrace.
I love shade.
Things with some
Degree of fade.